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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. When I was in drivers Ed. I was taught that, even if someone has their turn signal on you wait for that driver to slow and initiate the turn before you even think about pulling out to go. This piece of training has saved me quite a few times. The only time I've ever had a trucker flash their headlights at me is after I've passed them and they're letting me know I can pull back into the right lane because I'm at a safe distance and only at night. Even then I verify and reverify that my distance is safe by my own standards (head check and full view in the rear view mirror). I was never taught that drivers will flash their headlights at you when they are telling you to go ahead. Besides, my common sense tells me never to believe what another driver says unless I see and verify it. I guess my question is, are they not teaching these things in Drivers Ed. any more or have they started teaching that it's okay to go if someone flashes their headlight? In my estimation it was youth, inexperience, and lack of common sense that caused this. My first thought, when I heard how young the driver was was....."what the heck was she doing driving alone at 16?". Just my
  2. Prayers!!
  3. My trick, I guess I'm assuming that you do this already, but thought I'd mention, is to use my left leg on the gas tank to help pull it up. Must admit that I don't have the links on mine though so this may not be as effective.
  4. Wow!! Kinda like the light in the refrigerator thing. You always knew the light turned out but now you can actually see it.
  5. Details, details. I can't be bothered with details! I didn't mean he had to do it this very minute!
  6. Nawwwwww, nothing major. Freebird bought a Harley and is totally dumping this site in favor of his Harley forum but, no, nothing major. :rotf:
  7. Better yet, post the photo here!
  8. I've never noticed buffeting like you're talking about with the stock shield. I'm 6' so maybe I'm just not as tall as you guys. I feel the turbulence with the bike but nothing knocking my head around by any means. I found that I can just see over the windshield if I sit up totally straight so maybe I'm just longer from waist to head and it's not affecting me.
  9. Or as my Grandma would say....."You can catch more flies with sugar than you can with Vinegar."
  10. Just a thought, is the Ride-on predominantly on one side of the rim? Say the left side or is it equally distributed?
  11. Wanna come adjust my carbs?
  12. Went on a ride with my Son-In-Law and daughter and wife the other day. When my SIL was coming back from his "bike orientation ride" (he road the 89) I swore that I heard the chirp as he was coming back. I'm thinking that some of the VRs have the same problem but the clutch cover is just covered and hidden by all the plastic and the sound doesn't get out as well. Also, while looking for a Virago, I came across and video clip on one of the ebay sale sites. Watched the video clip and as the guy pulled away down the street I heard a really loud chirp (same chirp) coming from that bike. Anyone have this problem with their Virago?
  13. I, too, agree but........ Whew!! Am I glad I've already got mine.....
  14. My experience with the over fill is that you'll get a deposit of oil on the front of the left rear cylinder as well as out the drain tube.
  15. There is a member, can't remember who right now, who has a picture in their gallery of a subwoofer in the trunk of his 2nd gen. Takes up all the space in the trunk though. Of course, probably rattles ever screw, in the trunk, loose. Better use red loc-tite if you're gonna put it there.
  16. gibvel

    No No No

    Well, the forecasters missed on this one again. We did have a chillier, windier day but there was no snow or rain to speak of. Supposed to get back into the 70s again this week..............whew, dodged that bullet.
  17. Or you could go to an auto body/auto trim shop and see if they can match it for you.
  18. Yeah, what Don said. I've been reading these posts and thinking....."okay, is this the whine or the chirps he's talking about here". With my chirp, I hear it at different stages. in 3rd it's bad from 45 to 50. Goes away completely at 50. In 4th from 55 to 60. Thing is, if I'm tooling along in 4th, at 55, if I back off of the throttle slightly, to maintain speed, or if I back off because I'm going down an incline it goes away completely. Engine RPM only slows slightly, clutch still engaged. If I put the throttle on again, there it is again. To me this suggests that, when the primary drive gear on the basket is actually pushing against the mating gear, the chirp is prevalent. It's only when force is being applied between the primary gear and the mating gear that the chirp actually occurs. As I understand the different clutch baskets have different tolerances between the primary gear and it's mating gear. So, it sounds like, the tolerance makes the difference in if and where the chirp occurs. This being said, as you brought up Kit, I've often thought about fashioning a cover of foam or some other sound deadening material to place over the clutch cover to see if it dampens the chirp. Just for testing purposes not that I'd keep something like that on there. Also Wpredock did some tests with his RSTD, removing the windshield and said that the chirp was definitely magnified with the windshield in place. So, I believe, the degree of chirp is a combination of the gear tolerance and the magnification of the sound by the faring or windshield. Just my
  19. I asked Don that same thing this morning. That thread is for those who are planning the rides for the VentureRider ralley in Canada next year.
  20. If Clarion were smart, they'd come out with a direct replacement unit with MP3 and/or XM capability. Bet there'd be quit a few people who would purchase that!
  21. Don, Notice any difference in gas mileage though? Has it gotten better, worse, stayed the same?
  22. I like the question and reply at the bottom of that auction!!
  23. Got the V-Max rear-end on my 89. She's pretty fast out of the hole, that's for sure. But I, definitely, feel like I need another gear on the highway going 75. At 75 She's right at 4,500 rpm. That is, from what I've been able to gather, about 3 or 4K faster than a stock 1st gen. at the same speed.
  24. gibvel

    Lost Key

    Try this thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=10092&highlight=blanks a little way down there is a link to a site: http://www.motorcyclekeys.com/blanks6.html This should get you to where you need to be. You should be able to order the cut key with your key code.
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