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Everything posted by Pyro

  1. Now ya gotta start them young when teaching them to wear a helmet......... Like I did in the early 80's with my niece on a Yamaha R3.... Then again a couple years ago with the same niece's baby..... But on a VENTURE this time. BTW, Clay...... GREAT SHOTS! Best wishes!!!! Pyro
  2. I 'love' the smile on that snowman! But how can one NOT smile when standing next to a Venture???
  3. Ya know, anyone can get 9 seconds of flame if they put 2 cups of green dot smokeless shotgun powder in a coffee can & ignite it with an estes rocket starter. Oh, it's a flame about 8 to 12 feet tall. Don't try that at home. Oh, wait a minute.. Did you say "Fame?" Nevermind................
  4. Hey, All I asked was if I could take a PICTURE! just kidding.... old photo
  5. Greg, It's not just odd seeing you on the web, You're odd in real life TOO! haha. I even have a video clip of that Pub in Greenwich. You & your buddies were playing the whole night long. It was awesome! The lighting is very poor, but it was the music I'll never forget. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v629/Sidecar-Pyro/th_GreenwichUKPub.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v629/Sidecar-Pyro/MVC-133S.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v629/Sidecar-Pyro/MVC-131S.jpg I'm sure you will get a lot of mile out of your rig. You've been good to it & it should be good to you in return. It would be so fun if you two could come on over for the International Venture In scheduled for the second week in July. You would have to bring your fiddle too! Joe
  6. If you choose Vivaldi font in your word processor you will find that the capital V is the V you are looking for. Joe Vallier
  7. Ya know Jeff, I had NO IDEA what had happened in Florida last weekend. That was not a good outcome. I don't have all the facts in yet, but I did see "aerial shells" going off. Aerial shells are "not" allowed in Close Proximity Fireworks. They are only for outdoor display fireworks like a4th of July event where the audience is at least 210' to 840' away. (The actual formula is 70' clearance for every inch in diameter of shell size. IE; a 3" shell needs 210' safety clearance, a 12" shell needs 840'. Until the facts are in I won't pass judgement. But the news reel I saw seemed to indicate only superficial wounds. (Thankfully) Joe BTW, Matt has a much better video of the film I posted above on his website. http://www.powderbank.com/stratton/featured_video3.asp Thanks Matt.
  8. Hi Jeff, No. I was up here in friggin COLD New Hampshire shoveling the 8" of snow that fell on Friday! It's been a while since I did a wrestling event. The last time was for "Monday Night Nitro" when WCW wrestling was still the big thing. If you look close at the last pic, you can see Goldberg getting hit with his signature Pyro effect.
  9. Hi Matt, will do.
  10. Jethro, I have a Black Berry Pearl. Mine also says the same thing, but only "after" I stopped the Internet access I had signed up for when I got the thing. I'll likely re-issue the internet access in the summer again because I like to have access to the weather site on the internet. I get the radar images for oncoming rain while I st up a Fireworks show. But the extra $30- each month is NOT worth the access during the rest of the year for me. I liked that I also got email. (Google has a good gmail service) But since it was not "needed" for my regular work, I gave that up too when I dropped the data service. If you want to get data connection for her BB, you'll need to call your provider & add that service. Once a teen gets that service, I'll bet dollars to donuts they will not know how to live w/o it. I hope this helps. Joe I hope this helps.
  11. I'll have ta look real hard for the wild cacti on the side of the road here in NH.
  12. My fear was that the pyro effects (fx) would mess up their landing. It might have on one or two early ones. But once they found out the timing was well behind them, they were comfortable with it. They all had the option of 'no pyro fx'. The real problem that day was the wind. If you watch the yellow flags you can see that it was blowing pretty good. That was so much of a problem in 2007 that they canceled the big air event. This year during practice, (no pyro) one athlete from Norway landed wrong & was knocked out cold for several moments. It was scary seeing him fall & slide down the hill motionless for so long. They closed the larger of the two ramps after that. These guys & gals have brass in their blood. The bang from the pyro was only a minor blip on their radar. Joe
  13. Hi Greg, good to see your post. I've seen the threads on my sidecar rig after only 8000 miles. But the fact that they don't lean at all makes it wear in the center much, much quicker. (As you know) But I still say "Your sidecar is on the WRONG side of the bike!" haha (Just kidding!) For those who haven't seen Greg's sidecar setup, it's quite a rig! See photo. Infonaut, I had the "pleasure" of riding an Avon to it's last breath of life last summer. see that photo too! I got spanked by all the holier than thou's as well, but in a sense they are right. We all live & learn. Nothing like the feeling of that sloppy, swishie, kinda feeling when only the centrifugal force of the rubber turning at 75 mph is keeping the sidewalls from collapsing. It was scarier slowing down than it was running it flat! Joe
  14. Done!
  15. LOL, Ya, I think one of the rules is that you POST the photo! LOL. Are you too busy enjoying the "priceless time" w/ your sweetie to upload it? haha. When you're finished, get the photo uploaded!!! All in good fun. Joe
  16. A friend just sent this to me today. I was doing the special FX fireworks in the background for the athletes. It was at the US Open on 3/22. Olympic class snowboarders from all over the world were jumping. I think I scared a few of them! (But they did know it was coming.) [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UY_KY7gvv4]YouTube - BURTON US OPEN SNOWBOARD BIG AIR FINALS STRATTON VT 3/22/08[/ame] Joe
  17. Is your wireless secured with a password? It could be that someone outside your house is logging into your wireless & bogging it down as they use it. When they are done. poof! Your speed is back to normal again. Just a thought. Joe
  18. I had 84" (7 feet) of snow at my mail box just two weeks ago. But with some rain & some March weather creeping in, it's down to 48" (4 feet) right now. My parking space to the side of the paved driveway is turning a bit mushy. Welcome to MUD SEASON! Joe
  19. Yaaaawwwnnnn:confused24: What's all the excitement about? Just one more paving stone to the 19-0 record of the Brady Bunch! GO PAT'S!
  20. Pyro

    Free Beer

    Freebird took it! Now, Where's my beer?
  21. Another genius among us. This is what I do as well. (Paint Roller pan,) But my RSV has no center sand, so I just sit on it & hold it upright to get the lst few drops of oil out. I place the old oil back into the quart containers that the new oil came in. I save some of it for odd's & ends where dirty oil works well. The surplus I discard at the landfill in the designated area. Pyro
  22. I only got 115 out of my 99. I never did find the top end on the 88 & 89 though. (I'm sure they were a bit quicker) But after riding a BMW K1200LS at 125, I know that our RSV's are not as rock steady as the Beemer is. No matter, it's only a novelty to do that speed once or twice a year. Ya'd better be sure the tires are balanced & your forks are tight before trying it with an aging bike though.
  23. Pyro

    johnny sidecar

    You giys thoughtmy 99 tire was bald earlier this year. But BOY does the hack wear them out fast! My 89 w/ Hannagan Astro 2+2 wore the tires out in 8k or less.
  24. OK, I can say I'm sorry too. I actually am. I fear my own vunerability & am reminded of it by th situation you find yourself in. I hope for a speedy recovery. But what I really want to know is this..... Are the nurses in ICU cute? Honestly glad for you're being here to chat w/us. Joe
  25. The one that had the cop car right there as the biker was tee bones was actually a Bank robber who took hostages, then demanded a sport bike as a getaway car. He got two blocks when that unmarked car took him out. It was a good video. I agree with Monsta in that the Ride Like A Pro video series is better for good riding education. (They are very good) But I also like to be reminded of the need to ride well by learning from anothers mistake. Continuing Rider Education, it's very important. Joe
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