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Everything posted by Flash105

  1. Where can I find the enricher valves
  2. Where on the carbs are the enriched valves
  3. Where is the best place for parts?? Coils, wires.
  4. I’ve owned this bike for a year and have never been able to enjoy it, it’s possessed. I’ve had the carbs worked on twice and now believe my issue is electrical Rode Sunday and was running great for 50 miles, started up a hill and it started spitting, popping, and sputtering! Pulled in for lunch and cranked up and all was good again. Got home and it’s doing the same thing. I would be thankful for any advice. I haven’t looked at the plugs but it does have a tendency to foul a few. Also notice some static coming through my radio and when I beep the horn I get some feedback in my radio. Just at a loss.
  5. Bike is popping and running rich, I now have a trail of gas following me! I guessing a stuck float. What could cause this and is there a easy fix? Thanks for the help
  6. The more I ride the worst it gets. I can’t imagine.
  7. Don’t see any fuel. Seem like the popping is more on the right side, passenger side ! Thought it may be a fuel mixture screw I could adjust on
  8. All new plugs and wires
  9. 750 miles from home in Daytona, bike is popping and loading up at low speeds, any quick suggestions?? Also smell fuel
  10. Riding into Daytona today and when I get on the throttle hard, especially in 5th gear, I’m feeling some slippage!! Is there any adjustments or am I looking at a new clutch? Thanks for the help
  11. Anyone going to Daytona next week??
  12. I fixed my problem,,, bought a FM Bluetooth transmitter!! Works fine and had volume
  13. The guy that I bought my bike from had added a xm radio and tied it into the aux on the back side of the radio somehow !! I clipped the wires and done away with the XM and have bought a bluetooth thing that plugs into the aux outlet next to the cassette player allows me to bluetooth through my I-Phone !!!! Hooks up and works but have almost no sound!! Any suggestions at where to start?? Thanks
  14. Has anyone had any luck on changing out the complete headlight to a newer modern looking one??? I bought a new 7 inch headlight but cant figure out how to change it out Any help would be appreciated
  15. Just picked up my bike after it spending 9 months in the shop!!!! The idle is high and I need to know how to adjust that?? Also is the handlebars 1 inch in diameter?? Thanks for the help..
  16. It's in the shop for new tires, getting to check the rest while it is there! Thanks
  17. I want to change the headlight and passing lamps out to something that looks a little more modern! I like the looks of the TriBar lights but would like other suggestions! Prices, part numbers and places to buy would be helpful. I had a older Ultra once and replaced the lights and it made a huge difference in the appearance. Thanks Guys
  18. Thanks for the suggestions!! I actually had to ride the bike today around 70 miles to get it to the shop. I poured another 1/2 can of seafoam in the tank and before I got to the shop, it was runnign some better. They are doing some other things to it and are going to check the electrical and fuel systems while there! The shop I am using is behind a month, some others were 2-3 months behind.. Will not be getting it back anytime soon but let you know when I know. I really like this bike and am looking forward to many future ride. Thanks
  19. I've changed the plugs, flushed the tank with fresh fuel and SeaFoam, still not running correctly. 1st through 4th is OK, then when I go into 5th it runs like it's starving for fuel!! 65mph is top speed! Where should I start??? I've read where it could be a blockage behind the fuel mixture screw, where would I locate the mixture screw to try to flush out the blockage?? Thanks for all the help!!
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