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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. What additives (friction modifiers?) and what problems (Clutch slip, total engine failure?)? Since you went with the Mobile 1 specifically for Motorcycles, don't know that clutch slip will be a problem. As far as total failure, I think you're okay too. Personally, I think, the guy at the dealership is trying to sell you things they carry. It's his job, it's what he does. I think most things dealers tell you can be taken with a grain of salt. There are guys on here... lots of guys... who run non-motorcycle specific oil in their rides. Probably a collection of more bikes than that guy will every work on, and I don't think anyone is having any problems.
  2. Yeah, this is where the "pick your spot carefully" comes into play. Bet you don't do that again, huh?
  3. Yeah, that's about how much it is here at the Wal-Mart. However, they don't stock very much of it at the one here and there's usually only a quart or so left when I go back there. I got it where I bought my Purolator filters this last time and it was around $10. I've decided I'm going to buy a quart (since that seems to be how much they have at any given time I go there) every time we go to Wal-mart so I can get it at the better price and it doesn't bust the bank every time I want to change oil. Got 2 bikes and I'm switching the second one to Synth this change too soooo...
  4. Okay, those of you guys, who are using Mobil 1 are you using the motorcycle specific or are you using the automobile Mobil 1. I know Freebird and I are using the motorcycle specific stuff (racing 4T 10W-40). If you're using Automobile Mobil 1 full synth. which one are you using.
  5. Where's the post, where's the post? Whip-Slap!!
  6. Hmmmm maybe we should start planning a virtual ride for Boomer.... Who will eventually have a heart attack from sampling cheese cake and not listening to his doctor.
  7. So, Highwaypeg, how's this going lately? Got your Sportster yet?
  8. Take the beast to the rev. limiter in 1st and 2nd (about 6,000 rpm) and it will give you some idea of how far to take it in each gear. The rev. limiter will , basically, cause the engine to start cutting out, sputter, but it won't hurt anything. It'll just give you an idea of how far you can rap the things out before you have to shift.
  9. gibvel

    Is it worth it?

    08 or 09 and what color? What dealer?
  10. Yeah, they'll be really close to the bars and a pain in the butt to the pump on.
  11. Does anyone else get that "Thread Hijack" feeling?
  12. There's no harm in leaving it that way but there's a fix for it if it bothers you: Battery Warning Bypass
  13. Truck Stop would probably be your best bet. Phone book under CB radios?
  14. Well, the splitter comes in handy if you put in a GPS. You plug the GPS into one line and then you can still use the plug next to the cassette deck for your MP3.
  15. Glad to hear it wasn't worse than it was and prayers for a speedy recovery for both of you. I was about to say this very thing. We are, sometimes, as quick to blame the driver as they are to blame the bikers. We become complacent with our abilities and follow more closely than we should or position ourselves so we can't be see. Fact is, we have just as much if not more responsibility to MAKE ourselves be seen as the cage drivers have for being aware that we are there. I'm not saying this was the case this time just reminding that, it may not always be the cagers fault that things happen.
  16. Well, since you don't have anything else on your plate, I think you should look into getting the patent etc.!! J/K Don!!
  17. Oh, that's just GREAT to hear!! I'm really very happy for you Sherry!!!!
  18. gibvel

    New bike

  19. OMG, I just saw the photo of your hubby and his Harley, that you put in you gallery. All I can say is he's old enough to know better and not be swayed by what his Harley buddies say. He should have outgrown that kind of thinking long ago. Smack him up side o' the head for us!!
  20. Tsk, Tsk, Don!! What would Marisa say?
  21. Ride what you like, like what you ride!! Couldn't help but notice the Smiley at the end. You do realise she's standing in front of a Harley V-Rod, right? Did you try out one of those? I'd tell hubby you want to go back and try one of those just to .
  22. Good for you!! Ah yes, the memories of the center position in Little league football. My younger brother took that all the way through high school and even went on and played for Iowa State. Just found out, this Christmas, that the Chargers were interested in him but he didn't want to pursue football any farther. Go Team!! Keep us posted on how things go. You'll, kinda, be our inside reporter!!
  23. No, the link is bad. Try this one. Bucks Lowers I don't, however, see anything at that site for the Virago. But then I didn't look around extensively.
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