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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Unfortunately, you have to take off the black panels on the top of the farings. You'll have to remove the class system/CB panel and then the panel that's under that. Same on the other side. I think you'll probably have to remove the turn signal as well. When you take those panels off the speaker comes out with it.
  2. Roadhand, Some guys have backfire problems with their bikes after they replace the stock pipes with aftermarket. Some of them can cure it simply by syncing the carbs others have to plug the AIS Air Induction System. I'm thinking about doing the exact same thing if adjusting my carbs for higher altitude doesn't fix the problem. Or, I may just go back to the stock pipes. Here's a link to the "How to" article in the Tech Library: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=485
  3. All I can say is......Amen brother, preach on!!! It really is just so simple there's no reason to take it in to have it done. As you said, it will pay for itself in no time.
  4. Okay, so now I'm back to having only 2 of the things. Thanks for the info Bill!!
  5. Oh, and just out of curiosity, why put transmission fluid with the 20 wt. oil?
  6. Hmmmm I just happen to have 2 of the three of those. By synth 20wt do you mean regular motorcycle oil or fork oil? If motorcycle oil then I've got all 3. Thanks for the real world experience.......please let us know if you jinxed yourself by telling us.
  7. Squidley loved Dokken? Hmmm had you pegged as a country boy. :rotf:
  8. Rick, I have the same problem with a groaning shock. I was considering taking the schader valve out and putting the oil into that passage as you suggest. Do you still suggest this or do you thing laying the bike over would be a better solution. Which do you think would, in the longrun, be the best solution? Maybe I'll wait and see what wpredock finds out.
  9. Then there was the time that I couldn't get my bike started. Switch was on. Thought I had a battery or some such nonsense. Got home after work and tore into the battery compartment checking things out. Checked out the battery, cleaned connections, borrowed a tester and charger and then realized that I had it in gear with the stand down.
  10. Wonder if it could be the ignition switch itself. Do you have power going to the connector on the switch?
  11. Hmmm isn't that WARNING WILL ROBINSON?
  12. I took one, I think they're great. As far as mandating, I don't think the government should mandate anything. Now incentives to take the class is a different matter. I know that, when I took it, if you passed the written and had taken the course, you didn't have to do the riding test. That was nice. I think it's something that should be brought up at the dealers at every sale. I think the dealers should make a bigger deal out of it than they do. Maybe take a little cash off the price of a bike with completed course certificate. Just some ideas.....don't know how good.
  13. When people talk about 1st and 2nd Gens. They are talking specifically Ventures. The Venture was manufactured from 1983 to 1993 and then discontinued. They didn't discontinue the engine and it was in the V-Max and the Royal Star line. They started making Ventures again in 99 and 99 to present is the 2nd Gen Ventures. So I would guess that you'd fall somewhere into the 2nd Gen area. With all 4 ports capped I'm going to assume that you don't have a cruise control. There is a hose that comes off my front left (as you sit on the bike) intake boot (#2 cylinder). This, I was told, goes to the Cruise control. I'm assuming that, if you don't have one, you don't have a cruise. I'm thinking that, to do the Jason mod on yours, yes, you would just link the ports on #1 and #2 and then link #3 to #4. Now this is just a guess on my part, but for the most part that's the way it ends up. Now on mine, with the cruise control hose, I would have to get a T so that I could hook 1 to 2 and then hook the cruise hose in there as well. But then you don't have to worry about that, now do you?
  14. And Darned if I wasn't going to suggest that too, just got lost in typing all the others.
  15. Hmmmm running at 85mph, no wonder your gas mileage is 31. That aside I don't think a new filter would do much good as the K&Ns would make it run leaner if anything. They let more air in than a normal filter does. I'm assuming that the K&N is clean. What about plugs and wires, how are they and have you changed them lately? Fuel filter? Have you checked the diaphrams for pin holes?
  16. Mike, I've found the filter recharging kits at Wal-Mart for about $10.00. They come with the cleaning spray and the oil. The kit is in a box back with the air filters, usually on the shelf with all the K&N filters.
  17. My guess is that it's neater with no hoses hanging. I would imagine that plugging the hoses and leaving them would accomplish the same thing. Like I said, though, it's neater if you put the hoses back on.
  18. Know how you feel bud!! Had a good friend at Church die of the same thing a couple years ago. Glad you got to see him before he went.
  19. Dumped mine twice, so far. First time at the Wal-Mart. Everyone parks up front on the cement. Some old codger was telling the wife and I how he had a friend who got a big bike like that and couldn't handle it and dumped it and he had to help him pick it back up......Well, in the midst of listening to the story I did a stupid and put the kickstand up before the wife got on. She hit the floorboard when I wasn't expecting it and over she came.....right in front of the guy who had just been talking (and still was talking) about his friend who couldn't handle his bike. He did help pick it up though. Second time was as some friends and I were coming out of a hospital parking lot. We had started the "company" motorcycle ride that morning and one of the gang crossed the center-line on a curve and ended up with a busted bike and an arm broken in 3 places and having to have a shoulder replacement(no cars coming at the time than God), so that's why we were at the hospital......but I digress. The other two had come to the stop sign and zoomed off. I came to the stop sign and was about to go when this car came out of nowhere and totally surprised me. I, like you, strained to keep it up but to no avail. She went down very softly and I was thankful for that. I thought......well, this is the perfect time to try that solo pickup stuff I've learned. I had the presence of mind to go and put the kickstand down.....then, using the technique that I learned pulled the bike up almost effortlessly. It's nice to have the confidence that you CAN actually pick up the bike by yourself if it goes down.........But I never want to have to do that again.......It's just too mentally painful.........I feel soooo badly for the poor baby.
  20. Well, you're Canadian......didn't know if there was an exchange rate type thingie going on that put you just under the line.
  21. Always knew you had a few screws loose Brad.......thanks for confirming it!!!
  22. I know some guys, when they put different pipe on, have a backfire problems, on deceleration, that they've solved by plugging the AIS. I believe there is a Post in the Tech section that shows how. I may be wrong and this may have been lost in the crash......I'll look and see if I can find it. Okay, found it: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=485
  23. The link in the article doesn't work.....I believe this one will: To the main horn page: http://adventurersworkshop.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=AWI&Category_Code=Stebel_Air_Horns To the specific horn page: http://www.adventurersworkshop.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=8007850002163&Category_Code=Stebel_Air_Horns
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