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About jarrejx

  • Birthday October 26

Personal Information

  • Name
    Jerry Jarrett


  • Location
    Hammond, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    3R's; Reading (w)riting & riding
  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 RSV Millenium Edition
  1. I just posted a complete set of MM seats in the VR classifieds. If you are interested or have any questions, please ask or comment in the classified posting below. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3271&title=mm-studded-seats&cat=7 I hope someone here can use them. If there are no takers in the next 7 days, I will list on Ebay. BTW, I have another partial set (unstudded) that does not include the passenger backrest. So, if the studs are not your thing, I can substitute the unstudded partial set for the same price. I just want to have an extra rider and passenger seat as a backup for the pillowtops. Thanx for reading. Jerry
  2. I agree completely, however, YamaQman wanted to go Chrome and it does look good on his 2001 RSV. For me, the Wagner product is top shelf, looks good on MyPalomino and was a much easier install. Jerry
  3. WE FINALLY GOT IT DONE. Thanx for your input Goose. The two grills are similar, however, the hole on top of this one is closed therefore, it had to be slid between the rubber grommet and the nipple at the top of the radiator, as referenced by MikeWa. We had to do the same finagling and prying on the bottom bolts to get them to seat correctly. Thanx MikeWa. YamaQman's grill is exactly like the one you described. After removing the bottom two bolts, we used a large flathead screwdriver to separate the top nipple on the radiator from the rubber grommet holding it, just enough to permit the grill to slide over the nipple. It would have been a good idea to go back and insert a couple pieces of rubber to reduce shock and rattle, although it feels pretty secure right now. I am just glad we did not have to remove radiator hoses and grills. Those type of projects are best reserved for rainy days or days when the roads are salted-n-slushy--not 67 degree November days like today. Thanx also for the phone call, mm482. This is still the best site on the Internet. BTW, SilvrT, duct tape was "warming up in the bullpen". Thanx again, Jerry
  4. YamaQman and I are trying to install this radiator grill on his 2001 RSV. It did not come with instructions and we are at a loss as to whether the radiator needs to be removed to complete installation. Does anyone have experience with this grill? It was purchased on ebay from autotrimdirect. Not sure how long it will take to get an answer from them.
  5. What amazed me the most is such a result could be achieved from a "rattle can" of paint. The SEM Color Coat is a little costly $18.00 plus $17.00 for the Vinyl Prep., but still a lot cheaper than new or re-upholstered seats.
  6. If only my brain had been working before I began, I would have asked you and did it right the first time. Oh well, your suggestions should still work when I bring the seats inside this winter and finish what I started. Thanx for the confirmation and the compliments.
  7. ...for passing on Sylvester's inspiration for putting the pillow top seats on the MM and for letting us know that it's possible to paint the covering material. I found some used pillowtop seats awhile back. Unfortunately, the seller did not have the passenger back rest. I wanted to go darker than the stock MM color and found the SEM Color Coat in Camel color. Man, was I surprised at how well it covered the black seats and with the elasticity of the paint. I liked the color so much that I decided to paint several other trim pieces on MyPalomino. If I had not emptied the can, I probably would have went to the air box covers and other non-chrome trim pieces. Still may do it as winter project. I do have a question though...how did you get the paint into the crevices of the seat material, mainly in the rider's seat near the tailbone area? Should I have painted the crevices and allowed those areas to dry before painting the rest of the seat? Thanx again for the inspiration. Jerry
