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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Saturday morning I broke my stupid clavicle. Got a little road rash on my knee and the back of my shoulder as well as my left hand. I know how you guys like pictures so here it is: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/gibvel/100_0720.jpg Oh, and the bike? Well, the bike is totally fine. Perfect condition. I did this while I was jogging!!!
  2. Kbay, Met a guy this summer that said he took the bolt out of that joint and leaves it out because, if the bike were to go over on it's side, it a allows a little flex and keeps the cowlins from cracking. Looks like you could just push them together and they'd mate and be find. Just my
  3. ediddy, You gotta stop poppin' all those wheelies, man. That stuff is really hard on those rear ends!! :rotf:
  4. Dray, You need to click on "User Profile" at the left of that page, then scroll down to the bottom of that page.
  5. Didn't get a PM yet J.B.
  6. Yes, I'm definitely talking about the chirp. If I'm tooling along in 4th at 50 to 60 it's there...loudest at 55. I cruise the highway from work at 80 (indicated) in 5th and the sound is completely gone, so that's nice. 75 in 5th is a different matter but not unbearable. Kind of afraid I'll Jinx it if I have the basket changed though so, for now, I'll deal. Turn up the radio and ride
  7. Okay, too much information... Now, Lonestarmedic, I may have a deal for you. I just recently aquired another bike. I'm needing to sell my 89 so, I guess, it's officially up for sale now. I'd love for it to go to a forum member. It has 26,000 on clock and runs like a top. It has a V-Max Rear end and had the carbs rebuilt last or the year before last. If you want further info PM me. If you want to know an honest evaluation of the bike, I'm sure Squidley will give you one. He road it this summer.
  8. Hey Kit, glad you got some satisfaction!! Wish all this would do me any good as mine is a 99 and is out of warranty but, at certain speeds, in certain gears it can become quite annoying. I just try to stay out of those gears at those speeds...
  9. Cool Ron!! PM sent to you!
  10. Okay, since nobody has started a thread like this I might as well get the ball rolling. Since we all know that the Guardian Bells are better if received from a friend we need to start a place to swap bells. I just got a few and need someone to swap a bell with. Any takers?
  11. I'm in for 4 via Paypal! Thanks Don!!
  12. Hey, Roger's never said anything bad about YOU!!!
  13. gibvel

    Old 280

    Video was great. Only problem with it is the wind noise, but then, every video I've seen on a bike has that. Pipes still sounded good though. Are those after market, if so, what kind?
  14. You or whoever your talking to releases the PTT button there will be an audible beep to let you know that a person has released the PTT button. So, if you are talking to me and you release your PTT button you will hear a beep. If I key up and talk to you and then release my button you will hear a beep.
  15. gibvel


    Not saying it's right, just saying, that is what I'm speculating as the reason.
  16. gibvel


    My guess is he sold his 83 and, therefore, no longer feels he has a reason to be a member.
  17. gibvel


    Why you leaving? Bye, stay safe!!
  18. I assume that you've check to see that it's not just leaking from the drain plug at the bottom. Could be that the crush washer wasn't changed out last time and it's leaking from there.
  19. Naw, that would be more of a BUZZ than a chirp!
  20. Seems to me you could just hard wire the switch on the mic to always closed and just use the PTT switch on the bike in this case. Or, just a good ol' rubber band to hold the mic switch down.
  21. Heck I just have an antenna in my attic and I can get HD. 4 or 5 stations around here broadcast in digital HD and it's really clear!
  22. I'd be in for some. So are we all going to swap them with each other so we can have the "gift from a friend" Xtra heavy duty protection kick in?
  23. Might check out edsets Don.
  24. I'm amazed by the number of people I have had pull out in front of me that, upon looking in the rear view mirror, had a perfectly clear roadway if they'd have just waited for me to pass. Just happened again yesterday morning.
  25. Sweetness Day??? Not on my calendar! Never heard of it. Is this some kind of Michigan thing?
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