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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. I believe the rubber gaskets actually absorb more of the shocks so, personally, if it were me, I'd want the rubber in there. Others may have different thoughts on the whole thing. Just had another thought. I wonder if the rubber is in there for expansion and contraction issues with the heat during the summer. Just a thought
  2. You can get them at Parts shark and other parts places. They really aren't that expensive compared to the price of a new trunk bottom. I posted a post a long time ago that had all the parts and part number in it. I'll see if I can find it. Here's the post with the numbers: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=363477&postcount=3
  3. Just be prepared for some good natured ribbing!! (That doesn't mean you can't give some back also...)
  4. I run on reserve all the time but some, who don't, will run until is starts sputtering and then flip it to reserve. Then,depending on speed and MPG, you have roughly 20 or so miles to get gas. Personally, I try not to let it run low enough to ever see the little F come up. I usually start looking for a station around 130 miles or so. If you're looking for more distance have you considered punching the holes in the filler neck so you're able to fill the tank closer to the top? Here's a link that shows what I mean: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=302
  5. Don, Enough said?
  6. Wonder if it's not over sensitive clutch or brake switches. Or maybe there's not enough freeplay in the clutch or brake levers. That's about the only way, other than the defeat switch , to turn off the cruise. You don't have leather fringes on your clutch and brake levers do you? These have been know to activate the clutch and brake levers. Now that I think of it, check and see if your brake pedal switch is adjusted too tight. This would mean that barely pressing on the pedal would make the brake light come on (and your cruise go off). I believe you're supposed to adjust that switch so that the brake light comes on just slightly before the brake pads engage the rotor. This would mean that bumps in the road COULD cause your brake pedal to bounce just enough to activate the brake switch and cut your cruise.
  7. 99 would get cracks in the bottom of the trunk where the bolts went through the bottom in the back. I'm not sure if they corrected that in 2000 or 2001. If the trunk, under the mat doesn't have 2 rectangular pieces of metal at the back, see attached photo, then you'll have to buy the pieces and put them in. If it doesn't have them make sure there are no cracks in the trunk bottom.
  8. Yeah, I got that too with the one in the blue box at the top left. I let Don know and he straightened it right out. I'm sure, if he sees this post he'll take care of it.
  9. go to their User CP (link in bottom blue line at top of page) and, click on the "edit your details" link (in the blue box at the left). Then under "Custom User Title" list the year and model of the bike(s) you own. This will post the year and model of your bike in all of your posts. This makes it easier, when you post a problem, for the people to know whether you're talking about a 1st gen. or a 2nd gen. Thanks all!
  10. Yup, it does that if used in large quantities.
  11. This is the number that's been posted on the site 4XY-16150-09-00
  12. