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Personal Information

  • Name
    wade christensen


  • Location
    Lacey, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 rstd
  1. I would hold the rally on the west coast. Seattle area would be a wonderful place. The weather is temperate and it would give members a chance to see a part of the country that they possibly have not seen before.
  2. I am sure that it is a carb issue. I never had any problems until I drilled out the exhaust. I have plugged the AIS according to the thread on this site and it did not help at all. My plan was to put on the RK mufflers and not drill them out at all first. If the popping went away then I would just leave them that way. I do not have the expirience or know how to mess with the carbs, no do I have the money to let the dealership handle it.
  3. Thanks everyone. Hopefully they will help end the popping that my drilled stockers have.
  4. I have been thinking for a long time about building a teardrop camping trailer to tow behind my 06 RSTD. Was wondering if anynone has and maybe has plans or a few pictures.
  5. I am about to purchase a set of 99 Road King mufflerss for my 06 RSTD. I was wondering if anyone could put me in touch with somebody building mounting brackets for these mufflers. Also, another question, I drilled out my stock mufflers and got a lot of popping on decel. I have plugged the AIS and still popping occurs. I am not talented enough to rejet or adjust the carbs, so I am going to put these mufflers on in hopes of making it sound better. If there is anyone in the state of Washington that would like to help out a Soldier with rejetting or adjustment please contact me. All the food and beer you can drink would gladdly be offered as payment for your help.
  6. 2006 royal star tour deluxe
  7. if you go to the Flanders website they have the stock measurements
  8. I am really considering putting a set of drag bars on my bike. I was wondering if anyone has done this or has seen any pics. I welcome all opinions or help that you can provide. I know that the bike is a touring bike, but there isnt any reason I cant look cool.
  9. as soon as I get it all fixed up, I will snap some pics. another idea that i had to dress up the front was to remove the windsheild and mounts for good. remove the stock turn signals and mounting bar, and mount small bullet style ones in the upper winshield bracket holes. just a thought.
  10. I have tried two different approaches to this. First I had my bike custom painted. It didnt cost too much because I only painted below the pin stripe on my 06 TD. The bike came stock as white pearl, and I painted below the pin stripe to include the air box covers a dark midnight blue pearl. It does two things in my opinion; first it gives the bike a look that nobody else has, (couples with my Steve Kafka hand laid pinstriping), as well as forces your eye to look past the lower cowling and the air boxes due to the fact that they are a solid dark color. I have removed all of the stock reflectors in the front and chose not to highlight the radiator with chrome. This brought out the front end of the bike when not running the windshield and made it very strong and square looking. I am also polishing all of the front end aluminimum to a high shine. I say all of that to lead to this. there is a company called, M&M metalizing. They are out of Westminster California and can be found on Google. They have the ability to chrome plastic. I have sent them the entire air box assembly to include the housing and for just over three hundred, both air boxes will be returned to my house in a week nice and chrome.
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