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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. What, not DQ?
  2. Well, I've gotten my last couple tires from a dealer because with ordering a new tire, shipping and "on the bike" installation, the tires were about the same price across the board. Some dealers cut you a deal on installation if you buy the tires from them. If I were to buy the tires from somewhere else and have a dealer install (keep in mind, not everyone wants to hassle with, or has the equipment for, taking off the wheels and taking them in to have the tire mounted) it would be, roughly $120 to $130. My dealer would do the install for $20 per tire if I purchased the tires from them. It ended up being the same or slightly cheaper that way. That being said, I've also heard of dealers that draw the line at 10 year old bikes but, as mini said, never for just changing tires. I'd tell them to kindly refund my charge and I will go somewhere that WILL change tires on you bike. If they refuse, I agree, stop the payment and go elsewhere.
  3. The chirp sounds like a cricket on steroids or the cars the Jetsons use. It will present itself at the same RPM through every gear shift. Mine does it at 25 in first, 35 in second, 45 in third, 55 in fourth and, roughly 70 to 75 in 5th. If I nail 55 in fourth and cruise, with the throttle on, keeping a constant speed it stays loud. If I back off the throttle it goes away. It goes away when the speed gets to 5 mph above the afore mentioned speeds. Some have it louder than others and some have it at different RPMs Don't know if that helps with the identification of the sound. I believe that the clutch basket change will only solve the chirp problem but I'm not 100% sure of that. People that have had the baskets changed have reported mixed results. Some have it go away completely, some have it reduced, some have it move to a different RPM range and therefore different cruising speeds, some have it go away only to reappear after putting on a few thousand miles. So it doesn't seem like it is a definite fix.
  4. Hehehe, ya beat me to it Don!!
  5. What's the size? Can you take a photo with a ruler or something for comparison?
  6. We've got that here right now. It was 50º this morning and it's been in the low to mid 70s for the past couple days in the afternoon. Unfortunately, it looks like we get a cold front the first part of next week. Gotta love Indian Summer!!
  7. Dad and I built and Emperor kit back, gosh, must have been late 80s early 90s. They're fixing to move to a smaller place and I'm gonna be the beneficiary of that clock. The face looks almost like that one but the weights and the pendulum are a little more extravagant than my parents is. Very nice looking clock and you got a great buy!!
  8. Thanks for the update, Dan. Is there any way that they can retrofit something on, or modify, the existing shields so that this won't happen to those of us with the old style shield to keep this from happening?
  9. Just looking at the second picture and noticed... Is that a huge oil puddle on the floor under the bike? Hope you have many miles of smiles on the bike!!
  10. Must say, I really like that color scheme.
  11. Just get a magnet and rub the existing drain plug, in one direction, across the magnet some 100 times or so. It should magnetize the existing one just fine. Learned that on Beakman's world. Or bring it where I work. The magnets around here should magnetize that sucker up right. It sure worked with my knife!!
  12. Hold on, not sensitive, just wondered why people seemed to have a cow about dry counties and not being able to get their booze. Didn't realize that you were joking, and that's part of what was behind the question. It's all good... as long as nobody goes drinking and then riding.
  13. Okay, all this talk about "dry county" has got me wondering... (and don't take this the wrong way or personally or anything like that) If it were a dry county and you couldn't get beer (alcohol) would that really affect you? Would you have less fun? Would you have no fun? Would you even consider not coming to the rally because you have to have the stuff to have fun? If it were a law that you couldn't bring any alcohol into the county would you consider breaking the law and smuggling some in? Not insinuating that anyone is an alcoholic or anything like that. I understand that lots of people like having a beer or 2 at the end of the day or whenever but do you consider a function LESS fun or LESS enjoyable by not being able to have an alcoholic beverage? Used to drink myself in college but I rarely, if ever, drink now a days. I just don't understand all the concern with the county being dry and the assurance having to be made that there will be alcohol there. Please take this with the spirit intended and don't get offended by my desire to know the way some of you think about this.
  14. Was the tach the only thing affected? Did it drop all the way to 0 and not move. Had a fuse blow on mine and the tack, Volt meter etc. went down. Might check and see if you lost a fuse and or if the fuses are making good connection with the fuse block.
  15. No go with that link for me.
  16. Check out the history page here: http://www.venturerider.org/modules/history/index.php The first gens are 83-93 Some major changes were made in 86 so some refer to the 86 to 93 as MKII
  17. Cool, great to hear that they're going to replace the trunk bottom for you.
  18. Same thought crossed my mind when I saw the add! At least he got rid of it before he wrecked the thing.
  19. Sleeperhawk or Mechanic lately?
  20. Gravity... It's the law!!
  21. I feel your pain Bobcat!!
  22. You can download the owners manual one the Yamaha website: http://www.starmotorcycles.com/assets/service/manuals/2007/LIT-11626-20-24_venture_1307.pdf Just click on the little disk in the upper left and save it to your computer.
  23. Wouldn't, per chance, be this one, would it? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Motorcycles___2007-YAMAHA-ROYAL-STAR-VENTURE-TOURING-BIKE-500-MILES_W0QQitemZ300263858410QQddnZMotorcyclesQQddiZ2283QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item300263858410&_trkparms=72%3A727%7C39%3A1%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1308&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245
  24. Love too, but too far away for me. BTW, what color is it?
  25. Hmmmm some of us think running a car tire on a motorcycle is dumb. nough said?
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