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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Which antenna is it. My CB antenna had a connection that you just pulled up on and it would pull straight off the mating female piece on the arm. I thought mine wouldn't tighten either until I was turning one day and pulled up and boom, off it came. I agree with GeorgeS about the firestick mod. Here's a site that addresses this (Marshall Mod). I did it when the black plastic on my CB antenna desintegrated and the whole deal cost me less than 1 OEM CB antenna... $105 shipped including the fold downs. Some don't use the fold downs because they are somewhat loose. http://www.bludolphintravel.com/gmg/marshallmod.htm
  2. Don't agree here. Heck you can get half way decent reception with just about any piece of wire. But transmitting is a different story all together.
  3. Sorry to hear about the accident. Only one word comes to mind... Centerstand.
  4. Well, with all the talk about other cables that have vibrated loose or have gotten dirty while inside the faring, it IS possible that the cable has worked it's way loose. I know that the radio control head cable will have enough of a connection to have power at the head but keep the buttons/knobs on the controller from functioning so, it is possible to have power and not have any control over the device. Good luck, keep us posted as to what you find out. Hope it's something simple and not the unit itself.
  5. Well, actually, nobody said anything about "sober" just "without the Heineken".
  6. Just going over the obvious here. You did run a cable up to the front faring and plug it into the correct cable in the faring, right? Maybe check and see that one of the pins didn't get bent on that connector or something. Maybe the connector is corroded from sitting with nothing plugged in. Could try plugging and unplugging a couple of times or some contact cleaner. Also, a little dielectric grease couldn't hurt.
  7. gibvel


    Actually, most of the riding is on the highway, right now, @ an indicated 78. When I'm running 55 in 4th is the most annoying and it's a 99 so it's not going to be warranty and it's not getting done anytime in the near future. At this point I don't want to run the risk of the chirp moving into a more used range and screwing everything up. One thing that helped, some, is the Clearview windshield. It's actually taken the highest pitch component out of it or lessened it so it's a LOT more tolerable now.
  8. gibvel


    Hey Bummer, Since you have a tach and all, assuming that you have the stock rear end, could you let me know what RPM you're running in 4th at exactly 55mph. and then what RPM it is at 60mph? My chirp shows up in 2nd at 35 to 40, in 3rd at 45 to 50, in 4th from 55 to 60 and, in 5th from about 70 to 75... roughly Would be nice to know what RPM range that is. If you would be so inclined as to notice that sometime on one of your rides.
  9. gibvel


    It should be a warranty item. Depending on which dealer you take it to for work you may have to push them to get with Yamaha and get it covered. From what I've gathered it's a one time thing. They will replace the clutch basket one time under warranty. It seems that it's mostly a hit or miss proposition though. Sometimes it takes the sound away, sometimes just moves it in the rpm band. This may be wrong, someone else will have to chime in and tell me if I'm wrong, but I believe they will change the basket to the I basket and, if it makes it worse or it doesn't meet your approval they will change it back to the old basket as well. However, like I said, that may be wrong information.
  10. NO!! It will not work with the front end lowered. I realized that my front end was lowered after looking at photos of Don's air fork balance kit set up. I have a hard enough time getting the caps off and getting the pump hooked up with the forks up more than stock. The balancing kit will DEFINITELY NOT fit on the valves on mine in the lowered position. Don't know if mine is lowered as low as some either. Sound like you've got your's lowered even farther than mine if you have to take the bars off just to adjust the pressure in the forks.
  11. Motorcyclist magazine just named it as the most comfortable touring bike on the market. Of course, the RSV WASN'T even tested, but then...
  12. Just got a new cell yesterday and it has a dedicated place for 3 ICE numbers AND a place to put pertinent information as well. Thought that was a smart, neat little feature. In the contact area, of the phone, it's always at the top and it has a red box with a white cross as an icon. Always easy to find.
  13. Pretty soon you'll learn just exactly where to shift so you get the most out of it and don't have to hit the limiter!!
  14. Real life experience, indicated, 1st and 2nd gear. Rev limiter kicks in @ 42 in 1st, 68 in 2nd. Unfortunately, the on ramp ended and I was right next to a semi so I had to back it down.
  15. Just keep it in first and crank on it till it starts to sputter. Not going to hurt a thing. I think that's around 35 or 40. I've done it a few times and I've finally learned about where it kicks in, by the sound, so I just take it up to the edge and then shift.
  16. Well, I was going to say I had one but you'd have to take it as a gift because that's the way you're supposed to do Gremlin Bells.
  17. “Steve Wagner. Astronaut... Ummmm wait... Ummmm... Radiator grill manufacturer. A man barely alive. We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was before. Better. Stronger. Faster.”
  18. Everyone ride safe and enjoy!! Oh, and, according to the forum by-laws photos must be posted upon your safe return!!
  19. You have to get under the trunk in the flat, black box. You'll have to have a set of cables like this: http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=SIE%2DSWR12 To hook the SWR meter in line with the CB and the antenna. That being said, the problem you're having doesn't sound like it's SWR related. Is this something that has just started? Have you used the CB before? Are you sure the antennas are installed on the correct sides (the one with the black "Load" in the center should be on the left). You've got a 5 year warranty, let the dealer take a look.
  20. Wonder if your Stebel may have gotten something in the small plastic pipe (inlet) that hangs down on, I believe, the leading side of the cylinder. Not super likely but a possibility.
  21. I always do. I contemplate riding to the gas station (1 mile away) without it at times, but I end up putting it on anyway.
  22. Gas tanks under the seat though, so I don't know how they'd be able to add more capacity.
  23. Well, hopefully your hard drive will hold up to the rigors of vibration on your bike. How long have you been using it? Is it waterproof?
  24. Sounds like you've got it under control!! I'd suspect a spyware thing. Glad to hear its working again... Whip, slap!!
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