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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. gibvel

    Knife Test

    I'm thinking this is faked, just the reaction after the knife when through the hand. Yeah, I'm just going to stand there, look at the knife and not jump around yelling in pain. My vote is for Fake!!
  2. Hmmm sounds backward to me. "Hey, lets take crap to the show so we can impress people". Used to be the stuff at the show was the top notch, attention to detail, stuff. May just lose some customers who won't give it a second look because of what they saw at the show. If I were a rep I'd be giving the home office a piece of my mind. Besides that, how can you trust a company, who doesn't put their best foot forward for a show to launch a new bike, to make good on promises to pay closer attention to detail when they're cranking the product out right and left in production. I'm just saying.
  3. Redneck fashioned his own, here's a photo: May want to contact him if you have some questions.
  4. Question. Is it stuck down permanently so there's no access to the bolts in case they loosen and need to be tightened or you need to take the trunk off to get to the CB? You know, that kind of thing. I assume you stuck the covering to the foam pad for the bottom so there's acces to the bolts.
  5. Never let your tank get below half in the winter. You're just inviting moisture into the tank. Gas will go through the injector, water won't.
  6. Yup, you were the one I was referring to. Hoped you'd chime in!
  7. Check out this link: http://www.bludolphintravel.com/gmg/marshallmod.htm Some around here have used even shorter antennas they've picked up at the local truck stop.
  8. Thanks for the addition and the good (as always) logic Goose!!
  9. You had the rotors painted? I don't think that will work.
  10. The service manual says to use 648 loctite (high temp stuff) and the torque is 17ft/lbs. Manual also says to tighten in stages and a criss cross pattern. Same on both front and rear. Many would probably say that the 648 loctite isn't necessary and hard to find (had to order mine cause I couldn't find it anywhere). Maybe just the high holding stuff would be sufficient. May want to put the wheel back on right after tightening the bolts down and check for warping and adjust the bolt if necessary. I think mine had a slight warp but it's better than the old rotor was.
  11. Red Xs also. It's because you tried to paste them from your hotmail account. Try downloading them to this site or to photobucket first then put the link in.[/
  12. Red Xs also. It's because you tried to paste them from your hotmail account. Try downloading them to this site or to photobucket first then put the link in.
  13. Ahhhh but this doesn't take into account changing loads (with or without passenger, trailer, that 12 pack you just stuck in the trunk ) or shock/fork pressures. You'd have to re-adjust for every riding situation.
  14. Just on one side. Sit on the bike... look down by your right thigh, pretty close to right under the very front of the seat/ rear of the tank. You will see a black "fluted" knob with a philips screwdriver slot in the middle. That's your adjuster.
  15. Try this search: http://motors.shop.ebay.com/Parts-Accessories_Motorcycle-Parts-Accessories__yzfr6-yzf-r6-yzf-r-6-yzf-r6-yzf-R6-Seat_W0QQ_nkwZQ2bQ28yzfr6Q2cQ20yzfQ20r6Q2cQ20yzfQ20rQ2d6Q2cQ20yzfQ2dr6Q2cQ20yzfQ2dR6Q29Q2bSeatQQ_fxdZ1QQ_sopZ10QQ_trksidZm270Q2el1313_fxdZ1QQ_sopZ10QQ_trksidZm270Q2el1313
  16. Gee, I wish I lived closer. I'd let you do anything you want to my bike and I don't have any money to leave so we'd both be happy. :rotf:
  17. Forgetting another thing Peg. V-twin.
  18. Eye candy, yes. Don't remember seeing any swim suits though...
  19. Not on-line. They have campuses in Phoenix and Orlando. Check out the site: http://www.uti.edu/Motorcycle/tabid/59/Default.aspx
  20. I don't think his bike has ABS. (I think he means the AIS )
  21. Get a new key blank and cut one side with one key and the other side with the other key. That way you only have one key. Depending on how you stick it into the lock it will open or operate one or the other locks. The down side is you'll probably have to mark one side so you know which side is which.
  22. I was raised in Wichita. First time I heard of the place, and the only time I've been there was when I was out on "tour" with my college recruitment group. The guy was pretty "Unique/interesting", wasn't he?
  23. Oh my gosh!! You actually went to the Garden of Eden, huh?
  24. Hey, I used to own one of those bikes!!
  25. Heck, I don't think buying a demo is risky. As long as it doesn't have too many dings etc. Even if it has some dings or what not they should take off for that, as long as you don't mind them. It's got the 5 year warranty too so you're covered.
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