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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. I know!!! I was hoping to get money for it but, I fear, I'll be losing money on the deal!!
  2. Trust me, I have thanked the good Lord a lot for giving me a big fat cushy angel to guard me. I guess we'll see how good Progressive is here in Colorado. They've helped me before with towing and there was no problem. You ain't kidding Puc! Going that speed eats up a lot of space very quickly.
  3. Yes, yes I did!!!
  4. Front smashed, right of the tank was smashed. Didn't get a really good look at it after that. Figure the insurance will probably total it though. Thing is this bike was low mileage, pristine before the wreck.
  5. Well, yesterday I was riding to Longmont to show someone my Virago that I was selling. I-25 was crowded yesterday. I'd gotten in the left lane to pass had passed the last car on the right and was doing a couple head checks to gauge distance to pull back over into the right lane. Looked back and there was the rear of the SUV in front of me. No time to react, don't know if I pulled the front brakes or not. Remember hitting the SUV, turning and watching the bike go down but don't remember anything until I woke up and was looking through my helmet at people looking at me. Long story short, I've got a few bumps and bruises a rash the size of a dime on one knee and about the size of a half dollar just under the other knee. No concusion, no broken bones. Got some knots on my right calf, right thigh and left shin. I'm able to walk, no upper body problems... that weren't there before the wreck from getting old Guys, I'm chalking this up as a miracle and thank the good lord that I'm still here with only minor aches and no head trauma. Lesson 1: Always wear a helmet!!! It would have been a totally different storry had I not been wearing my helmet. Lesson 2: Always wear protective clothing. These are both things I swore to do! Lesson 3: Always leave enough space from the cars in front and behind for the traffic situation. This is one of those times in life when you search deep inside and try to determine if it's time to give up riding. At this point I don't think I can but there's always that voice in the back of your head, after something like this, that makes you think. Guys, Please, ride safe and pay attention!! Things can happen soooo quickly!!
  6. I've said it before, as have others, and I'll say it again. Why would Yamaha spend ultra bucks to develop a V-4 for the V-Max, a very, very limited niche (production) bike and not use that power plant in a larger market vehicle?? This would NOT be a smart financial move on their part. They would not see a return on their investment for eons that way. If they don't use it in a new touring bike then they are fools!! Hopefully, whatever they bring out, maybe there will be some good deals on new/old stock bikes and I can afford a new/old Venture.
  7. AMEN!!! Love the heat, hate that white crap!!
  8. Do you have a link to this tach on Harbor Freight? I searched the Harbor Freight site and can't seem to come up with it. Edit: Never mind. Go figure I search on the site, nothing I search on google, there it is!!
  9. All I did was Quote bill4you's post. It changed it by itself. I had to copy the link location from the link posted in his first post and paste it into the address line to get it to take me to the correct link. edit: Actually, I think bill4you changed the link in his original so now it's working to the correct post.
  10. From everything I see it was manufactured in the US and it ships from Michigan. Don't see any China on the listing.
  11. There was a post by someone about a Metz on the rear of his friends Harley that chunked on their way back from Don's Maintenance day about 2 years ago. I don't remember which Harley but I got the impression that it wasn't even the full dress model.
  12. And that's what Metzlers are known for around here... chunking! Glad you didn't suffer any ill effects because of it though!
  13. Did you inquire if and when they might have a stock front tire?
  14. I think that's what happened to mine. One doesn't look so bad but the other doesn't look so hot. Yeah, I saw how expensive the MMs were. They want $100 for 1 of those mothers. Not going there. So it looks as though I might want to spend the $24 a shot to get one that doesn't fall apart. Thanks for the info. eusa1
  15. Yeah, that's the part. The little metal insert, kind of (and that's a big kind of) teardrop shaped. Borrowed a photo from in the classifieds. A guy diamond cuts and mills some. Hopefully this will give you an idea of what I'm talking about.
  16. Did they change the saddle bag hinge inserts from one year to the next. I was looking at the part and the 99s are cheap but the 2001 and up are something like $25 each where the 99s are $11. I have a 99 and the inserts aren't anything to write home about so I was wondering if the later models had something special about them, like they say "Venture" on them or something. Mine look pretty bad so I was checking to see how much they were. Thanks
  17. Well, the part number I got off of yamaha sports plaza was: For the 99 Venture and the 99 Boulevard they are the exact same number, since they hook up to different brackets it is only the part that crimps onto the bracket. The number for the left is 42X-83330-K1-00 The number for the right is 42X-83340-K1-00 I honestly don't know what the difference would be though. It uses a bolt and a nut so it can't be that one side is threaded and the other not which would cause the bolt to be on the top instead of the bottom. I'd still rather have the correct side though. Now I just looked at the bracket part for the venture on the parts website. That thing goes for $108 . Hmmm if I could get that rig on ebay for a little over $40 that may be worth it. Gotta decide if that would come in handy down the line. Probably not. Let me know what the number is. P.S. Would that be a 99 V-Star 1100 (they don't list the 1100 as a classic)? That is the exact same number as well. Sorry, don't know where I got Boulevard from unless you changed it after I looked. And shared by the V-Star 650 Classic. So the chances are good that it's one of those numbers.
  18. So, basically, you've got the section that screws (crimps) onto the bracket? Do the wires thread through the bracket pretty easily? Is it in good shape? How much do you want for it?
  19. basically this is the unit, Bubber. http://www.ebay.com/itm/99-YAMAHA-XVZ1300-XVZ13-VENTURE-ROYAL-STAR-TURN-SIGNAL-REAR-LEFT-17-/370634680455?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item564b8c6887&vxp=mtr
  20. Sorry! Forgot I have the other listed. It's for the Royal Star Venture and I don't believe they are the same. I did find one on Ebay but they want $35 + $8.50 shipping. Most of the places I've looked for new ones are $44.50 or so. The only good thing about this part is that it's in Denver and I could possibly go and get it and save on shipping.
  21. Just noticed yesterday that my left rear turn signal housing has pretty much broken from front to back. I believe it was due to the visors that the PO put on the bike. Has anyone got one of these? Don't know if this is an extra part after a trike conversion but just thought someone who has done a conversion might have one lying around he's not using. Looked at Pinwall on ebay and they don't seem to have one. If you have any links to an ebay auction post that too. Thanks
  22. Hmmmm, what's that say for you since you asked her to marry you? I'm assuming that booze will come up in the excuse!
  23. I've got a link on my home page that takes me straight to the "new posts". I've had to click the "more" button at the bottom also, however, that doesn't work anymore.
  24. Yes, everything is up to date. Funny thing is I think this started with the last FF update.
  25. Just recently my Firefox browser has lost the ability to pop up a ballon when you hover the arrow over a link. You know. when your looking at the list of new posts and you want to see the first few sentences of the post to see if you want to read the whole topic. You hover the arrow over the topic title and a ballon pops up so you can see the first few sentences. Chrome still works okay but firefox doesn't Has anyone else had this problem and solved it? If so, how did you fix it?
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