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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. All those things could, very easily be a set of carbs out of sync. Yours wouldn't be the only case where a dealership couldn't sync a set of carbs to save their lives. If you find someone and sync the carbs (actually a very easy thing to do), and it helps, I'd go back and give the dealership a piece of my mind, that's for sure.
  2. I blip the throttle on mine when I'm down shifting to RPM match. Especially on the YZF so it kicks into gear more smoothly and the engine RPM is already up to proper speed so it doesn't have as dramatic an effect when letting the clutch out. That's my story and I'm sticking too it.
  3. Wow, good deal. I may have to pick one of those up. Would you happen to have a link?
  4. What's the hurry, you haven't gotten your bell yet, have you? Hopefully you'll get it tomorrow (Monday) But you never know.
  5. Oil, Chirp, Whine, 2010 Venture, Car tire, Error code, International rally, Raffle, sync, M&E, Squidley, Freebird, Cheesecake, Maintenance day, AIS, PIP, Blackowl, floats, Sturgis, HD. You know, the usual stuff. This place is like a soap opera. You can go away for a year and come back and the lady who was 9 months pregnant, when you left, is just now giving birth.
  6. Unfortunately not in it's entirety.
  7. No experience with the AirHawk, but the bead rider definitely allows the air to move better than the stock seat.
  8. Yeah, they did pick on how the RSV hadn't been changed since it's reintroduction and that it didn't have all the bells and whistles (and was actually more expensive than the Voyager) but it still hung in there like a champ.
  9. Rider magazine V tourer shootout. Kawi Vulcan Voyager 4th place, Vision 3rd place, Venture and Ultra Classic tied for 1st place!
  10. Hmmmmm someone mentioned this not too long ago... Hmmmm wonder who that was? Hmmmmm [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=329804#post329804]I love my Venture....But, - VentureRider.Org[/ame] Looks like great minds run in the same gutter... ummmm I mean line!!
  11. Like I posted in the Guardian bell poll thread the other day... Heck, PM me your address, I'll send you one!
  12. Well, heck, give me your address, I'll send you one!!
  13. My suggestion would be to get the listed parts. The parts are cheap enough and the plates are about 2" X 3.5" (just a guess don't have the bike with me to measure right now) so it's substantially more area. It also has the rubber piece to cushion. If you go to the sites listed and put in all the pertinent information you'll get to the actual fiche. If you go to "Travel Bag" on the fiche and look at the picture (part numbers listed) I think it will probably be self explanatory how the parts go in. I believe the rubber piece goes down first then the plate then the bolts go through the plates and tighten. I was able to pull the shot of the fiche off of one of the sites. Hopefully it will show you what you need to know. Parts numbers 88, 89, 90, 91, and the bolts are 92
  14. A word of warning. Yamaha upgraded the fasteners on the trunks to include plates and rubber pieces. This spreads the bolt torque out on the surface of the trunk and prevents cracking as all of the early Ventures had. If you just replace the trunk, without putting in the upgraded parts then it's liable to crack again. Those parts can be purchased, fairly, cheaply at some of the parts places that are commonly mentioned in this forum: Part Shark (formerly Flatout) Motogrid Cheap Cycle Parts It looks like Part Shark is going to be the cheapest. Go into the fiche (I used the 2002 model of the Venture). Pull up the Travel Bag. The parts are numbers 88, 89, 90, 91 and 92 (screws). #88- PLATE 7 4XY-2846P-00-00 - $1.79 #89- PLATE,RUBBER 9 4XY-2849J-00-00 - $0.99 #90- PLATE, 8 4XY-2846R-00-00 - $1.76 #91- PLATE, RUBBER 11 4XY-2847T-00-00 - $0.99 #92- BLT,BTTN HD 92017-06016-00 - $0.99
  15. Guess We'll just have to meet you half way at V7Gooses' place then!!
  16. No, I was saying that I HAVE a carb tune and CAN sync. carbs. As far as digging into the bike far enough for setting the floats and valve adjust, I have no ideas how to do any of that.
  17. Juggler, You and I need to set a date to take a ride down to Gooses digs and have a carb maintenance/learning day and learn a little more about these machines.
  18. Wow, float and valve adjustments? Only wish I knew how to do that stuff. I DO, however, know how to drink and BS so... Also know how to sync change plugs, oil, pumpkin oil but suspect most of us know how to do that. Have a carb tune as well. Does anyone around here know how or is this just a wing it thing? I was seriously thinking about doing a run down to see V7Goose for a maintenance visit and teaching session (carb stuff, AIS etc.).
  19. I've seen more Ventures, on the road in the last week than I've seen in the past couple years. I was surprised to see about one every day last week on my ride home (no, not the same one). Saw 2 on my ride up to Estes and back yesterday alone.
  20. No, a little 2nd gen. will be just fine if you please!! Actually, I like the collar thing because it makes me look less like a geek with a long skinny neck if you must know.
  21. Come on, snap it up!! What's taking so long!! Actually, I'm not much on T-shirts. Is there a possibility of polo type shirts? I know it's asking a lot and I appreciate all the effort that's going into this. Guess I'll just have to see what they look like. I like the new logo though Don!!
  22. 120... Unfortunately the cops frown upon that so I keep it between 75 and 80 freeway when dry (but then speed limit here is 75 so...). Keeps it out of the chirp range in 5th.
  23. Them bikes was, like, Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  24. Great, Now I feel really great about myself!! http://www.yzf600r.com/phpBB2/images/smilies/mid.gif Thanks you young whipper snapper you!!! Be nice to have you a little closer in Texas (hint, hint)! I know you'll come out smelling like a rose wherever you end up.
  25. Unfortunately, yeah, that is too soon, I think. I'll think about it and see if I can jostle some things around but I don't think it's feasible. Question. How would a person know, from feeling the exhaust, if the problem was the plugs or if the A/F mix was off in that (those) cylinders or if the sync was off etc. By that method I noticed that my rear cylinders were too hot to keep my finger on but both of the fronts were hot but not as hot as the rear two.
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