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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Yeah, but what we're finding out (Freezy and I) is that it's an either or thing. Either you get running lights with brake lights or running lights with turn signals... Either or, not both. At least that's my take from their website: http://www.chromeglow.com/catalog.asp?prodid=561931&showprevnext=1
  2. 5 Flashing turn signals?? Wow! I've only got 2 on the back and 2 on the front. Do you add more turn signal lights? I suck at wiring is it complicated?
  3. For those that have this unit, which do you think is better the 3 running light/brake light set-up or 11 running light/brake light set-up. Do we get a VentureRider discount?
  4. Anyone around the S. Dakota area who could get it together. Or is the S. Dakota area already played out. I know they do Sturgis there.
  5. I can't afford gauges, I have to use all my money for the Plastic surgery, orthodontic sugery and ophthalmic correction surgery. But it's coming along. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/gibvel/howie.jpg
  6. 823 (according to Google) from Dallas to Loveland. Could have gone farther but it was getting dark and I was home.
  7. He just wants Eck for his Wing...
  8. Modded or not? Everyone, What mufflers did you go to, from the RKs, and how do they compare to the RKs? Thanks
  9. Question for Squid and Adventure... Modded or stock? Adventure. Catalytic converter or not? How much you want for them?
  10. Shoot. Squid, if he doesn't want them let me know. Are they slash cut or straight?
  11. Ditto except for the Ultra Classic.
  12. To each his own... I think it's just ugly!! Okay, not as ugly as the Vision but...
  13. Personally like this one better! http://www.yamaha-motor.ca/products/images/motorcycles/2010_XVZ1300TF_VPBC5_1.jpg This is on the canadian site though so I wonder if it's not offered here.
  14. Annie? Annie who? Did I miss something? Seriously, we love your "Missus"? Just keep practicing on the 'puter and you'll get better. We expect one post a day. Regale us with some of the Missus' antics from your perspective!
  15. Are you talking about your butt sweating or the heat generated by the engine making your legs and what-not sweat. If it's the first then the guys have covered it. If it's the later, Yamaha makes Lower Wind Vents that mount to the crash bars that you can turn in and out. During the summer you can turn them so the cooler air hits you more. During the winter you can turn them so the cool air doesn't hit you as well and the heat from the engine will have a warming affect.
  16. Just noticed that the photos of the raven with flames has the CB antenna on the wrong side. In the gallery all the photos of the 08 Charcoals have it on the left and all the photos of the 10 have it on the right (when sitting on the bike). Think they changed that or do you think some dipsnort put it on the wrong side?
  17. Hmmm they dumped the eyebrows in favor of the flames on the faring.
  18. YUCK. They're gonna lose a lot of people if that's the way they're going. Still can't believe they would invest so much in the V-Max engine without a second way to capitalize on it. I don't think the V-Max has a super huge market so they're going to have to recoup their investment somehow.
  19. Like the Blue on Blue but... Edit: Correction... Vivid Purplish Blue
  20. Black with flames. Carbs still there, cassette deck still there. Edit: They have a photo of the 08 charcoal in the gallery but only 1 color listed in the specs. 2nd Edit: The Canadian site shows a 2 tone blue as the standard model and the Raven with flames as the S model http://www.yamaha-motor.ca/products/images/motorcycles/2010_XVZ1300TF_VPBC5_1.jpg http://www.yamaha-motor.ca/products/images/motorcycles/2010_XVZ1300TFS_SMX_1.jpg http://www.yamaha-motor.ca/products/images/motorcycles/2010_XVZ1300TFS_SMX_1_l.jpg
  21. 1. The should replace the clutch basket 1 time for you. If that doesn't do it or makes it worse they will put it back to stock. That's it, don't ask again. Some have had luck with this and some have had it shift the sound to another RPM range or made it worse. It's a crap shoot. There has been talk, lately, of Motorkote helping quiet the chirp as much as 50% or more. Look for the Motorkote thread: 2. Sounds like a bad shock. My shock does this when cold and has since I got the bike (about 3 years ago). Dealer should replace this under warranty. There are other things you can do but, since your bike is under warranty, I'd have them do it. Watch for an oil puddle under your bike just in front of the rear wheel. This could be a bad shock leaking it's oil 3. Honestly, I never use the accel button on mine. I've, pretty much noticed the same thing and it's useless to try to increase the set point with that. Mine doesn't respond like a car in that respect and I don't know if it was meant to. Others may have a different experience with it. I just hit cancel, put the speed where I want it and hit set button again. 4. Have no idea off hand.
  22. Yeah, but if the VIN plate is actually from an 01 you'll never know, other than the color of the plastics and the antenna, if it's really a 99 or an 01 with 99 plastics. And if it is an 01 with new plastics can we assume it was wrecked or salvaged?
  23. It should tell, right on the sidewall what the max pressure is.
  24. But according to Freezy, he thinks that the original 99 seats, that are in the photo, ARE pillow top.
  25. If it were a salvage bike that would be an awful lot of stuff they transferred from a 99 to a 2001. Basically all of the exterior stuff sans the drive train and frame.
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