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Everything posted by Ferrantelli

  1. Excellent choice, I have mine for over a year. I special ordered it with the champagne color to match my truck (also is less conspicuous for my wife and neighbors) and a V-nose for more space. I had the side door install on the left side so I can use it when it is parked. It is great. Good luck with it!
  2. Now that we all express our feelings and emotions, we need to capitalize on this. We may disagree on the type of punishment or who was wrong and so on, but I think we agree that many incidents can be avoided. This is not just for the biker's sake but for everyone. We are on the road and so are our loved ones in what ever vehicles. We need to come together, come up with some possible solutions big or small use as many resources we can muster and see if we can make a difference. As the old saying goes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We can continue on this tread or start a new one. I encourage everyone to participate and post ideas or ask for assistance. I have some ideas to begin, let me know if there is support out there.
  3. We had snow yesterday. The road are clear but our lawns are covered. If the sun comes out tomorrow I'll be on the bike.
  4. Here in the North East 40 is a heat wave. I am hoping for that tomorrow so I can go for a ride. My non electric textile jacket and pants are good to at least 30.
  5. -the word accident should not be used it is a CRASH -the last time I looked the word involuntary means not done by choice -everyone should be accountable for their actions -most take driving too lightly -we should not forget the victims not just remember the drivers -if I misused a gun drop it and it fires killing someone, it was an accident. NO! It was not it was a result of my inappropriate action -a car is a 3,000 lb bullet -until we recognize this we will never agree -I drive for a living and take it very seriously -a car is not an appliance or a video game -one does not need to go far to see inadequate drivers your local shopping center will do -we must hold people responsible for their action only then driving may be taken for the serious privilege that it is
  6. Ski jacket work great for skiing but a motorcycle jacket is far superior. I bought a TOURMASTER/CORTECH TRINITY [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/images/B000JCR386/ref=dp_image?ie=UTF8&s=apparel&img=MAIN&color%5Fname=x]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31txzfRBR5L._AA280_.jpg[/ame] for my wife she would not trade it for anything else. With the zip out full liner she uses 90% of the riding season. Best price $116.95:[ame=http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000JCR386/ref=nosim/?tag=nextag-apparel-tier2-20&creative=380333&creativeASIN=B000JCR386&linkCode=asn]Amazon.com: TOURMASTER/CORTECH TRINITY WOMENS MOTORCYCLE JACKET LIGHT BLUE/SILVER: Apparel[/ame]
  7. DiamondR : http://diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/yamahaproducts.php http://diamondraccessories.com/prodimages/overstuffedbackrest.jpg Utopia: http://www.utpr.com/rsv.html
  8. I do not believe that speed is the main problem, although it increases the adds and injuries. Improper training is a greater danger. My daughter just got her drivers license, the instructor taught her how to pass the road test not how to have total control of the vehicle. But instead of me going out and buying her a car I am enrolling her in defensive driving course at a closed race track. So she car learn to operate a motor vehicle correctly.
  9. I ride in and around New York city, I ride to work when ever I can 80 miles round trip. 2-3 times a day my right of way is violated. All I get is an apologetic wave as to say "sorry didn't see you". A lot of good that will do me or my family if they hit me.
  10. Am I the only one that suspects that the DiamondR backrest is in fact a Utopia product.
  11. A recent case in Iowa. A pickup truck driver pulled out from a side road into the pat of a motorcycle. The two people on the bike, Florida residents Benjiman D'Amico, 58, and his wife, Linda, 59, were both killed. The local prosecutor determined that it was an accident, the driver didn't see the motorcycle and that there were no grounds for any other charges except failure to yield. In the end, two motorcyclist lost their lives, and the driver was fined $65. Involuntary manslaughter sounds like a good start to me.
  12. That was wonderful!!!! Hug your children today no matter how old they are. God likes all prayers.
  13. Oh no! The secret is out, first it was Ducati going to a V-4 and now Aprilia. They know a good thing when the see one. I would take either one on the Dragon at Deal's Gap then give it back to the owner and go home on my Venture.
