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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. It sounds like it was, the way you describe it. I didn't realize mine had been done until I looked at Don's thread about the air balancer kit for the front forks: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=497 Look at some of the first couple photos and see that the top of the forks is even with the top of the triple tree.
  2. Are you the original owner and are you sure it hasn't already been done. Just found out recently that the PO of mine lowered the front end and the valves are as you described. Pretty darn close to the handle bars.
  3. Well, according to the MSDS on Seafoam here's what you got and the percentages: 1 PALE OIL: 40-60% 2 NAPHTHA: 25-35% 3 IPA: 10-20% Lucas doesn't list this information on their MSDS so if you can find out what it's made with then you could do a comparison.
  4. Couple of last ditch things before you throw in the towel. The connectors in the faring and the connectors under the passenger seat. I'd give those a good going over and some dielectric grease. Also, you might want to check the connectors at the unit to make sure they're clean and seated well. I'd also say check the SWR but then it sounds like you're having as much of a problem receiving as you are sending and receiving wouldn't be affected by the SWR. Try pulling the antenna off of the bike as well. It's just a friction fit at the large black phenolic piece at the bottom. It should just come off by twisting and pulling up. Make sure the wire looks okay from the antenna into the CB box as well. Hope it's something easy and you don't have to get a new CB unit.
  5. Maybe the mic. on the headset is bad or turned the wrong way. Did you change out your CB antenna recently? I'm getting at the SWR not being set right with this question.
  6. Me Likey!!
  7. gibvel


    Be interested in what you find out. I ordered the same the beginning of this month. They say there's is a High impact "Acrylic Blend".
  8. AIS is the Air Injection System. Yamaha injects fresh air into the exhaust gas to farther burn the left over fuel in the exhaust gas. And here's how to plug the AIS
  9. What kind do you have Dan?
  10. gibvel


    Hey Dan, Great to see another Colorado person on here. Man, we're taking them by storm here!!
  11. Assuming this is a 2nd gen. then go with what Salty suggested. If a 1st gen. check your mute button.
  12. Hmmm another benefit of Raincoat to tout. :rotf:
  13. In his vent? Wow, bet that was a sight!!
  14. Yeah, would have been nice a year and a half ago when I had to do it to get mine welded. Thanks for the addition!!
  15. Rider magazine just did an article on windshields/windscreens. You think Clear Views are expensive. Most of the ones, with comparable options (vent, tint), in the article were $300 and above. I don't think I saw one company that had anything for the RSV either. Granted, they may not have had all of the companies represented but .... I think some have found replacement shields at JC Whitney: Show Chrome @ JC Whitney Looked a couple of other places and all I could find was the Show Chrome. Doesn't mean there's not others out there but ....
  16. Let you know about the end of this month. Just ordered mine on the 3rd or 4th and John said I should see it by the end of the month. Got the XXL, vent, tint...Man that Stardbog sure can be persuasive.
  17. Hey Bill, What kind of trunk is that you've got on your V-Star?
  18. gibvel

    Ride On?

    Brake Pad, this is a preventive thing. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with his tire. You put ride on in the tire before picking up a nail or what not and it seals the tire so it doesn't go flat. http://www.ride-on.com/ Everette, Lots of guys on this site run with Ride on. I've got it in my tires and I can't see a change in handling but it does give make you more at ease knowing that it's there. The up side is it helps keep the air pressure more constant in your tire, helps balance the tire and makes them run a little cooler so they last a little longer. Don't know for sure about the lasting longer or running cooler but the air pressure in my tires does hold more constant (check them every weekend...pressure wise).
  19. That's the Venture Rider rally in Fort Collins last year. Which Folks are you refering to? The couple in the second photo are NEWTrk06 (Phil) and Rosebud (Diane) from Oklahoma.
  20. Yeah, check out this thread. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=14813&highlight=saddle+quick+release A guy here worked out the parts at McMaster-Carr awhile back. Think that might be where this guy got the idea. His knobs may be a little more streamline though.
  21. Probably just a dirty connection. Made the resistance change enough to set off the computer. Good work!!
  22. Doesn't sound like the headlight then. Do you have a square white light on the upper right of your dash? When my low beam went out that light also lit. Which icon is lit? Is it middle row center or middle row bottom "Light" icon. If it's middle center then it's the headlight icon. If it's middle row bottom it's the brake lights. As someone mentioned if you changed to LED brake lights that will cause this warning light as well. Keep us posted.
  23. Only thing I could find, online, said Plastic Cleaner Magic. Would that be the same stuff? http://www.magicamerican.com/images/magic_images/A6_big.gif Looks like it's the same people who make Goo Gone.
  24. Try checking the brake bulbs.
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