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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Brad, Everything you ever wanted to know about NGK spark plug numbering: http://www.spark-plugs.co.uk/pages/technical/ngkjpg.htm
  2. Didn't we have a post here, not too long ago, that said something about charging problems and it turned out to be that the rectifier connector was just dirty and needed a good cleaning. Might try that.
  3. Only time mine ever runs hot enough for the fan to come on is when I'm sitting still or running very, very slow in traffic. No real need for all that extra HP then, huh?
  4. Was trying to post that very photo Keith. Computer wasn't up to the task though. Thanks!!
  5. Shouldn't need the torque specs for the rotor. You shouldn't have to take them off. The shaft, I believe, is 75 ftlbs. I'll check that. Okay, the axel is 56 ftlbs (78Nm) The axle pinch bolt is 13 Ftlbs (19Nm) The front rotors are 17 Ftlbs (23Nm) the front caliper bolts are 18 Ftlbs (25Nm). Maybe you meant the front Caliper bolts instead of the front Rotor bolts. Either way, there you have it. The front Rotors bolts are put on using loctite so you may have a time getting them out, if you're taking off the rotors. There's a good chance you may strip out some of the socket caps in doing so also. Heat gun or torch may help. Hope this helps.
  6. gibvel


    When you go to post, scroll down to the "additional options" section. Click on the "Manage attachments" button in that area and then hit the browse buttons and find the file you want to upload on your computer. The photos can be no larger than 640 X 640 or you'll need to resize them with another program.
  7. It's not so much "smaller" as it is Narrower (130 as opposed to 150). Less of a side to side footprint thus allowing better low speed turning ability. As for the looks, you do notice a slight difference but, all in all, not a huge difference.
  8. Just got my Clearview so...ummmm...maybe!
  9. I noticed that emack has the bottle set up pretty close to the bike. I'm thinking that you could probably mount the bottle farther out towards the outside of the bag and have plenty of room for Posterior, passenger feet etc.
  10. gibvel


    Never mind Dan, Just got mine Via UPS. Hmmm I may have gotten mine before you got your's.
  11. This is true. The oval piece has passages for the coolant as well. I would suspect that the O-rings that seal this device may be leaking small amounts of coolant and this is where you're getting the contamination in the blow by.
  12. gibvel


    Wonder if John has a piece of "scrap" plastic that you could get to make your own test on. On another note, when did you order your shield? I'm trying to figure out,roughly, when to expect mine. .
  13. Are you talking about the sync screws?
  14. Is the oil, perchance, over filled. These engines don't like more than 1/2 to 3/4 up in the sight glass. Any more and it blows it out and it lands, roughly, on the front of the left rear cylinder or on top of the left surge tank just above the carbs. Wonder if this could be what you're seeing.
  15. Oh you gals!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/gibvel/Smilies/foottap.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/gibvel/Smilies/foottap.gifhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/gibvel/Smilies/foottap.gifhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/gibvel/Smilies/foottap.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/gibvel/Smilies/raspberry-1.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/gibvel/Smilies/blowkisses.gif
  16. Yeah, but I have more content!! :rasberry: And Marisa Tomei!! :rasberry: :rasberry: :rasberry: :rasberry: :rasberry:
  17. Darn it Don, Ya beat me to it while I was looking for the other card post!!
  18. Here's a link to the Venture rider cards: These are in word and PDF versions: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=248 Here's a link to some you can order on-line that were set up by Starpuller: These you order from a printer http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2566
  19. Has anyone every tried a chin curtain on their helmet? I know that if I put my hand up to the bottom of my helmet, closing the opening in my full face that's just below the chin, the volume of the chirp drops about 75%
  20. gibvel


    Yeah. Wish I could have picked my shield up but with the times they're open and my schedule I just wouldn't be able to get down there. Would have been nice to take the "Nickel tour" as John calls it.
  21. gibvel


    I sent John, at Clearview, the link to this post and here's what he had to say about the video and their shields. Hello Mark, Thanks for the e-mail. I did see this video before.....it is a little deceiving....we use a different type of Acrylic. Ours is a blend of materials where it is Impact Resistant and DOT approved. The Polycarbonate shields are softer and will flex more, but our shields are tougher than what they are showing. It is like a lot of things......there are better grades and worse grades of materials.....we use one of the best grades of Impact Resistant Acrylic available. Thanks again for the heads up. John Lauk
  22. Welcome to the group! Ain't it great when you finally get what you've been wanting for years.
  23. You can get it directly from Gene's web site: http://www.fogtech.com/
  24. Then there's the Yamaha Air wings to blow cool air on your legs in the summer and keep the air off your legs when it gets cooler. A back rest, very nice accessory.
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