  14. I always liked the Venture classic look and decided when I was ready to upgrade from my Vulcan that would be the one. Then one day I looked on line and the 2006 Black cherry was there. One look that is all it took. I could not understand why I was drawn to the bike, was it the flowing lines?, the color?, the dash?, the old looking classic speedo?, the burl looking inner fairing?, the fact that it is a V-4?. NO it was all of the above and the Majestic simple understated ELEGANCE (unlike the loud in your face Harleys). But I have seen it once before, where? Isn't she beatifull!!!! http://www.motorcycleconnect.com/Yamaha/2006/Royal_Star/Royal_Star_Venture/Royal_Star_Venture_1.jpg
  15. Finally someone else with mileage on tires. For a long time I thought I was alone. Put 25K on the rear Bridgstone on my Vulcan and replaced my front Bridgstone after 27K because it developed small hair line cracks along the sides and in between the treads. Sold the bike with Metzler's with 21K miles on the rear tire and 19K on the front with plenty of life left. On my Venture I have 8,100 on the original Dunlaps and looking for 15K more and yes I will replace them with Metzler's. Look at the rear tire what do you think after 8,100 miles. I must be doing something wrong, and do not plan on stopping. http://i27.tinypic.com/1zdxhrc.jpg
  16. I liked the Venture the first time I saw it in a show room in 199?, it was a champagne/softgreen. I remember thinking "When I am ready I will change my Vulcan 800A for this bike". Each year I kept looking on line and in show rooms for the new colors. Not wanting black I was disappointed with the colors white, silver, ect. ect. I was also saddened thinking that I would be ready to trade up and not have a Venture for me. Then one day I looked on line and the 2006 Black cherry was there. one look that is all it took. I could not understand why I was drawn to the bike, was it the flowing lines?, the color?, the dash?, the old looking classic speedo?, the burl looking inner fairing?, the fact that it is a V-4?. NO it was all of the above and the Majestic simple understated ELEGANCE (unlike the loud in your face Harleys). But I have seen it once before, where? Thanks to flugur reply I searched and found the answer, here is my bike http://www.motorcycleconnect.com/Yamaha/2006/Royal_Star/Royal_Star_Venture/Royal_Star_Venture_1.jpg And here is the 1937 Talbot-Lago http://www.webbwax.com/vehPics/gallery/GTDrop.JPG
  17. This what I got out of the Handa web site: Fuel capasity--------------6.6 gal. Wheelbase-----------------66.5" That is .6" shorter than the Venture at 67.1"
  18. On the horn the best I have seen is below http://www.bikerhiway.com/horns-29/stebel-nautilus-compact-motorcycle-air-horn---chrome-279.html
  19. I do not hope you get rid any bike. I just hope people make the right choice for them selfs. That they choose base on their personal likes and dislikes not live with something less because of what other may think. My love for motorcycle is greater than any one bike. I am not rich so I need to make sure I spent my money well. Mistakes are to expensive.
  20. First no one tell me what I can or can't do with my money or my belongings. Second there no waiting list for HD, near me the show rooms are full all you need is the money. It is amazing to me that everyone that buys a Harley can sell it for more "TO WHOM?". If I want to invest my money I buy real estate not motorcycle. I buy my bikes to enjoy. My bike before the Venture was an Vulcan 800B, everyone asked why didn't I buy a HD they hold their value. Beat this, I bought it in 97' payed $5,200 put 46,000 plus enjoyable miles never had a problem never gut stock. I sold it 2007 for $2,400. In percentage may look like a lot but in real dollars I payed $2,800 for 10 year and 46,600 mile I think that is great!
  21. Here are the latest specs. ------------2008 HD top tourer----------- 2008 Venture length -------------------98.3"------------------- 104.5" wheelbase ---------------63.5" --------------------67.1" dry weight -------------814 lb. -------------------807 lb. fuel capacity ------------6 gal. ---------------------6 gal. need I say more! Oh yes HD price $20,695 Venture $17,299
  22. This is the chock I use and it hold the bike up by itself and then tie down with rackets.The removable one. http://www.discountramps.com/mcImages/bike-pro-wheel-chocks.jpg
  23. The last time I checked the RSV wheel base was 3.6" longer than the HD. Whenever I sat on HD I felt crowded and I am only 5'8". On one recent bike blessing my wife could not understand why the women were complaining in the ladies room, that their butts and backs were hurting. That because she is spoiled by the RSV and has never ridden on the back of a HD. The bike has to impress me as a rider not some insignificant people on side of the road.
  24. I agree. If you want the flags on the antennas mount them 1/2 way down not at very top. Use the bulge on the CB antenna as reference (just above that). Remember nothing bigger than 4"x 6" and the USA flag goes on the right side or behind you right shoulder. Below are 2 of the best sites I have found on biker flags. https://www.schoolspiritandpride.com/ http://milehighenterprises.com/index.html
  25. Try the link below. http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/index.php?action=article&cat_id=002004&id=179
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