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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. It's called Charcoal Silver... Drool!!
  2. Hmmm, sounds familiar!
  3. For the kids?? First of all, I'd want them for myself. Second, those are WAAAAAAY too complicated for the kids!!
  4. May want to try synthetic oil. Some have reported that quiets the whine and chirp some.
  5. Brag, brag, brag!! I hate you two!!
  6. 08?
  7. Agree with Marcarl. You MAY be hearing the "chirp" (sounds like a cricket on steroids). On my 99 it occurs, at it's loudest, at 35 in second, 45 in 3rd, 55 in 4th and about 70 to 75 in 5th. If I hold a constant speed it is there. If I let off slightly and decelerate it will go away. That being said, the "I" clutch basket may make a difference. Most have found, however, that the sound is only moved around in the RPM range and, if the sound goes away, that it is not completely gone, just better. If it is this most places will replace the clutch basket with the "I" basket under warranty once, so it's, kind of a crap shoot as to whether it will actually fix the problem.
  8. Think he's probably up at the rally. Probably doesn't have computer access right now, as I don't think he's posted in a few days. Just give him a little time and, I'm sure, he'll contact you.
  9. You and Mom have a safe trip back Tate!!!
  10. Yeah, wondered the same thing, but I called anyway. That's what they told me there were for. Should have trusted my instinct.
  11. You know what. All I've used on mine is Plexus and I don't think I'm even going to bother with Rain-X. The Plexus, in my estimation, does about as good a job of beading and moving water as ther Rain-X. The only thing is that it may not last as long, however, if you use it to clean the windshield then you're probably going to use it again before it wears off.
  12. Tom, Did you have a clutch basket chirp before you got this windshield? Reason I ask is because I have one and, I don't know if it's just me but, I think my "chirp" got better. Not necessarily the volume of the chirp was reduced, although I think that may be the case slightly, but, to me, there was a really high pitched component about the chirp which, I believe decreased dramatically. So now, the chirp doesn't quite hit me like an ice pick into the ear like it used to. Just wanted to know if you or anyone else can confirm that I'm not crazy... Okay, Okay, I AM crazy but just that I'm not crazy about hearing a difference in the sound.
  13. Ummm Goldwing... Frames crack, Stator failures.
  14. Wasn't that the LEFT rear Dan?
  15. Need different brackets. Get in touch with Squidly (Brad) he makes brackets for mounting the RK pipes on the Ventures.
  16. Youth, inexperience, a feeling of invulnerability and Youtube videos that show squids that do it all the time. Hope the guy comes out without too many ill effects and hope he learns something from the experience.
  17. Hey Russ, I believe, in fact, that Goose DID install a new, or nearly new, Bridgestone rear and said that the handling with the different front tire (other than Bridgestone) was better than with the worn rear Bridgestone but still not as good as most other tires that he's tried. Hopefully he'll chime in with more of his findings with them.
  18. Hope this solves the problem!! Good luck!!
  19. gibvel

    Rear Shock

    Well, they found out that you had a CT on your bike so they figured you fall for anything. :rotf:
  20. Wow, imagine that, a talking rear! How come you didn't show us that at Fort Collins? NO WAIT!! Maybe we didn't really want to see that!! :rotf:
  21. gibvel

    info needed

    I think you have to go to the site and save a new map every time you want to change it. Then save the map and upload it to your signature to replace the old one.
  22. Are we talking Midnight Venture here?
  23. You should know better than to ask a question like that around all these smart alecs!!
  24. Keep in mind that, on forums like this and other forums on the web, the majority of post are going to be about problems someone is having with this or that thing. There's not much reason to post about your bike, or other device, if you're not looking for some help with a problem. Therefore, it seems like there are more people having problems, proportionally, because of the predominantly problem oriented posts. Did that make sense... Can someone please explain it to me?
  25. Best Virago forum I've found! http://viragotechforum.com/phpBB/
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