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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. gibvel


    Yeah, just something for trips and during the day at work. That's 2 for the Wal-Mart cover. I've been looking there though and didn't see much. I'll have to look again. Thanks for all the help guys!!
  2. I don't think so, if you like the sport/naked bike look. Better looking than some I've seen.
  3. gibvel


    Yeah I'd thought about that. We've got a "Canvas Guy" (actually, that's what the guy's got written on his truck) that lives down the street and I'm going to run it over there and see what he suggests. Truth is this thing is pretty well used so it may just be time. Thanks for the other suggestions guys!
  4. gibvel


    I've got an Ultraguard cover right now that has just, unfortunately, ripped. This cover is thin enough that I can fold it up and put it in the saddle bag and, if scrunched down, leaves about 1/2 the saddle bag still available. This is a full cover with windshield protection and heat shield on the bottom. I looked at covers on line but you just don't know how thick, heavy and bulky they are on line. I was wondering it anyone uses a similar cover, for their RSV, and what kind and model it is. I like it because it doesn't take up much space and I can take it with me and cover the bike anywhere. Any suggestions?
  5. Why not, everyone else is. http://www.topspeed.com/cars/car-news/-volkswagen-to-produce-its-first-ever-motorcycle-ar57535.html
  6. Now Bobbie... Why would you want to break your camera again right after you get it fixed!!
  7. I was going to ask if you couldn't have taken just 77 more photos and gotten to a grand total of 1000. Guess that answers my question as to why. I'm sure you DO feel lost without it!! Thanks for taking all those pics. I really enjoy them and feel a little more like I'm there with all of you guys!!
  8. Ahhh but then everyone will wait to buy and not buy the current production model. How would they sell the old stuff?
  9. Dan, as you can see above Mother stated that the tire had 48 psi when it was removed from the bike, not 42.
  10. Got a friend here at work that got an 880 last year and I keep an eye on it every day!! We'll see what happens and if I can catch it before it does.
  11. Hmmm think you'll have to ask them on that one!!
  12. I'd still get it in writing, just in case!!
  13. No, actually, I've seen just as many reports of Metzlers blowing chunks on 1st gens. as I have on 2nd. gens. At least on this site.
  14. Big question: What pressure was he running? Every time this has happened before Metzler claims that the tires were run under inflated. I believe, but am not sure, that Metzler says to run the max sidewall pressure.
  15. BTW, I heard from BF Goodrich about a warranty question. They will not warranty a tire that is used in a misapplication. Also asked Dunlop why durometer tests show a High mileage car tire to be a softer compound than a lower mileage bike tire. The reply: Mark - Typically, people believe a harder compound will always provide better mileage when compared to a softer compound. This is not always true. If the polymer type is changed or high grade carbon is applied, a softer compound can provide better mileage. Not trying to cause a row just passing along some things that I found out FYI
  16. Just as a point of reference, I did check with my insurance company (Progressive) and the email I got back was that it would NOT change my policy if I put a car tire on the rear of the RSV. I don't know if this varies from state to state but, at least here in Colorado, it seems to be okay. Not that I'm going to do it, but it seems as if Progressive doesn't care. Just an FYI.
  17. Think I saw them, not too long ago, on Drury Lane.
  18. Now you're talking apples and oranges. To answer the question... Metzler tires were designed for a bike car tires were designed for a ... well, I think you know.
  19. Glad to here that Scott. As far as the Tire companies recommendation... From BF Goodrich this morning in the email: Mark, Thank you for your email. We welcome the opportunity to serve you. We do not recommend using a Passenger car tire on the back of a motorcycle. A Passenger car tire is not designed to handle the same as a motorcycle tire. It is our goal to ensure that your issue has been resolved or your question answered to your satisfaction. If we can assist you further, please respond to this email or call us at 1-877-788-8899 (toll free) between 8:00AM and 8:00PM Eastern Time Monday through Friday or between 9:00AM and 5:00PM Eastern Time on Saturday. Sincerely, Bobby BFGoodrich Tires Consumer Care Department Now I know for a fact that someone will come back and say "their just trying to cover their butts" True, wouldn't you? They have no responsibility to you because you are not using their product as it was designed to be used. Most insurance companies say no, tire manufacturers say no, bike manufacturers say no. Seems that if you try this your are TOTALLY ON YOUR OWN if something happens... even if it's NOT the tires fault.
  20. Just curious, could you let us know who your provider is when you get the final answer. Thanks
  21. I'm probably on the 1st leg myself. Don't know what your plans are for going from Denver to Yellowstone but, if you're running up I-25 on Sunday afternoon, let me know and we can get together.
  22. Bring your rain gear up this way. Supposed to be chilly and rainy all day today.
  23. gibvel

    Im Off

    All of you, have a safe trip and be careful out there!! Take lots of pictures so I can fake like I was there!
  24. Still, 2 min. is a heck of a long time to wait.
  25. Wow!! That sounds awesome!! I think that's what my vote would be for if I were going to be there. My only fear would be the "what ever I have left over to throw in there!" part
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