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    Timmins, Canada


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  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 Venture
  1. I haven't figured out how to attach a link yet so I copied and pasted an add posted on a local classifieds type site. I know its far for most but if anyone is interested, I could go look at it for you. venture royale 1200 year 1983 milage 59,000 km lots of chrome exallent running condion asking 3800.00 certified this bike is a classic 705-364-2089 dnoel55@hotmail for pics of bike
  2. Thanks again Rocket
  3. I should say, however, that when I put the bike in gear, there was a small amount of play when I manually turned the u-joint clockwise then counterclockwise. I am assuming that that is also normal.
  4. Yeah I checked the output shaft on Friesman's recommendations. I can't move it either way and all seems fine. There was only a small drop of oil in the bottom of the rubber boot and no visible oil anywhere. I don't think anyone ever pulled this baby apart before (judging from the appearance of the driveshaft the last time I had it apart) so I figure one drop of oil every 47,000 km must be OK.
  5. Thanks guys. Rocket, your memory is good. I ran the math and figured it was 30 mm. With the stores closed here today, I couldn't go shopping. I borrowed a 1 3/16" socket and a 14 mm hex end socket and pulled the bike apart. The job went well. My u-joint is fine. Not sure if that is good news or bad news. The clutch hub in the rear wheel needed grease. The splines that fit into the wheel were dry. All has been cleaned and greased and I am in the reassembly stage. I hope my scraping noise is gone because I am not sure where to check next. I do not have a torque wrench small enough to tighen the right hand pivot shaft at 4.3 ft·lb so I'm going to have to ballpark it. Anyone have any ideas how far I should go after I have contact (for example, 1/4 turn, or 1 turn etc...) ?
  6. Ok ... finally got around to pulling the bike apart to check the u-joint. Got the rear wheel and final drive off. Can't get the swingarm off because the nuts are too big. The biggest socket I have is 27 mm bought for the rear axle. I will have to go buy a larger socket for the swingarm and, from the look of things, a large hex key socket to fit my torque wrench. Can anyone tell me what size both of these are ? I can't find the size in the service manual. Stores are closed here today so I guess I will have to finish the job later. Thanks in advance.
  7. ok ... that's scary where is the ouput shaft seal and bushing?
  8. Thanks Dan. I'm embarrassed to say I had not thought of running it in first gear on the center stand. I did however try rotating the back wheel and I that's why I don't think its a dragging brake. I've read the threads that suggest that U-joints rarely go so I don't want to dismantle everything that needs to come apart just to check it unless I am reasonably sure that is the issue. I was hoping someone had similar issues but it would appear otherwise. I'll try running the bike on the stand but I have a sneaking suspicion that I would hear the scraping. Although the back wheel does not spin as freely as the front, I don't hear a scrape when I spin it so that's why I think it ain't a brake issue. The U-joint must also be spinning when the bike is on its stand and I am manually spinning the back wheel but I still don't get the scraping noise. I am thinking U-Joint because my weight on the bike probably changes the angle on the knuckle.
  9. I had a scraping noise on my '84 Venture earlier this sping. It was suggested that I clean and grease the driveshaft. Did that and it was needed. I thought maybe the noise seemed to go away but now its back. I can feel a scrape (in the floorboards) when I am crawling forward in first gear. Does my driveshaft need to be done again ? What about the U-joint ? Has anyone had this problem and traced it to a bad U-joint ? Any other ideas ?
  10. I get about 240 to 260 km with one tank fill. When I get my light after about 220, I head for the gas station.
  11. My '84 does the very same thing. I was going to strip it apart to see if I could find anything wrong but decided it may be safer to leave it as is and reset my tripmeter everytime I fuel up.
  12. Anyone know where I can find a diagram of grease nipples for an '84 Venture ? There is one nipple on the driveshaft but I have not seen any other ?
  13. Wow, I'm reading these posts and wonder what world I live in ? Riding in my Northern Ontario in October is going to be tricky. Not usually any snow on the ground (at least none that stays for more than a day) but cold, wet and miserable are keywords often used. The odd nice day makes for wonderful riding but its hard to plan for that one or two days in advance, let alone several months. But then again, when I refer to Huntsville, I usually add "Down South" .... Looking forward to getting notice of the official weekend in case I can go. This will probably be the closest rally to my home (Timmins) but I'm not sure if I can risk a ride "Down South" because I may need to trailer home .....
  14. What do you mean by having a "slow tach"? Mine is slow to respond until it warms up and then seems to react appropriately. This seems worse in the cold weather. I am not sure if its the tach that needs to warm up or something else. Does this sound like the problem you had ? If so, how big a job to take the tach out ? Thanks
  15. Ok my 5 cents. Some people say: I cannot afford to get a lawyer I heard a judge tell someone: You cannot afford to NOT get a lawyer. Would you hire an electrician to fix your plumbing ? Lawyers are expensive. But I always say that it is much cheaper to hire a lawyer to line up some ducks then it is to untangle a knot. Much more work in trying to wrangle with the knot. Good luck !!
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