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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. One mistake may have been the loctite. It's been known to deteriorate the plastic used on these bikes.
  2. Man, it looks just like you!! Isn't it amazing the first time you can actually see what's growing inside!!
  3. They're great on a 1st gen. for 2 up mountain riding. Just stick it in 4th and you could go up and down the mountain all day without shifting. Kind of sucks on the highway...looking for that extra gear all the time. Mileage...not sooooo bad I'm getting around 37 just back and forth to work at, indicated, 80mph (with the higher octane stuff...about 34 to 35 with regular). That's only about 16 miles on the highway. Oh and mileage on the last mountain trip, up to Breckenridge 2 up, was around 45 or so. Oh and she'll do well over 75...
  4. gibvel


    Hmmmm then your's must be the rare bird. My 1st gen. reads about 5 high and, I think most others would say about the same. Okay Mr. Speedohealer!!
  5. As others have said, we ride, knowing the danger and yet...we still ride. You know, this is nothing new! It has been this way since motorcycles have been ridden on the streets. We know that people don't look out for bikes. We know they do stupid stuff...how many times have WE done stupid things in a cage or on a bike and thought..."man am I lucky that that didn't turn out worse". We all have lapses in concentration and distractions while driving. Yesterday in the Wal-Mart parking lot I was on my way out and saw a lady coming out of one of the lanes. She slowed but didn't stop and was looking the other way, messing with something on the seat next to her. I knew that she hadn't seen me and that she'd probably go without looking and seeing me so I slowed to, practically, a stop. She finally looked and saw me and stopped but I was ready for anything. Fact is, we can't rely on the other guy, the cage drivers, the other motorcyclists, the insurance companies, the courts system or anyone or anything else. WE have to take matters into our own hands. Ride like your life depends on it because it most certainly does. We can't think, of the other driver, "Oh, they'll stop", "they won't pull out in front of me", "they see me". We have to think They're not going to stop, they WILL pull out in front of me, They DON'T see me and take actions to save our own lives. If we're not willing to do this we should hang up the gear and drive or walk. Now I'm not saying I condone what the idiots who drive do today...Cell phones, eating while driving, playing Mario Andretti (or Jeff Gordon, or Dale Ernhardt or whoever), "I'm late for work so everyone get out of my way so I can speed and make it on time and eat my breakfast and shave and call the office and let them know I may be late...". But the fact is that there are already laws in some states against driving while talking on a cell phone and, guess what, I see about 25%, if not more, of the drivers on the interstate talking on their cell phones. Or eating while they drive...while they drive very badly!! This stuff will not change in my life time!!! There aren't enough LEOs to bust everyone and if there were, most of the people would be back to doing the same stuff right away anyway. The fact is, we have to take matters into our own hands. We have to be perfect in everything we do...or really, really lucky when we have a lapse in judgment or concentration and nobody here can say that they haven't had that happen. Were that the world were a different place, but it's not!
  6. Yeah, hilly terrain is a problem. The whole unit will shut off if you go 5mph slower or faster than the set point.
  7. If you'll notice Kit said PLASTIC wing nut. The 1/4-20 PLASTIC wing nut will NOT hurt the 6mm metric threads and, as Kit said, will maintain an extra amount of "tightness/friction" on the treads to keep it from shaking loose.
  8. It will work. Any 5 pin DIN plug set-up will work. Haven't had any experience with that particular set up though. I think that's the set some of the guys around here have gotten. I think Freebird will tell you he's tried lots from the high end to the low and he doesn't use any of them for his music because, while good for communication purposes, even the high end sets don't give you very good sound quality for music.
  9. Yeah!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/gibvel/Smilies/worthless.gif
  10. I think, baring re-shaping of the 2nd gen stand, it won't fit. The angle of attachment is pretty different, if memory serves.
  11. You know, you really should just go out and buy a 2nd gen. I think it will be cheaper to do that then try to make a 1st gen. into a 2nd gen...
