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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Cool, but her Granddaughter is Rosalee. Unfortunately, the links are specific to the childs place in the contest. So the links will not always take you to the proper child. I've attached the photo of Rosalee so you all know who you're looking for. Rosalee is currently #117. The easy way to get there is to replace the last numbers in the URL to match her current position. You may have to scroll to find her, however, as her place in the contest changes.
  2. currently 117. hint to get there more quickly: Go to the URL address and change the last numbers in the line to the current place.
  3. I think KIC was just saying that he got caught up in one LIKE this, not this exact one. Bikers like this just add to the stereotype and ill will most people feel toward bikers in general. I think legally what the cop did was wrong. With his dash cam I can't see that he'd need any additional evidence anyway.
  4. To what pop up thing are you referring? If you use my link does it have a facebook pop-up in the middle and "Thanks for your vote for Rosalee" above that? Just making sure that the link I posted doesn't have something in it that tells their system the person using it has already voted.
  5. Thanks for the heads up. Current link (for awhile) http://photos.parents.com/parents-cover-contest-2012/26/2012/99 We're going the wrong way here, gotta get more votes!!
  6. NEW LINK: http://photos.parents.com/parents-cover-contest-2012/26/2012/87 It appears that the link changes as the "place" changes so you may have to look around for Rosalee's photo to vote.
  7. Cute as the dickens and then some!! Voted!
  8. Yeah, tell me about it. There are 8 fires burning in the state now. I'm getting sick of waking up to the smell of burnt wood permeating the house! This whole week we're supposed to be in the 100s. It did rain in Fort Collins and Loveland last night but not a lot. On and off for about 20 min. and I hear that they got nothing in the foothills where the fires are. Something is better than nothing though.
  9. Would this be it Mini?: http://photos.parents.com/parents-cover-contest-2012/26/2012/87
  10. That's why I always tell people that I tell about swapping the antenna to verify that the left cable actually goes to the box under the trunk. Just in case the PO put the CB antenna on the right to get better broadcast distance. Maybe one of these days I should switch the cables and the antenna on my bike so I can talk to oncoming traffic instead of the cows. They aren't such good conversationalists. However the mass that the bike has is so small I wonder how much difference it would make in transmitting distance anyway.
  11. The OP said that he can hear AND COMMUNICATE with others. If the antenna were switched nobody would hear him. The cables that MikeWA was talking about are like these: http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=SIE-SWR12 Again, since others can hear you I don't think you're WAY off on the SWR so I don't think you'll damage your CB. It would still be good to check it for peace of mind. God only knows how they set these things at the factory so double checking could give you a bit more peace of mind.
  12. Yeah, I knew it was 20 something. I believe you are correct there on 29. I was going to put something in there about if you use from 1 to 40 tune to the middle of the spectrum and check both top and bottom and maximize so that 1 and 40 are as low as you can get them. Thanks for clarifying saddlebum!!
  13. Thing about SWR is you can set it really low for one frequency but as you go up or down in frequency (channels) the SWR will change. The standard rule of thumb is to get it as low as you can get it on the channel (In the frequency range) you'll be using the most. I believe the VR channel is 27. You may have different noise factors on different channels that require more or less squelch. If there is a lot of traffic on, or near, the channel that you use you'll probably have to set the squelch higher. If you are able to transmit and people can hear you then the SWR is within range of what it's supposed to be. By tuning the SWR you get the maximum power out and minimum power reflected back at the transmitter... in other words you increase the distance you can transmit. This is why you want to tune to the channel that you use most. If you go higher or lower then you're going to lose efficiency and your signal won't go as far.
  14. Move to Oklahoma. They only have 417 gas stations listed.
  15. Saw the exact same thing on a crotch rocket driving down the interstate. He was going the other way and, MAN, it made me do a double take. Didn't know they made such a thing for motorcycles till I saw that!
  16. Believe it or not, not as strange as you'd think. I've been looking for "the right" RSV to upgrade to for 3 or so years now. I'd say that about 35% or so have the antenna reversed. that's why I noticed yours... That's one of the things I look at on a regular basis. You'd be surprised how many were installed that way by the dealer also. Glad you found the problem with the AUX input and got the faring apart without anything breaking!
  17. And how to repair them iffen you do break them. Freebird wrote a great how to on an ingenious fix which I did and is pretty easy. Someone mentioned about the windshield reflecting the chirp/whine back to the rider. I changed from the stock windshield to a Clearview XXL and noticed a difference in the sound. I don't know if the whole it was reduced, volume wise, as much as a very high pitched component of the sound was reduced dramatically. My chirp used to grate on my nerves due to that high pitched component of the sound. I believe, with the re-curve of Clearview, that ultra high pitch is reduced significantly or gone completely and it's not nearly as annoying. You may find that the chirp/whine gets louder or softer when the temperature is warmer and colder. I believe mine isn't as noticeable when the bike and the weather are cold.
  18. If I remember correctly the AUX in is a wire that has a stereo 1/8" jack that plugs into the amp that sits behind the cassette deck. You'll have to split the faring to find it. I remember because the yahoo PO cut that and I had to put it back together. It's possible this plug got pulled out and left disconnected. Another possibility is that I noticed that my MP3 had to be turned up almost all the way to hear it at a decent volume. I ended up getting a small pre-amp to put between the MP3 and the AUX jack. Good luck finding the problem and enjoy the new ride! Oh, and just noticed something in your photo. Don't use the CB until you change your antenna around. Unless that photo is turned around, via photoshop, your CB antenna is on the wrong side. It's supposed to be over the riders LEFT shoulder! You can double check this by looking at the left antenna and tracing the wire out to the box under the trunk. That is the CB. If you don't do this and you key the mic. it could severely damage the CB.
  19. Was it this one? http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=70679 Scroll down to the 3rd post and click on the photos to enlarge.
  20. Not unless it's got friction modifiers in it. Mostly that's when people try to use regular automotive synth oil and don't check out the seal on the back of the bottle to see if it says "friction modifiers". Many here have used synth oil and don't have any problems. I've used Mobil 1 4T and am now using Rotella T-6 synth and have had no problems with slippage.
  21. First off, We don't judge around here. We do rib people pretty well but judging... naw. Doesn't matter what you ride as long as you ride. Enjoy!!!
  22. Yeah, but Harley parts love the RSV so they'll want to stay on the bike. Harleys repel their own parts and they want to get away. I'm just sayin'
  23. Are these ones with a catalytic converter in one side? Did you look down the inside? Please tell what you saw. Reason I ask is because I got a pair of, I think, 07. One is completely open, inside, with what appears to be a "disc" shaped thing at the exit opening (assuming this is the cat.). The other doesn't have much inside either and it definitely doesn't have anything that you can "drill out" to open it up. I can't really remember what all it has in it but I know it's different than the other one. Wish I could get good pics inside of them. Wish I could get them to slip on better than they do. Just wondered if you looked in them and if they are similar to mine.
  24. And you've basically got that with the Aux input. I'd rather just have the aux. input and be able to upgrade MP3 players whenever rather than have a built in unit that is more of a hassle to upgrade. Take it with you to your computer and change playlists. Maybe a dedicated iPod dock would be nice but then I don't have an iPod and probably never will. This is why I never really understand why people made such a big deal about the cassette player when they had the aux. input right there, other than it taking up space that can be used for other things and people have devised ways of doing that as well.
  25. Bought 3 via paypal last night. I hope I did! I haven't gotten a confirmation email from paypal like usual though.
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