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Everything posted by luffrr

  1. It is awkward to get to them. I used a rubber expansion nut placed on backwards. The threads are 6mm - 1.0. They hold tight and can be put on and off without tools. I found them at a well-stocked Ace Hardware. You can get them at Amazon by searching under "rubber expansion nut."
  2. Another possible source of leaking oil is from the shifter shaft going into the transmission. It is not a difficult fix and is due to a failed "O" ring.
  3. I'm not sure if you are asking about the bulbs or the fixtures. If the bulbs. These work great on my 2008 Venture: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BF5KFMK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
  4. See if this helps: Trailer Wiring-Procedure (2).pdf
  5. That's where the side-arm comes in.
  6. I rode for years in California and never was rear-ended because I moved to the front of the line. I moved to Arizona in 2004 and I get rear-ended before this bill passed. It is about the extra hazard of getting rear-ended. Even if the guy behind you stops, there is no guarantee the guy behind him will.
  7. The law is convoluted and not as liberal as California. However, in Arizona you can wear a gun and no helmet.... and now even cut up between cars to the front of the line and be the first to go when the signal changes to green! The law has some confusing aspects to it. You can't cut between the cars if they are "moving." There must be at least two lanes in the same direction. The posted speed limit cannot be greater than 45MPH (so no freeways) Therefore, California freeway style of lane sharing is still forbidden in Arizona. Oh, and you can't go faster than 15MPH when you do it. But you can ride with a gun with greater than ten rounds in the magazine (concealed or open carry.) The new law can be found here: https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/2R/bills/sb1273p.pdf
  8. It came out. I had to ride home in second gear, fortunately not too far. Here is what I discovered and what I did.... 2008 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Shifter.pdf
  9. The Trailer Wiring mystery is solved.  I connected an N-Line trailer last week with no problems or surprises.  Trailer Wiring-Procedure.pdf

  10. Here’s a little update on the story: The Driver of the silver car was a 65 year old woman Wanda Sitoski, a registered nurse. It was her birthday, the next day on Halloween. She was in route to meet her son and a friend at a restaurant in Sierra Vista to celebrate. She never arrived. Her son didn’t find out until he left worried about her and returned home to find the police waiting for him with very bad news. The driver of the Black Dodge Charger was 16 years old from Mesa Az (Phoenix area, 100 miles away), Felix Mendez. The Tombstone Marshall was giving chase. There were five people in the car, the driver and four UDAs (undocumented aliens). The car stopped during the chase and 2 UDAs jumped out and were picked up by pursing BP (boarder patrol). The car then continued on Hwy 82 westbound at speeds well over 100MPH. For safety, the BP broke chase, but the Charger still continued running the red light at Hwys 90/82, literally tearing off the back-half of the silver car and killing Sitoski. We stopped to render aid but it was hopeless. We rode to the Charger and saw three people with various degrees of injuries. We have a real serious problem at our southern boarders. They are coming across in great numbers. Why is a 16-year old 100 miles away from home transporting UDAs in a rocket ship? The cartels are paying them $1k per head to traffic UDAs. Why is the story not covered by the main-stream news media? It does not fit their agenda of open boarders. I contacted the Cochise County Attorney (prosecutor) of which I have had a working relationship with as a criminal defense attorney. I did something that I have never done before, I urged them to prosecute Mendez as an adult based upon what may wife and I had personally witnessed. They ensured me that they are doing so. He will be facing, 1st and 2nd degree murder, kidnapping, felony endangerment, manslaughter, aggravated assault, and unlawful flight from law enforcement.
  11. Here’s a little update on the story:  The Driver of the silver car was a 65 year old woman Wanda Sitoski, a registered nurse.  It was her birthday, the next day on Halloween. She was in route to meet her son and a friend at a restaurant in Sierra Vista to celebrate.  She never arrived. Her son didn’t find out until he left worried about her and returned home to find the police waiting for him with very bad news. 

    The driver of the Black Dodge Charger was 16 years old from Mesa Az (Phoenix area, 100 miles away), Felix Mendez.  The Tombstone Marshall was giving chase. There were five people in the car, the driver and four UDAs (undocumented aliens).  The car stopped during the chase and 2 UDAs jumped out and were picked up by pursing BP (boarder patrol). The car then continued on Hwy 82 westbound at speeds well over 100MPH. For safety, the BP broke chase, but the Charger still continued running the red light at Hwys 90/82, literally tearing off the back-half of the silver car and killing Sitoski.  We stopped to render aid but it was hopeless. We rode to the Charger and saw three people with various degrees of injuries.

    We have a real serious problem at our southern boarders.  They are coming across in great numbers.  Why is a 16-year old 100 miles away from home transporting UDAs in a rocket ship?  The cartels are paying them $1k per head to traffic UDAs. Why is the story not covered by the main-stream news media?  It does not fit their agenda of open boarders.  I contacted the Cochise County Attorney (prosecutor) of which I have had a working relationship with as a criminal defense attorney. I did something that I have never done before, I urged them to prosecute Mendez as an adult based upon what may wife and I had personally witnessed. They ensured me that they are doing so.  He will be facing, 1st and 2nd degree murder, kidnapping, felony endangerment, manslaughter, aggravated assault, and unlawful flight from law enforcement. 

