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Personal Information

  • Name
    Adam Krachman


  • Location
    Yucca Valley, CA, United States


  • City
    Yucca Valley


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2018 Star Venture TC

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  1. If I leave the transmission in neutral, wont that be fine since it is not a shaft drive?
  2. site says it has a curb weight of 1000lbs
  3. Has anyone ever towed a motorcycle with this kind of tow hitch? I have a 2018 Star Venture TC and wanted to know if this will work and/or damage the bike.
  4. Anyone know or have a diagram of the turn signal wiring harness color codes?
  5. How do you like the Corbin seat? I too dont think the stock seats are very comfortable and looking for an option. Corbin are about $1500 so I really want to make sure this seat is comfortable before I invest in it.
  6. Anyone have a recommendation for a gel seat for the TC?
  7. Would be nice to see the release notes for this update. So far, I have not been able to locate anything. If someone finds them, please post!
  8. Any suggestions on how to remove some oil out of the tank? I overfilled it just a bit after finding it very low when the dealer changed out my break-in oil. I live in the desert and am using yamalube 20-50 to help with heat. My wife suggested using a spray bottle top but I think the oil might be too thick to pump out that way. Maybe a turkey baster would work. Anyone ever had this situation and found a fix?
  9. The owner's manual for the Venture lists these exact tires as OEM. That what was on mine when I bought it brand new.
  10. Wingstuff has a good deal on a set (front and back). Plus, Bridgestone is offering a $60 rebate. https://wingstuff.com/products/37971-bridgestone-tire-combo-for-2018-gold-wing-g852-g853
  11. I think I've only got Pandora to work 2 or 3 times. Did you have the same problem before you discovered the setting in the app?
  12. Anyone found a good custom fit trunk organizer for the Star Venture? I found a ton of them for HD but nothing for the Yamaha.
  13. Anyone figure out how to eliminate the sidetone using the Freewire and 30K? I talked to Sena and I was told to turn off the sidetone in the 30K settings, which I have. They confirmed there is no way to access any menus on the freewire and told me to look for a setting on the info system on the Venture. I was not able to find anything to control the sidetone which is very annoying when talking. Just wanted to know if anyone has found a work a round of this?
  14. Has anyone added road pegs to the engine guards on 2018 Venture? If so, what did you put on?
  15. I bought a Sena Freewire to use with the 7 pin onboard communication system on the Venture TC. I tested it out before the upgrade and everything was working fine. However, after the upgrade, I no longer have any sounds coming out in my headset. I can use voice commands and the system recognizes the voice input, but the radio, CB, XM and all other media no longer can be heard in my helmet. I made sure all the helmet boxes for both rider and passenger are checked in the audio settings. Im not sure if this is a bug in the new version that has not been found yet. I wish I was able to obtain the original stock version of the system so I can revert and use the system as it was before the upgrade. Has anyone else had this situation?
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