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About jbabin

  • Birthday 02/09/1963

Personal Information

  • Name
    John Babin


  • Location
    Savage, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Vol Firefighter
  • Bike Year and Model
    2003 RSV
  1. A lot of good suggestions, thanks everyone. We know that it will be a tight schedule, we may add another day or so to it.
  2. My wife and I are going to St Louis, MO for a relatives birthday part around July 4th so we thought we would take a ride to the Ozarks first. We have not been there before so we are looking for some suggestions about lodging etc. We are going to leave on Wednesday July 1 and will need to be in the St Louis area by late afternoon on the 3rd, it does not leave us a lot of time we know that. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. jbabin

    Final Oil

    Thanks for the information.
  4. jbabin

    Final Oil

    I am getting ready to change the final oil on my 03 RSV, I just turned over 21,000 miles and this will be the second time I have changed it. I would like to change it over to synthetic and am looking for a recommendation. The service manual calls for SAE 80 API GL-4 hypoid gear oil, I found an SAE 75W-90 API GL-5 that is made/sold by Super Tech. Has anyone used this type of oil in their bike? Any feedback or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks
  5. Thanks Keith
  6. Ok, so I am idiot! I ordered a set of speed bleedersand I may have selected the wrong part numbers, I asked them the varify that I selected the correct ones for my bike. They called to ask what caliper I have. I looked at the fronts but am not able to locate a part number or manufacturer name. Anyone have an idea what ones are on the 2003? I went to Yamaha to the My Star page but that does not show the info. Thanks
  7. Thanks for the advice, I ordered a set of Speed Bleeders.
  8. I am getting ready to change the break fluid on my 03 RSV, and am looking for some tips/advice. I looked through the Tech section but did not notice any article. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. I have used the one on my 03 since day one. I would not want another bike without it.
  10. Here is my 2 cents worth. My trailer had a standard coupler when I purchased it, we did an 1800 mile trip around Superior last summer and noticed some binding on the tighter curves. This summer I added a swivel since then I have not noticed any binding at all, I would not pull without one now.
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