  12. Computers are like cats... they are nice to have around; but Don't turn your back on them and don't ever trust them. With that in mind, Windows 11 benefits someone, probably not us.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/1691511874492457/posts/2895364970773802/ Mama and I went for a ride. Had lunch in Tombstone Arizona. Went to Bisbee and to the border town of Naco. Headed back via Sierra Vista. I forgot to get an insulin shot. Riding back on hwy 90 my blood sugar was high and so I had to stop to pee. A normal response to high glucose. I was fully intending to make it to the truck stop at I-10 and hwy 90, but something told me to stop at the Chevron station at 90 and 82. I slowed preparing to turn in. The light was green on north 90. A black car was flying on 82 west (100 mph +). He blew the red light and hit the silver car. If I would have continued straight in another 15 seconds it would have been us. When God tells you to stop and pee... stop and pee.
  14. 62,000 on a Harley, then start worrying. On a Royal Star.... no problem.
  15. My Bottom radiator hose needs to be replaced (2008 Royal Star Venture). I called several Yamaha dealers in the area for availability and got the same answer: "We can order one." Well, I can stay at home and order one too. The problem is I want it now! The Yamaha part number for the lower hose is 4XY-12588-00-00. It retails for about $16 plus Ship&Tax. Searching at an auto parts store is futile since they don't carry many motorcycle parts and immediately request the year, make, and model to search for parts. Fortunately I know someone at the local Autozone who allowed me to browse through the inventory of hanging hoses behind the counter. I found one that will work. It fits a 1999 Honda Civic 1.6. Although it is used as the top radiator hose in the Civic, and is much longer with multiple bends, nonetheless, it works perfectly. The Part number is Continental Hose E71604. AutoZone sells it for $23. The benefit is that there is more than enough to replace the upper and lower hoses on the Royal Star. There is even some left over if you screw-up. Another benefit is you can cut it a little longer than the original to make assembly easier. Best of all, I can ride today.
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  16. I am struggling with the same issue on a 2008 RSV with 24K miles. It overheated in the Tucson heat about a month ago. I found the radiator fan switch to be defective. When I opened the radiator cap I was surprised to find a light, brown oily sludge in the system. Upon researching the this issue there are several possibilities: (1) Water pump oil seal; (2) The mysterious "Twinkie." or (3) Engine head gasket. I understand that the engine is robust and the head gasket is not the usual culprit. I focused on (1). I removed the water pump and found a questionable oil seal. I purchased the parts from PartZilla for $84. I then rebuilt the pump and thoroughly flushed the system with a radiator cleaner. I went through several flushes until the drained coolant was clear. I then put in new coolant and figured it was fixed. As an additional safety I added a toggle switch in parallel with a new thermal fan switch so I could manually turn on the radiator fan. Last weekend I took a ride to Phoenix with my son. The ambient temperature was a toasty 106F. The bike did not overheat, but when refueling my son said he saw a small puddle of brown goo under my bike. The radiator reservoir under the seat again had the brown oily sludge in it. Now I am focused on (2): The mysterious "Twinkie" is a manifold located under the carburetor assembly and above the V of the cylinders. It is apparently a heat exchanger between the oil and coolant and also functions as a crankcase ventilation system. There are two gaskets. One is under the unit and mates to the engine. The other is in-between the top and bottom cover of the unit. Failure of this gasket can cause oil to get into the coolant. Also a cracked cover(s) could also cause the same. Refer to attached photos and documents for part numbers. Since my 900-pound Japanese girlfriend (RSV) is much cheaper than a psychiatrist I decided to order a used Twinkie from Ebay and the two gaskets from PartZilla. I figure if my Twinkie is defective I can swap parts and minimize downtime. I will let you know what happens. Twinkie.txt
  17. I never had to remove the basket . The Likely Barnet Pressure plate kit is 511-90-10002. You can find it on Amazon $143. I installed in several months ago with the original (bad) clutch. It gave me an additional 3,000 miles. Today, I replaced the clutch disks at 22,000 (2008 YRSV). I used the cheapest disks: Caltric Clutch Friction Plates Item #: CAL-FP145*7+FP154 Price: $24.00. https://caltric.com/c-1390573-powersports-motorcycle.html#!submodel%3DXVZ1300TF ROYAL STAR VENTURE||model%3D2008||make%3DYAMAHA||year%3DMotorcycle Normally I would never do this, but it is incredibly easy to replace the clutch in the YRSV. It took just 30 minutes! The Catric can also be order on Amazon with a new gasket for $53. The benefit is I got it the next day. PROCEEDURE: (1) Drain the oil. (2) take the case off using a 5mm hex "ball" wrench (long shaft). This tool is essential. With it the exhaust and horn can stay on. MARK THE ORDER of the hex screws. Some are longer. (3) remove the pressure plate with 10mm socket. (4) remove the disks (a pick helps). (5) Oil the new clutch disks in new oil over night. (6) put the odd disk in first (it looks different from the rest). (7) then add a plate, clutch disk, plate, clutch disk etc. until they are all in. (8) mount the Bartlett pressure plate now. It only goes on ONE WAY: There must not be any space between the Pressure Plate and the last Clutch Plate. If there is, remove the Pressure Plate and rotate it to the next hole. Continue until it fits with no space. (9) add the springs and bolts/washers. Tighten gradually in a "star" pattern. Torque at 8NM (71 inch-lbs). (10) clean the cover and remove the old gasket. (11) Add the new gasket with Blue RTV sealer on both sides. (12) reinstall the cover screws. Torque to 7NM (62 inch-lbs). (13) Add the oil and you are done. You can spend a lot more for the Barnett clutch disks. Its the Barnett Pressure Plate that does the vast improvement. Even if the Cattric Clutch doesn't last long... 30 minutes to replace is no big deal. I hope this helps. Richard Luff
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