  12. Tell you what, the affects of frostbite last a lifetime. I used to ride in the cold without warm gloves and "shake it off". Now, if my hands get cold...okay, I'm talking the house being about 58º to 60º in the morning the capillaries in my fingers shut down and don't let any blood get to the tips of my fingers. They turn white and the get numb. Not really my idea of fun and I can't imagine this is that good for them either. Think I would have rather had heated gear but then hind sight is always 20/20
  13. Won't even crank with the kill switch off.
  14. Okay, I went and did some measuring. It might work fit wise, as far as clearing the stator cover. From the pivot point the 2nd gen. shifter goes about 4" forward and then jogs to the left about 1 1/2". By my measuring that should clear the stator cover. The front end of the shifter may be close to the engine guard as well so if your toe hangs over the shifter pedal you may hit the engine guard when shifting. Now the, maybe, not so good news. As you can see, from the attached photo, the rear of the shifter goes back about 2" and then jogs TOWARD the engine about 1 1/4". It also extends back about 8 1/2 inches. It will be close to the engine and close to the passenger floorboard. If you've got a passenger with their foot on the floorboard that may be a bit of a problem if their foot is hanging off of the board toward the front. Don't know if it would be a problem but just wanted to bring that up as a possible. Also, notice the point where the shift linkage connects to the pedal. It's about 1 1/4 farther forward than the one on mine (mine connects directly under the pivot point on my 89. So you'll have to lose about 1 1/4" off of the linkage. On my 89 the total linkage length, from where the linkage connects to the pedal to where it connects to the shift shaft is approximately 4". So there you have what I've measured and what I suspect the problems might be. If you'd like for me to make any more measurements of anything let me know.
  15. I think the problem that will keep the 2nd gen. shifter lever from working on the 1st gen. will be the stator cover. I believe, unless you space the shifter out from the engine quite a bit, it will end up hitting the stator cover. I was looking at mine thinking "why didn't they make the space between the pads longer" and that's the conclusion I came up with. My
  16. I was going to say take the playing cards out of the spokes but Don was far more helpful.
  17. Okay, you can start posting once you getthroughKansas... :rotf: I can say that cause I used to live there. Definitely be interested in following your journey!!
  18. And you know this...how??
  19. Have you seen the gauge go when you've got a blinker on at the same time as the brake lights... If you replace the brake lighst with LEDs the computer will think that the bulbs are burnt out. I replaced one of mine with an LED 1157 and that didn't freak the computer out but when I replaced both then the computer thought the bulb was burnt out. So you might be able to replace one of them with an LED bulb without getting the indicator on the dash. I didn't even do that because the LED wasn't nearly as bright as the regular bulb. Hope this helps somewhat.
  20. Mine is exactly the same way. Very close quarters for my foot. Wonder if it's the same kind. The 99's shifter has way more room for my foot. I, too, have to think about what I'm doing with the heel toe shifter. You do get used to it after awhile. Just be careful to be gentle with shifts as, from what I hear, you can crack the casing by where the shifter shaft goes through the case.
  21. Well, it's set up exactly the same way on my 89. If you think about it though, with it set up like that, it emulates how you'd shift with the toe shift pedal. You could still shift it with the front one, alone, exactly the same way you'd shift it with just the toe shift.
  22. Took advantage of one 60º day yesterday. We're paying for it right now though. It's snowed about 2" already this morning. Go figure...weather in Colorado.
  23. Some people have put an small aftermarket pre-amp in the system. Can't remember the name or the website right now but I'll try to find it. Or maybe someone, who has one, will chime in. Found it! It's called the Boostaroo: http://www.boostaroo.com/
  24. No not the 1st gens, just the second gens. Would be nice for the 1st gens though, huh? I think someone did a mod on the 1st gens to put an MP3 player in it though, you may look in the tech section.
  25. Too late, you listed her second! I can have Marisa, I can have Marisa , I can have Marisa!!
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