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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. The intercom is always hot, you can talk over the radio or other audio on the intercom, even when the CB is on. When there is a strong enough signal, to overcome the squelch, on the CB or you hit the PTT button the other audio is muted and the CB is the only thing you'll hear.
  2. Did you get the sequential or non-sequential Knight Rider. I think the Sequential would be a bit annoying but I have to admit, it would probably get noticed. I'll be anxiously awaiting photos of this install!!
  3. Hey John, What year bike are you looking at? This makes a difference with the frame as, I don't believe, the frame thing went past the 83 model year......correct me if I'm wrong someone. As for the 2nd gear thing.....as fixit said......it is only with the 83 through 85 models and I'm not 100% sure the 85 can be included in that. They may have fixed it for the 85s.
  4. Jeff, Does your's look like mine and hook to the fork like mine?
  5. I believe this is what you're missing: Sorry for the crappy pics. I think this must be an after market thing because the actual Yamaha part doesn't have the extra screw point and the mounting holes are somewhat different as well.
  6. Keith, Do you, or anyone else for that matter, have any pictures of where your "Y" pipes are cracked?
  7. That is the correct side so no worries there.
  8. George, The 2nd gen is a dual antenna system. So the AM/FM is a separate antenna from the CB.
  9. That's what I was trying to narrow it down to or rule out.
  10. Have you not been into the CB case under the trunk yet? There is a connection that pulls apart, between the antenna wire and the CB, in the plastic case that holds the CB. What kind of trouble are you having with the CB? Did you recently replace the antenna or any part of the antenna, per chance?
  11. Well, don't know if there's anything other than 1157 replacements for something like the 1st gen. I tried some in my 89 and found them to be disappointing at best. They weren't as bright as the incandescent bulbs and, if you use more than one the warning light, on the dash, for the brake light comes on. Can't find the cluster that I got, right off hand.
  12. Sorry, they are actually crimped into place. Your can't get it out short of cutting it off. You may be able to try and uncrimp the metal piece just above the wire and pull the wire out. However this will necessitate putting a connector on the wire and...........well, it will necessitate getting a new mount for the CB antenna which can be quite pricey. Well, I guess that part looks like it's only about $47 to $57 depending one where you get it. Personally I'd just take that cord loose on the CB side and use and ohm meter to check continuity of the lead and the antenna mount and see if you have a break or a short. Frankly I'd have a hard time believing it was that connection unless you were rough with it.
  13. Did you notice a gas mileage change at all?
  14. My 89 does the same. There was a gentleman on here not too long ago that "fixed" his and made a post on what the problem was and how to fix it. I don't recall if this was before or after the crash, however. I just leave mine on reserve and use gauge and mileage.
  15. I'm waiting for the photos because I'm an idiot and can't, for the life or me, envision where these things go. Okay, the pictures would still be nice but I finally figured out where these go. Just had to go look at the bike.
  16. My thought exactly.....since both switches are very close to each other.
  17. Try this link. It should take you to a comparison of the two on the Garmin site: https://buy.garmin.com/shop/compare.do?compareProduct=8582&compareProduct=414&compare=compare actually, this one may be a better link. Look at the right hand column both are in one column and it will say "no for 450 Yes for 550" where there is a difference: http://www.gpsnow.com/garmin_zumo_550.htm
  18. It's a pretty common occurrence. The locktite is the recommended fix. BTW, the fake screws in the side covers and the center covers under the seat will work for that bolt, just in case it happens again.
  19. By RPM noises do you mean static from the plugs firing or just general engine noise?
  20. Only place I can think of is ColorRite : http://www.colorrite.com but I think you'll find that it's going to be pretty expensive going through them. I think most guys around here would tell you that, with all the technology at painting places now a days, you should be able to go in and have them color match and get very, very close to the actual colors and it should be cheaper.
  21. Turn the handle bars full left (sitting on the bike). Look inside the hole in the bottom of the faring on the right side. You'll see a big ol' gold philips head screw at the bottom of the headlight bucket to adjust the horizontal axis of the light. This will also affect the vertical adjustment a little so you may have to play with them both some. Pretty much what County Mounty said!
  22. Nice paint job. Problem is, if the dealer were able to do something for you, it still wouldn't match his paint job. On the positive side here's what happened to me when I bought my 99 last Oct. The guy had cracks in the trunk. I asked him if he'd mind taking it into the shop to see if Yamaha would replace it under warranty. He took it in and they took photos of it and sent them to Yamaha. Yamaha agreed to the fix. When he took it in to have the trunk replaced the guy at the dealership said that Yamaha contacted him and said it shouldn't be done under warranty but, since they had already said that they would, they went ahead and did the fix anyway. When they guy took this bike in he didn't have any paperwork that I'm aware of so if you have the service bulletin you're, at least, ahead of where he was when he took this bike in. So, you might get lucky, you might not. Good luck! Hope it works out for your buddy.
  23. Having a second Aux input. If you've to a GPS that isn't MP3 capable you can run an MP3 into the cassette compartment connector and the other to your GPS so it will pipe directions through the system.
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