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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. gibvel

    club names

    Maybe we ought to modify Black Owls thread "Another Dead Thread" so it doesn't reference the name of the club.
  2. Boomer, try taking the number and putting it in the ebay search window. I got the same as you until I did that.
  3. I assume that the bottom of your trunk isn't cracked and that you have the steel plates on the farthest rear bolts, correct? Just checking.
  4. I don't believe these apply to our bikes. The hoses on the Carb tune just fit right on the nipples on the intake boots.
  5. Check out this post by BuddyRich. Don't know if this is along the same lines but give it a look see. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=36265&highlight=deflectors
  6. If I did, my wife would see to it that I had "health concerns" and was unable to ride.
  7. Bump for exposure!! Would love to have it but can't afford it!! I'll keep my ears open. Good luck!!
  8. Glad you made it okay. Man, that was quick! First you said it, then you did it. If you're not doing anything on the 29th, of this month, Leland and I are coming down to V7Gooses' place for our own little Carb maintenance day. At least that's what we're planning right now.
  9. Yeah, but did she do a cavity search?!?! Oh come on!! You expected SOMEONE to say that, didn't you?
  10. gibvel


    But it's close to $20 locally here as well. I think the last can I got was a 7oz and it cost me close to $15.
  11. gibvel


    They've got the 13oz can for 11.99 here: www.goodspeedmotoring.com Just ordered 2. Never dealt with them before I'll let you know.
  12. Yeah, I noticed when I did a properties on the photo.
  13. That's an excellent price for that bike!! BTW, what number bike is it?
  15. But the question we all want answered... Did he take his pink chaps?
  16. Ibuprofen!! Glad that you guys are okay!!
  17. Charlie, How's the wind noise with those? Usually when you increase the air flow in a helmet the noise level increases also.
  18. What do you have in ways of accessories when it happens? Lights, dash, radio? Have you checked the battery cables are tight?
  19. http://www.buell.com/en_us/bikes/blast/
  20. Sorry, but I think Arlen Ness is severely overrated. I mean some of his designs are okay. But from what I've seen the designs, for riding purposes, are not practical, functional nor pretty. I really haven't seen a Ness creation that I really, really like. Let the flaming begin!
  21. I would let a small amount out. If you were to let it vent you would see the results on the left rear cylinder (probably behind the fins though) and on the left rear carb as well. You wouldn't see the mess in the air tanks under the gas tank. When I had my 1st gen done by the dealer, on the highway ride on the way home, I could always tell when they had over filled the engine. There was just this very slight vibration that I felt. So, if you pay attention very closely, you could probably tell, seat of the pants, that it was over filled. Then again, maybe it's just my pants.
  22. You guys have got to stop doing that!! Hope it heals quickly and is able to make the rally!!
  23. Yeah, saw that one too. Great deal Steve!! Enjoy!!
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