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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Got a new battery about a year or year and a half ago. Everything seemed fine and then last year, towards the end of the season, I had the flat on the way to Denver. Took it down to the dealer there to have a new tire put on and ,when I went to get it, the battery barely turned the bike over reset the trip meter when it cranks slow. Since then I've experienced slow cranking a couple times. I took the battery to the Interstate place and had it tested and they said "the batter tests fine". However, before taking it in I had it on the trickle charger and, since I'd taken it out of the bike I had it in the warm building before taking it over. I kept it on the trickle charger all winter. First time I tried to start it about 4 weeks ago it cranked slow and reset the trip meter. Put it back on the charger and 2 weeks ago it started well, no trip meter reset. Road about 60 miles. Left it off the charger just to see what would happen. Fast forward to today. Went to ride this morning and started the bike before putting anything on. Bike cranked slow. Nothing on the speedo, fuel, trip meter. I've blown the fuse for that before so I'm thinking it's the fuse but would the battery and slow cranking blow that fuse? I'm still thinking I got a dud battery and that, when cold, it doesn't act like it does when warm. I know, in another post someone mentioned something about a power connection behind the battery box so I'm going to check that out as well.
  2. Good point! If they are the Bridgestone tires about 9000 is about when the back tire gets to the end of it's life. V7Goose did extensive research and found that the handling gets squirley on the bike when the rear Bridgestone gets worn almost completely or gets squared off.
  3. Did you check the steering head bearing to see if they're tight?
  4. I guess the ultimate question would be is all this because of the Motorkote, the T6 or the combination of both. Don't know if there's a way that you could tell, like, did you use the T6 before you started using the MK and did you notice a difference switching to the T6 and then more difference when adding the MK.
  5. It's a Hyper Lubricant that some on the forum use and say that it quiets the "Chirp", of the primary gear, dramatically. Some others say that it didn't help their "chirp" at all. You can get it here: https://www.motorkote.com/ and I believe some get a better price on ebay at times. I believe you only use it every 4th oil change as well. Or maybe it was every other oil change. Here's a link to a Motorkote topic: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39828&highlight=Motorkote
  6. Could you please expound on the "differences"?
  7. You could always go down and move in with Squidley!
  8. Hmmmm. Hey Don!!!! I think I hear a volunteer here!!!
  9. Hmmmmm, b**bies would be cheaper in the long run. Congrats!!
  10. Don: I got the correct colors for my 99 from Colorrite (believe it or not the top 2 colors are the correct ones for the bike). The lighter color was pretty close but the darker color was way off (darker than the color on the bike, may be do to sunlight fade). Even the lighter color wasn't a perfect match but it was lots closer. Is the top of the trunk the darker color? If so then I think I'd go with the suggestion of going and having someone at a paint place try and match it for you.
  11. My Lord!!!! That looks sooooo sharp!! Also, the more I see that color combo the more I love it!!
  12. My 600 scares the crap out of me when I get on it... and it's heavy compared to the R6 or the R1. Honestly don't think anyone really needs more than 600cc in a crotch rocket. Sorry to hear about this!!
  13. Like you said, maybe the connection under the Passenger seat. Mine kept coming apart so I took it apart, greased it and then fashioned a "device" to hold them together with 4 cable ties.
  14. It was all tongue in cheek. You are correct!! I was just in a chipper mood this morning.
  15. Well then, split the faring and give it a go yourself. In the Tech section there are how-tos on splitting the faring. Do you have passing lamps? That makes it a bit more difficult but not impossible I'll see if I can find a link and post it in this post. One thing you have to be careful of is to slide the chrome windshield trim up more than pull out on it. You can break the tabs off if you don't. I've included a link to the fix for that too. Splitting the faring: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=494 Fixing the Chrome trim: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=516
  16. Well, technically the front 2 calipers ARE linked but the back is solo. But NO the back brake is not linked to the front left caliper. The fronts both operate with the hand brake lever and the back operates with the foot pedal. As far as bleeding I usually go front left then front right. Usually farthest to closest however I don't think there's enough difference in the distance between the left and right to make any difference. There's a T between the forks and the lines from there are pretty equal.
  17. +1 on the connectors in the faring +1 on letting them do it under Warranty. Tell them about the connectors up in the faring. Mine would act this way when it was cold in the morning. It was warm enough in the garage when I started out; the radio would come on and all controls would work. By the time I'd ridden the 16 miles to work none of the controls would work and I couldn't turn the radio off, change channels etc.. Got inside the faring, pulled the connectors apart and put them back together a couple times to try and clean them a bit then put dielectric grease on the pins and stuck the connectors back together and haven't had a problem since.
  18. Had mine repaired on my 99 about 3 years ago because an ignition switch bolt had gotten down between the cooling fan shroud and the frame and had rubbed a hole in the radiator. It's held up well and hasn't given me a speck of trouble.
  19. Although, my luck it would just move the whine to a place where it's annoying when cruising on the highway.
  20. $3,000 on Neck surgery for one of ours!!
  21. Got 3 of those myself. The oldest is a Black and Tan Dapple and she's the one that has the least bravado... so to speak (except on walks when she thinks she's the biggest dog on the planet). She's the one that acts most like you describe if we discipline the dogs. I'm sure he'll get over it. Right now he's hurting and reeling from the experience. As soon as the hurt subsides some, I'm sure he'll be more back to normal. Hate seeing my babies that way so I know how you feel though.
  22. Yeah!!! So be nice to us, we're depraved... Ummmm I mean Deprived.
  23. Yeah, I figured you might. Some people just like that kind of thing. I'm, the same way. Like I said, my comment was, kind of, for others who weren't aware of that to save them some cash.
  24. Sounded like it was, pretty much, a done deal from the first post though. There was no chance of saving him so I thought posting that might help someone else who may have been looking for one. Brad, come up here and help me do my Valve Shims!!
  25. You can download the manual from the Yamaha site for free, then print it out.
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