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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. After you pumped it up did you ride it for a block or so? Was the nail outside of the sealing area of the ride on?
  2. :rotf: You Velly funny ferrow
  3. My Sister In Law is tired of typing a password in everytime she takes her computer off of sleep or boots it up again. How would I go about disableing the password on her computer?
  4. I was going to ask about the cover as well. It possibly wouldn't have kept someone from doing it but it could have deterred them, who knows. I always cover mine when it's outside. That being said, I know how people can dwell on things like this and it can just take the joy out of the rest of the day or week. I'm sure you'll get a solution figured out when you get back home and I hope that you don't dwell on it and let it ruin the day or the rest of your vacation!!
  5. Sweet ride Mark. I think if I'd have gone for a different color, on a first gen., it would have to have been that one... Very nice.


    We need to get a weekend Meet & Eat scheduled for the Colorado Contingent here sometime.

  6. Okay, this thread has gotten a little less of a contest thread and more of a discussion thread. Keep in mind that this thread was started as a contest. Basically, just state where you think it should be held and why and you're entered in the contest. Not that discussion isn't good but maybe we can/should start another thread to discuss the ideas put forth in this thread
  7. If you have power to everything then it, probably isn't the ignition switch. Usually, if it's the ignition switch, you lose all power except, maybe, the radio. Still, I'm thinking the Seafoam may just be a coincidence that is taking the focus away from something else that's just intermittent. Just a guess on that though. How about the fuel pump connections. Maybe the fuel pump is cutting in and out. After it dies, and when you go to restart, does it click like it's filling the bowls again?
  8. Oh, sure, catch my the one mistake I've ever made, in my entire life, and make a huge deal out of it... Don's right it was a typo. I meant 8,700 rpm, I mean, 0,078 rpm, I mean 4,700 rpm
  9. What have you done? Have you checked the vent hose on top of the tank? Does the tank suck air when you open it? Checked the fuel filter? Just some thoughts off the top of my head.
  10. Had a V-Max rearend on my 89. At about 75 MPH it would run about 7,800 rpm. Ran regular gas got roughly 34 mpg mostly highway between 75 and 80 (indicated). Ran premium I would get about 37 same route every day. Mountain ride, lower speeds, 2 up, got about 45mpg.
  11. Hence the "Fairly". Guess it's all relative, ain't it!!
  12. Same here!!!! Actually, every day for the past few weeks.
  13. Psssst, Ron, It's just a contest!!
  14. When I had my 89. I had the dealer change the oil every time only because I had to have other things done to the bike and the oil change time coincided with the other things. On the ride home, I could ALWAYS tell when they'd over filled the bike. There was a noticeable vibration to the bike at highway speeds. I'd dump the extra and she smoothed right out and, as you said, I think it seemed like it moved a little better as well.
  15. Yeah, but what is there, for riding, in Kansas? (Hey, I was born and raised in Kansas so I can say that )
  16. I don't believe the Moose lodge is there any longer. Could be wrong but I'd have to check on that. Since this is a Contest Thread, maybe we should limit this to just listing our choices and the reasons why and not get into discussions about why one place would be preferable over another. We could start another thread for that.
  17. I think I could go for Arkansas or the Wyoming/South Dakota area. Both are "fairly" centrally located and SD has some nice roads in the north west part of the state.
  18. Well I, for one, have no idea where they got the idea that "Mid-West" is an area that includes Illinois, Iowa etc. How can you call that West. Mid-America maybe. If we divide the country at the geographic center (somewhere in the hinterlands of Kansas) anything east of Kansas is EAST and visa versa. That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it. Using that logic Kentucky would be the "Mid-East" and Utah, Nevada would be "Mid-West. I'm in the same boat as Condor. Not enough time to ride far for a rally. Heck, I didn't even have enough time to do stuff at the Fort Collins rally and that's where I live!! So, either way, I'm screwed until I retire.
  19. Well, the International Rallies have been in Fort Collins, Colorado and Kitchener Ontario so far. The whole idea started as Squidley's brain storm to have a rally as close to the middle of the country as possible so that members from both coasts wouldn't have to travel as far to meet. And this would allow for more people to make it to a big rally without having to spend lots of hours just getting too and from the rally. Until last year, there had been rallies either in the western states, that were too far for those in the east to get to, or visa versa.
  20. Well, JT. Last bill that I got I got a $10.00 charge for a download on my son's phone line. He swears he never downloaded anything and had never heard of the outfit that the DL was through. So, if that's true, I guess so, yes.
  21. gibvel

    New Machine

    Wouldn't be a "Royal Star" anymore if it weren't a V-4 though. Still think they'll dump the new V-Max engine in it!
  22. Great to hear Pitbull!! Now it's time to rest up from the vacation, huh?
  23. Sharp Brad. How true to the color are the pictures? I fell in love with that color when I saw the pictures on the Yamaha site but I have yet to see one in real life. Assuming you've seen the Yamaha pictures, how does "real Life" compare to those?
  24. In which part of Colorado does your daughter live? How long are you planning on staying in Colorado?
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