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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Or, I like the beatings!! Just put some pads down first Brad. I think that laying it down would be easier when off to the side as opposed to, the usual way you lay the bike down... Sitting on it. Have Naugh-T help you lay it over, you girlie man!!
  2. OKAY!! NOW you're just bragging!!!! :rasberry:
  3. Wow!! Very nice!! The only thing that could make that look any better is if Bobbie sat on it an YOU took the pictures.
  4. I thought that was their mouth... Okay, let the beatings begin!! Really ladies, I love and worship you all.
  5. The one from Colorado could ride down with me!!
  6. Just like they do in the grocery stores every year or so, huh? Gotta keep you guessing.
  7. Pssssst sorry to tell you but, if you have a V-Twin in your's, someone cheated you out of 2 cylinders. All the RSVs I've seen have a V-4 in them.
  8. Bobbie, When you get farther along with your plans let me know when you'll be up this way!
  9. Wish the Wally World here carried the stuff. I've been looking for months now.
  10. gibvel

    biker down

    Prayers sent!!
  11. Bill, Ummmmm, I could, ummmmmmmmm find something to do with the new Venture, I'm sure!!
  12. I was thinking about this the other day. I wear briefs and, the other day, I noticed that the place I was feeling the hurting was right where the leg seam in the underwear was. I think I may have to try this. This may also go with what Seaking was saying as well.
  13. I posed that very question to the guys a Garmin and the guy said recommended is 2GB. But he added that if anything higher is used it will slow the unit down. Didn't say you couldn't use higher, just said it would slow it down.
  14. Actually, the 1st gens only have one antenna.
  15. Oooooo I like it!! Maybe with a sign that says "Friends don't let friends ride Metzler"
  16. Well, didn't really "mis-read". I read it over a couple 3 or 4 times trying to decide if he meant he wasn't moving out of Florida. I just took it that he lives in South Florida and was moving out of South Florida into another state. Just took him a little farther than he meant to go. Either way, 46 ain't old.
  17. The one on my 89 would come on, like that, on cold mornings when I was reving it hard coming off of a cloverleaf onto the highway. So when I was in a hard lean and then would push it getting up to highway speed at the end of the on ramp. Does this sound like anything that you're doing?
  18. Good thing you're moving OUT of Florida. 46 is way to young to be there.
  19. I know why you're moving to Florida!! All the old folk go down there to live. You're just too old now!! I totally agree with you about the snow though. Every time I hear about it I think about moving.
  20. What are they comparing the DNA to? Do they have DNA from another bigfoot? Are they comparing it to human DNA to determine it's NOT human? Are they thinking that people will believe it's a REAL bigfoot if they say the DNA proved it just because lots of people think DNA is the FINAL word on things now?
  21. Actually Denden said that they got a Mazda Miata to tool around in. I was doing the same thing. Leadwolf just beat us to the punch, huh?
  22. Well, there have been, at least, 6 reports of chunking happening, on 880s with low mileage on all different types of bike, on this site alone. Now you've heard of it happening. Not saying don't run them just keep an eye on them and the pressure up.
  23. I was going to say that maybe a half cover would be a better option but that won't cover all of the paint.
  24. Keep in mind that the plastic piece on mine was broken at the bottom, that is how I was able to unscrew the bottom piece from the top. I fear that you won't be able to get them apart unless you break the plastic piece. On top of this you may not be able to get the antenna off of the bracket unless you cut the cable at the bottom. They really make this a pain in the butt to replace, that's for sure.
  25. Got my old AM/FM antenna and, since it was already broken, I got a better anatomy of the unit. I've included 3 photos. I don't believe the black plastic piece on the outside has much bearing on the function. It appears that the antenna, from the chrome bezel is one piece that, if the black plastic were not there, would screw into the thread on the piece that screws onto the bracket. In the pic of the antenna laying down, it shows how the treaded bottom piece goes into the top section of the antenna. In the second pic I show the mating connector inside of the bottom of the antenna. Don't be fooled by the photo. The shiny spot on the bottom of the black plastic piece is a very smooth part of the plastic that reflects the light and looks like metal. The only metal in that photo is the treaded piece at the bottom of the hole in the plastic. I think the most telling pic is the 3rd one. Notice that there are 2 sections to that bottom piece. The threaded piece goes into the outside (ground portion) of the connector and is kept from making contact with the ground portion. The ground portion is the part that screws to the bracket. Now look at the side of the outside ground. Note that the black plastic insulator, that keeps the threaded portion from contacting the ground piece secures to the ground piece by going through the ground piece. It's my belief that, what has happened to your antenna is, those pieces that come through the ground portion have probably sheered and are allowing that whole piece to rotate inside of the ground portion Hope this is clear. So, I think, you've only got 3 choices. Either use the antenna as is and not fold it down, buy a new OEM antenna, do half the Marshall mod with a firestick, or do the full Marshall mod. Oh, another guy here did a semi marshall mod.. what he did was use a splitter for the CB and the Radio and made the whole thing into an single antenna unit. Here's the mod. in the tech section: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=11486
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