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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. I found that site, Rod, but it didn't have anything on chain free play. I'm definitely passing that site on to my friends however! I got with eusa1 like Jerry suggested and he had what I needed. Thanks again, all!!
  2. Thanks for all the input guys. I looked at the other forums (I did lots of searching on google before posting this....wonder why none of those forums ever came up then!! ) and I searched all evening and didn't find one reference to what the tightness of the drive chain was supposed to be. Guess I'll search some more While she's buying the owners manual.
  3. I've got a friend who just bought a 1995 Virago 250. She didn't get an owners manual and, on her way home, someone rolled down their window and said that her chain was loose. Actually they said "Hey buddy, your chains loose" (thought that was cute). Does anyone know where I could download an owners manual or service manual for this bike or does anyone know the proper tightness for the chain?
  4. That's okay Chris. I think I've got the stock ones on mine. I'm going to go for it when the narrower front tire I have on mine needs changing. Thanks though.
  5. Sorry to hear about this Ron. My prayers are also with you and your family for comfort and healing.
  6. Did anyone else's have plugs in them? One of the other owners had a horn cable tied to one of the ears, he had the compressor connected to that little "shelf" just to back of that and the other one has a hole plug in it that has a square C type clip on the inside of that......to hold the plug in
  7. That was one of the thoughts that I had as well. It's nice that they're there though, huh? Sure makes putting a center stand on easier, huh?
  8. Well, I know that is where Don's center stand mounts, but in the initial design of the bike were they thinking of using a center stand and just didn't put one on? Were they thinking about after market center stands? If they were for a center stand in the first place, why didn't they just put one on?
  9. The holes in the ears that hang down just beneath the frame. Just behind the oil plug and in front of the little shelf that the smog canister, for the California models, gets bolted to. The ones that the pin, that holds Carbon One's Lift adapter adapter to the bike, goes through. Anyone know what they were originally designed for. One of mine has a plug clipped into it to fill the hole so I wondered if they were actually designed for some purpose or if they may have been used at the factory and that's it. Inquiring minds want to know.
  10. So, there's no coating or anything on the Diamond R? They're just silver? Another question, is it advisable to put any grease on these when you install them? Thanks Don!
  11. Hey Chris, could I ask a favor? Could you measure the stock links end to end and hole center to hole center and let me know how long they are. Trying to find out if the 99 I got has the stock or the shorter links. Thanks
  12. Got a buddy, here at work, who's a Marine, that uses that phrase. Never knew what it meant until then.
  13. Okay, This db stuff is just a little misleading. It's funny but I read in, either the manual or something on line that the Stebel is rated at 139db, this is true......however, in the fine print it states 139db @ 4". So, while it's loud and I'm glad I got the horn, I guess you have to qualify from what distance they are taking the SPL reading. Don't think many people are going to have their ears 4" from the horn when it goes off......except the guys who've mis wired the thing and have it go off when they make the final connection.
  14. On the outside of the horn, on the compressor there is a raised section (molded into the housing of the compressor) that runs about 3/4 of the length of the compressor itself. If you look at it from the bottom of the compressor there's a hole in the bottom of this raised "tube" that is shaped something like a trapezoid. As Boomer said, there is a black, right angle piece, that has a hose barb and it goes back to a piece that has the same shape as the hole in the compressor and has a little clip off of one side. This piece is meant to fit into the hole in the compressor, clip to the compressor and allow you to hook a hose to the compressor inlet.
  15. So sad to hear this news Allan. God bless you with comfort in this trying time!!
  16. Thing is, if you need it and it's broken then it's probably going to cost you more than $45.00.
  17. I hear ya bobo Guess I was more curious if others have done this or not and what they've experienced in the way of riding conditions and problems due to those conditions. Wish they made the little hose barb reversible so you could just point it backward. I guess there's always the option of running it without the little hose barb all together. Then it sucks from straight down instead of front or back
  18. Did you take yours around between the Tranny cover and the horn housing? I was wondering how the heat from the engine would affect the hose.
  19. I was thinking, after reading the prize list for Ft. Collins, about all the prizes being really great and all, but more "Man", "Man and his scooter", "Boy and his dog", oriented. Here's the idea, mull it over and see if this sounds like something you want to do. Ladies, the ones I know at least, like baskets of stuff. Now, I don't know if each would be willing to work up a basket or not but you could make them with different themes. Some themes would be.......Movie night, relaxation, bath night, romance, coffee lovers, chocolate lovers, book lover etc. etc., etc. you get the idea. Movie night could be a basket with a movie, microwave popcorn, hot chocolate, goobers etc. things you'd eat at the movies....you know, bath night could be a basket with stuff from Bath and body works, a CD of relaxing music, you know, things you can pamper yourselves with in the bath...etc. let your minds go wild. I think this would be a great way for the ladies to get more involved and get some stuff as well. Most of these would not cost all that much to make and could be fun things to give away at the rally. You could even make some up for the guys if you really wanted to (Naw they get enough stuff anyway). They could be done in advance and brought or you could do them here. There is a Michael's, Hobby Lobby (for baskets), Bath and Body works and lots of other places to get things here.
  20. Well, got my horn installed this weekend. Sounds 1000 times better than the stock. I noticed on one of the install pdf files that someone posted that they say (right under the photo of the horn) that the air inlet (the nipple that you had to insert into the side of the air pump housing) must face to the rear or be routed to the rear with a plastic hose. This is so the dirt and debris can't get into the air pump. This sounds like a very important thing to do as, with it in the position in which most of us have installed the horn, it is very much exposed to dirt, debris, rain etc. How many of you have actually done this with theirs? I've attached a copy of the pdf file.
  21. On a side note, Pavement Inspector, are you and your wife planning on bringing that bad boy, Stratoliner,out to the International rally in July?
  22. I thought they were powder coated.
  23. gibvel

    RSV Manuals

    Try this link about half way down the page Juggler has two links....one to the owners manual and one to the service manual. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=192&highlight=service+manual BTW, don't know what year this is but I'm pretty sure most of the stuff is identical.
  24. Sleeperhawks Mechanic posted this site awhile back: http://www.epgsoft.com/index.html
  25. http://www.edsets.com/ Good quality and Ed is great with customer service!!
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