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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Oh I'm all about the helping and learning. To me, learning by doing is the best possible way to learn. Thanks for the advice on a lower number of bikes for this type of job. I agree that keeping the number of bikes down helps, that's why I cast doubts on a "Maintenance day" setting for working on my bike .
  2. So, Goose, are you planning another maintenance day down there? I'd love to come down and let you impart some knowledge on me in terms of carbs and the whole AIS system. Although, come to think of it, my bike probably needs more work than could be done in a maintenance day setting. My problem is, I'm a visual person. You can tell me, or I can read, how to do something but I can't visualize it. If I can see it done it sticks and then I can do it fine after that. I know, I'm weird.
  3. Nice addition. Gets them up where people are more likely to see them. Any trouble with noise through the radio or CB when you're on the brakes. That was my only thought about running the wires down with the Antenna wires.
  4. Your description sounds just like what my chirp sounds like. It's a RPM dependent thing. In 4th, cruising along at 55, it's pretty loud on mine. If you can get it to a point where your just cruising and the chirp is loud try letting off on the throttle slightly and see if it disappears. I've got a slight hill on the way to work that I'll always let off the throttle slightly, to maintain speed, that's when I notice that it goes away. So it seems that it just happens under "stress".
  5. Dave, Thanks for that link!! I went to Harbor Freight's web site, thinking that someone here had gotten one there, but couldn't find anything when I searched.
  6. Thanks. Yeah, looked into one of those but I'd have to buy a new Multimeter to use it so the price would be lots higher than this unit. If it comes down to the permanent mount tach being a better deal then I'll go with that but I think people on this site have used these before. Just checking to see that they will actually work on our bikes.
  7. and does it work on our bikes (specifically 2nd Gen). ESI325 Inductive Tach Anyone use anything else besides a permanent bar/reservoir mounted tach?
  8. I'd say keep the Aussie Annie. It does denote that you're down under, that, to me, is better to know. The "Awesome" part will be gleaned as people get to know you. Although you could change it to "Awesome Aussie Annie" or AAA. Of course that may be copyrighted but then...
  9. So, were YOU the big dip in the parking lot, or are we talking about something else? I think it's all just a Pay Pal thing with the donation button. Glad nothing was hurt but your pride!
  10. Are these a "have to be in attendance to win" prize? Bill, could you elaborate on what prizes are the ones you have to be in attendance to win?
  11. All of those are animated on mine.
  12. Yeah, known issue. Could try the fork oil/tranny fluid cocktail and see if that helps. Helped mine some but it still creaks when it's cold out. Mine hasn't leaked though. Probably going to run it till it does. The proportions of fork oil to tranny fluid is 1 to 1. Can't remember how much Rick Butler said to use but 1/2oz of each sticks in my mind (although I did a second dose and it still groans when cold out). Then get a syringe and take the Schrader valve out of the rear shock valve and squirt it down inside. This is a long, somewhat, tedious process as it will fill up and start to overflow. I would then put a foot pump on the valve and give it a couple pumps and then release the pressure and squirt some more in. Good luck and let us know if that helps. Edit: Okay, here's the original Thread on the subject... [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2220]Understanding your RSV Rear Shock - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  13. Psssssssssst, Hope, What kind of bike/conveyance did your dad get?
  14. I believe this is the Jason mod. I believe the effect was that it would have a little rougher idle but be better in the higher rev range... more power (poor man's V-Boost ). Most here say that they don't notice much difference and most, I believe, put it back to stock after they try the mod.
  15. Oh my gosh... Was Charlie gone? Welcome back you old fart!!
  16. Wonder if your carbs are a bit out of sync and you're getting a little vibration cause of that. Just a thought.
  17. Totally understand. I was just ribbing you! However, please do let me know when you'll be out again!!
  18. I've got some on mine (not that brand but similar). Don't use them much was thinking about taking them off. If you put the passenger floor boards up and down a lot they do tend to get in the way. Don't know how much they'd get in the way of passengers feet cause I mostly ride alone.
  19. Yeah, and from what I understand, they're one of if not THE cheapest car to insure.
  20. Well, in the list of things it has it does say it has "Dual Air Bags".
  21. Well, I guess I won't be miffed that you didn't say "hi" on your way by. Glad you had a nice trip and made it home safely!!
  22. http://www.yzf600r.com/phpBB2/images/smilies/worthless.gif J/K Hope you heal quickly and it was all worth it!
  23. Hey Mike, Thought about heading up there myself but then I heard about the free day and thought better of it. How did you come down out of Estes? Did you go 34 through Thompson Canyon and Loveland?
  24. Keep it up and you won't get near as many miles from that rear tire.
  25. Yeah, if you're comparing it to the V-twin you can, and have to push it harder to hit the limiter. Once you hit it, you'll definitely know it!!
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