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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Oooooops, totally missed that it was still under warranty. Get them to replace it!!
  2. Of course, you could always do the Marshall mod. I did it with the fold downs and, total for 2 antenna and all the fixin's (didn't need the cables) it was about $110.00 or $115.00. http://www.bludolphintravel.com/gmg/marshallmod.htm The antenna are stronger (unless you park too close to the garage door don't ask ) and I, personally, like the looks better. Some people don't like the quick fold downs as they have some slop to them but that doesn't affect performance. You can always mount them without the quick fold downs and save some cash but then you can't use a cover unless you modify it to fit around them. Don't forget to adjust the SWR on your CB antenna if you do the mod. [url=http://www.bludolphintravel.com/gmg/marshallmod.htm=Marshal%20Mod%20page][/url]
  3. $2,601. Wait, that's The Price is Right crap there! $3,500
  4. Mmmmmm, so many fine bikes so little money!!
  5. Hmmmm if I get a couple people together in Colorado would you come up and do the same here?
  6. I read that these will be a long time coming to the "Normal" market as they are having vibration problems at higher speeds. That and they are very noisy at higher speeds as well. They said they're more likely to be used on construction equipment where they don't have the high speed concerns and where the benefits of no flats are more beneficial.
  7. Westley said to Buttercup!
  8. Beach Sand Tan/Raspberry Metallic
  9. Dielectric grease does nothing for the heat load. It's primarily used to keep the moisture/corrosion out. It, actually, acts as an insulator.
  10. Oooooo, he's gonna love you for bringing THAT up.
  11. Just out of curiosity, how long did it take for Rick to do the mod?
  12. This should give you some idea: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1023/cat/7
  13. Oh boy!! He should get mine today. Can't wait to get it back.
  14. They have "canned" air at Wal-Mart in the computer section. This is better than nothing.
  15. Try this site: http://www.bludolphintravel.com/gmg/marshallmod.htm
  16. My brother used to have a Bichon who was fearless. I'd say see if she likes it and ease her into it. Take her out and set her on the bike and see how she fares. Then, if she seems to be okay with that, set her on and start the bike but don't move it. When she's accustom to that, maybe a short ride and then, who knows, she may want to go with you everywhere. The front pack and the tank bag sound like great ideas and would be good for added security.
  17. Good Job Cindy... Not even going to say anything else.
  18. Got a how to, diagram etc. for some of us electrically illiterate types.
  19. Here you go. It's in the 2nd Gen. Technical Library. Emergency Ignition Switch bypass
  20. Not to worry, I've been riding the last couple days for you!!
  21. My only concern is during the daytime. LEDs have a tendency to wash out during the day time.
  22. There's also a sleeper called Evolution that I like alot. David Duchovny, Orlando Jones, Sean William Scott.
  23. Darn it to hell man Don't think like that!! I need a man with a tattoo on his ****! Have I got the right man?? By a strange coincidence you do sir!! Love that movie. Nitro is hilarious too. So many good lines, so little space!! My second vote is for Liar, Liar.
  24. Very True! Sorry you're in this situation and have to do this though. If history holds true, you may sell it here. Any time I've even thought about buying a nice bike at a nice price on this site someone beat me to it.
  25. Man, this is soooo tempting!!! Good luck with the sale. It's a sharp looking bike!!
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