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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. The round black thing in the middle of the left antenna is the load. This is used to make the CB antenna "appear" longer to the CB. It's also used to tune the SWR on the CB so that most all of the power from the CB gets transmitted. If you don't tune the SWR on a CB antenna you could end up having all the power reflected back at the transmitter and burn the transmitter out. No, you can't just go get 2 car antenna and put them on bike. There's a thing called the Marshall mod to change both antenna out. The mod calls for 2-3' antenna, which end up being shorter than the two you have on there now, but I'm sure you could go with 2' antenna and get roughly the same responses from the system. Here's a link to the Marshall mod and a link to a 1 antenna mod that a member recently did: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=11486&highlight=antenna http://bludolphintravel.com/gmg/marshallmod.htm Hope this helps.
  2. Noticed the same thing to a certain extent. I've also thought about it being "temperature sensitive". I'm thinking seriously about switching to 20W-50 and see if that makes a difference on hot days. I'm thinking that the oil may thin out sufficiently to make it worse.......just a theory however.
  3. Before the crash wpredock posted a thread about an experiment he tried. He surmised that it was the windshield of his RSTD that caused the whine to be heard by the noise bouncing off the windshield and back at the driver. He removed his windshield and the whine was greatly reduced if not gone. Maybe something for the windshield would be a better way to go. I've been thinking but have not come up with a viable solution.
  4. He did say he sparked something when he was moving the forward fuse block. I would assume that he shorted something then.
  5. How does the mic mute work? From what I've read you just tap the PTT and the intercom (Mic) comes on......even without the CB on, Is this true or am I just confused as usual? So, if the CB is on, you just tap the PTT if you want to use the intercom and then hold the PTT if you want to use the CB? Does it shut the intercom off after a certain amount of time or do you have to manually turn the intercom off with the PTT switch?
  6. Yes, intercom is always on and you will hear your own voice. PTT button is only for the CB. Freebird installed a mic mute on his.......try this link: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=992
  7. Well, the profile just says Venture Royale and there's no such thing as a 1996 Venture Royale. Did you mean 1986?
  8. Did you check the MAIN fuse that's on the positive lead of the battery?
  9. Hmmmm what was this thread about again? Oh yeah, I remember now, PILLOW TOP SEATS, that's right......... Thought I'd nudge the thread back to the original topic instead of all this "I'm not comfortable enough with my manhood so I have to defend the color of my bike drivel".
  10. On the contrary, I think most people, pretty much, already ignore their tires. This is just a way for people to not do as much damage while they ignore their tires.
  11. I had a feeling that the machines were pretty expensive to purchase and maintain.
  12. Guess we've got it good down here. My tire place does it for $5.00 a tire. I've been thinking of putting Nitrogen in the bike tires but then we use Liquid nitrogen around here and all I'd have to do is wheel a high pressure tank outside and filler up.
  13. Ve Haf our vays
  14. http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e259/CodeM007/GeicoCaveman.jpg
  15. Yeah, same thing.
  16. D404 in the back Metzler 880 in the front and no problems.
  17. Might check the pins in the connector that the display unit plugs into. They're small and some could be bent.
  18. Or just don't stop it when it's warmed up...
  19. It's a carb/fuel system cleaner you can get at auto parts stores. A lot of us use it on a regular basis to keep the carbs and fuel system clean and working well. http://www.seafoamsales.com/products.htm
  20. Ever tried Seafoam in it?
  21. There used to be a thread or Tech article about opening up the lock section and lubricating it. I can't find it maybe someone has it saved somewhere. I guess the trickiest part is the fasteners they have on the cover over the lock. They have a philips head on them and if you turn them about 1/4 turn they raise ever so slightly so you can get a finger nail in under the head and pop the head out. Then the whole fastener will come out. Once you get the cover off it's just a matter of lubricating the lock and they should work. I'm just reiterating what I read on that article....never done if myself. Hopefully this will help or there will be someone along quickly to be a little more specific.
  22. Thanks for the help guys. I think FreezyRider is probably the closest to what I've got so I think I'll look into those. Guess I really wanted to know if it was sealed beam or a bulb and how you go about changing the thing if it was a bulb.
  23. I, kind of, wondered if they were sealed beam as I'd heard someone mention that before. Thanks for the link FreezyRider!!
  24. Okay, let me clarify here. I'm wondering about the Passing Lamps, NOT the headlight.
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