My regular "cage" is in the shop getting transmission work done. A week & a half ago I started riding for the season. I "did" look the bike over & saw that the tires were due to be replaced by inspection time next month. Worn yes, but there were no threads at all showing 10 days ago. So yes I rode it.
Well, after the van went in for servicing, I used the bike as a replacement vehicle. I put 950+ miles on it in 10 days. Woops!
At 85 mph the bike feels a little squishy when there's no air in the tires.
It's even MORE squishy as you slow down to investigate the problem.
The Ventures VIN database produced no help. I had to "look up" daveb's tel# online because he's not even ON IT! haha. I was an hour away from my house & 2 miles away from DaveB. (He did come on over to laugh at me! But his trailer was full of stuff, so no tow. haha)
But (sorry to say) neither did this site's rider assist database. Oh well. They are still good lists to have on hand.
It took a HARLEY OWNER to get me outta there with his trailer. Haha. Kevin Clement & his wife Lou Ann owners of Kev-Marv productions also lived nearby. I called him to see if he knew who to call for a commercial tow. (He knows everyone who has anything to do with motorcycles in the whole Northeast US.)
Sue & I have been friends with them since I started doing the Fireworks shows at his Killington Classic Motorcycle Rally. Kevin's Mom has never ridden on "any" motorcycle but my 99 Venture. That was during the last two Killington Classics. (No, she has not even ridden on her son's bike yet. Even he isn't holding his breath for that to happen. )
The 1st picture below is of her first ever Bike ride. The second is one year later. (She told my wife Sue to find her own ride! haha!)
Well, They insisted that rather than Sue driving an hour to come & get me, that I take Lou Ann's bike home & leave my RSV there in their enclosed trailer until I get to fix the tire. Hmmmm Just "lend me your 05 Harley?
Well, we DO trust you with my MOM. Don't we? Haha
So I left my house early in the day on an RSV & I rode home late at night on the red & black Harley. (Pictured below) It's still in my garage & my 12 year old said she likes it better than the Venture.
The tire? a Lil' patch & I outta get a few more miles out of her.
Ya think? (That is "if" I return the Harley)
PS, Yes it was stupid of me to allow that tire to get to that point. I have my story here, but I have NO good excuse.