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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Yup, that's very nasty stuff when applied to ABS. Don't ask how I know!!
  2. Yeah, we had that system here on Saturday. Got 10 inches. There's only about 1 left on the ground and most of that should be gone today.
  3. Well, it's about time you got back. I guess some people are so thick skinned they can take the cold shoulder treatment way longer than others. Must be all that Canadian weather that made your skin so thick. And let the fun begin!!
  4. You know what they say... A fool and his money are soon parted!!
  5. Absolutely. It's just funny.
  6. Yeah, What the wise Owl said.. (BTW he also knows how many licks it takes to get the the Tootsie Roll© center of a Tootsie pop© ) I'm up in Loveland and Leland is down closer to you.
  7. I'm assuming this is the front forks and rear shock pressure. Just wanted to make sure everyone is on the same page here.
  8. Tell them you'll trade Lily for Flash for a week and then they can see why you kennel her when you're not around. On another note, maybe spaying her would help her with her attitude.
  9. My most memorable Christmas when I was a kid was the year my Mom and Dad bought me a TI calculator. This thing was GINORMOUS and, back then, cost a fortune. Of course it didn't do half the stuff a $10 calculator you can get at Wal-Mart, these days, can do but it was the BOMB!!! But more than that, every year there was Grandma and all the things she blessed us with. The crispy Christmas cut-out cookies, you know, the ones with the red and green sugar sprinkled on top. The cinnamon rolls and the applesauce, red-hot jello salad that has since found it's way into our own traditional Christmas menu. The way she would hold us kids on her lap or, as we grew, beside her and read us all the Christmas classics (as well as the funny pages, but that's a different story ). Every Christmas, now, is memorable!! My kids and son-in-law seem to make it that way, in one way or another. And, of course, there is our Granddaughter who is now, old enough, to react, with wide-eyed amazement, at all the glitter and glamor of the holiday season. Each year is special and memorable in it's own way. Every year I get to re-live my childhood through my kids and Grand kids. Baking the usual treats, cooking the traditional meals, relaxing, stuffing yourself till you think you'll explode, watching the games or movies on TV, falling asleep while watching the games and movies on TV, playing board games, riding the bike on Christmas day (if you're lucky ) and just spending time with loved ones. Every year is memorable.
  10. Read today that the judge asked the two sides to go into mediation and they agreed. So it ain't over yet!! Hostess may re-open. Feel sooo sorry for the guys on Ebay if they do.
  11. Amen brother!! I feel your pain. They're my favorite!! It appears, from what I read on their site, they will sell their iconic brands. So it may just be that someone else will buy the rights and start making Twinkies, Suzy Qs, etc.
  12. I don't know that you'd have to freeze them. I think they're like cockroaches. They'll survive anything. Sounds to me like the workers cut off their noses to spite their faces.
  13. I think I've heard Goose discuss this very thing. I believe he said the valve timing is different on some cylinders, SPECULATING that Yamaha wanted to give the bike less of a "even" feel to it and a little bit of a "lope" that made it sound a bit Harleyish. I don't really hear much, if any, lope but then it's not as even as a auto engine either. Now, this is just my memory of what, I believe, I heard Goose speculate at one time. I'm not sure I got that correct or if he even said it or if it was just said in jest. Hopefully, he'll come in and straighten me out if I was incorrect.
  14. Either just get another jacket and don't put any patches on it to use to ride when riding a chapter ride or... Ride naked! Seriously, if you got a jacket and didn't put a single patch on it, would they make you put a STAR patch on it? To me, STAR, at least that chapter, is getting that "attitude" that makes me stay away from a certain brand of motorcycle. Screw the attitude, ride and dress like you want to. Why do people get so freaking caught up in this stuff!!!! Another thing that makes THIS family the best!!
  15. This is because you're trying to link from your email account. You need to go to the original link and copy and paste or insert with the link function provided in the post area.
  16. Here's the service spec. document. It says what sizes all the jets are: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7839 Actually, lots of good info in this document, right at your finger tips. After re-reading your post I think you may have had the carbs turned incorrectly, or thought the front and back were really the side. As the document says that #1 and #2 carbs have the 122.5 and the # 3 has the 117.5 #4 has a 120. Cylinders 1 and 2 are on the left (left front being #2) and 3 and 4 are on the right. Promise I'll quit editing after this. Here's a link to download the service manual: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1828
  17. Well, I got one about a year and a half ago, called Goose cause I couldn't remember which one to get, and I got the one that has 50 psi on the sidewall. The one I had before this last one was a 42 psi and I was surprised because the one I had before that was a 50 psi sidewall and I thought that's what I was getting again. From your numbers it appears that they have, recently, changed things. So the 80H has Max 42 psi stamped on the sidewall??
  18. That's because there are 2 different speed ratings. One speed rating is higher speed lower load and has a lower sidewall pressure. The other is lower speed, higher weight and has the 50psi sidewall pressure. Goose turned me on to this fact a couple years ago. He also said the higher pressure one lasts longer as well. Not 100% sure what the designation is, but I want to say it's "H" EDIT: Okay, after some research I believe the difference in the nomenclature of the tires is this: 150/90B15 - 80H - This would be the higher weight, lower speed 50 psi tire 150/90VB15 - 74V - This would be the lower weight, higher speed 42 psi tire.
  19. Seriously? I got mine in a few days and you live closer than I do. Have you contacted them? Gotta love the USPS.
  20. Have you tried the film trick and or Seal mate first? http://sealmate.net/
  21. Clock by pushing select and reset buttons on dash. Push select again to go back to Odometer. Set by pushing and holding select and reset for at least 2 seconds. Min. will flash set; with reset button. Push select again, hour will flash; set with reset button. push select again to start clock.
  22. There's also a screw on the right hand side that adjusts the left and right movement of the light. If you turn the bars all the way to the left and look below the bars at the hole (space) in the lower part of the faring, next to the steering head, there's a long, brass, phillips head screw.
  23. Did you move the CB? If not, the CB antenna is on the wrong side.
  24. Found this on line: http://unitednuclear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_17_69&products_id=163&zenid=06f35fb1345b8e9e6f0bc369a5cdae30
  25. Ooooo a bit closer to home. May have to ride down for maintenance more often! Congrats on the move, Kent!!
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