  8. There are 6 MMs currently listed on cycletrader.com. Try this link: http://www.cycletrader.com/Yamaha-Motorcycles/search-results?type=Motorcycle|356953&make=Yamaha|2321194&year=1999:2006&zip=46320&radius=any&keyword=venture&sort=year:desc&page=3 Unfortunately, none in the immediate vicinity to the QuadCities. Closest appears to be St. Cloud, MN. However, there are a couple in GA., where the venturerider membership is strong, so you should have no problem getting someone to kick the tires for you. One of the many benefits of this site is having others with years of experience in RSVdom, to aid you in the search for what you want. When I was searching for MyPalomino several years ago, I vicariously kicked the tires on MM's in Texas, KY, NJ and Minnesota through the help of members of this forum. I settled on the NJ bike with 32K miles and 25K miles later, I have never regretted my choice. The help of fellow ventureriders made the process almost seamless, especially since they knew better than I what issues to look for in the bikes for sale. Success in your search, Jerry
  9. Heck I would like to get one of the Scorpion Exo 900 helmets in XL please I hear you whistling, Sleeperhawk. How did those headsets treat you this season? If I can first clear my schedule for this weekend then avoid taking a long ride on what may be the last good weather weekend of the year, I would be glad to scout the wares of this auction, report back on Friday night and attempt to secure some of these goodies for anyone I can help. At the Chgo. Sports & Cycle auction earlier this year, dray and I made a spur of the moment attempt to coordinate his bidding on some RSV saddlebags, but bidding got frenzied and I dropped out. Afterwards, I found out that the inflated price only bought one (1) bag, even though the box was big enough for two. (the buyer found out at the same time) I was glad we lost that one. The bidding on the cycle lifts also seemed to be unreasonably high, although I admit to not knowing what those things are really worth. But if I can make it on Friday, I can snap some pix of items you may be interested in and you can give me your highest bid amount then we can see what happens. Obviously, I can not guarantee that I will be able to place your bid, as the auctioneer will be running multiple rings throughout the day. Last time, I missed all of the lube and fluids. If we win the item you could just simply send the money to my PP account and we can discuss shipping or transport, in the case of a motorcycle lift, later. Just a thought, which right now depends upon the 50/50 chance of clearing my schedule on Friday and the 30% chance that I will be able to ignore the call of the road on weather-permitting Saturday. Just sayin. I'll know more by tomorrow. Perhaps, if other members are planning to attend we can divide up the members' wish lists and make a impromptu mini-M&G out of it. They did sell hot dogs, nachos and popcorn last time. No ice cream though. Let me know your thoughts. Jerry
  10. I just received mailing in today's mail announcing going out of business auction for Chicago Cycle, Inc. in Lincolnwood, IL. Auction is this Saturday, Oct. 30th beginning at 10:00 am. Preview is Friday. Chicago Cycle is (was) a very large dealership, with a primary focus toward the sportbike community, but then again, aren't they all. I am surprised by this move, as Chgo cycle has always been a prominent sponsor of the annual International Cycle Show in Chgo. This link should get you there. http://www.mikepetersonauctioneers.com/auction.php?auction_id=1072 Mike Peterson runs a pretty good auction, however, I am not sure if internet bidding is offered this time. I expect there will be a large volume of helmets, jackets, rain gear and other apparel. You may be able to get a good deal on something you need. I got a good deal on some J&M headsets at the Chgo. Sports & Cycle (different company) auction last year.
  11. I'll take one of the 16 oz. size. Thanx. Jerry
  12. Keep that "scanner" working, Monty. I'm gonna need your expert advice for my next Ky. Lake crappie hunt. Talk to you soon. Jerry
  13. It would be prudent to exercise caution in responding to this query if your bike is still under warranty. Never know who may be reading and it sounds to me like cluthless shifting could affect warranty coverage in certain instances.
  14. I want to personally thank you for taking the initiative on this issue. This thread has already given me a little insight into this devilish rear shock. My shock wept a little oil one night this summer when the humidity was very high but none since and I haven't noticed any performance issues. I read in someone else's post of a similar experience. Perhaps you can ask the engineers about the humidity factor on our shock's design. I see "venturerider emeritus" status in your future, if a reasonable and cost effective alternative results from their examination. Thanx again.
  15. Nice catch, Freebird. Yes I was logged onto ebay at the time of my post. I didn't know that affected the pasting of the link in a different browser window. Lesson learned.
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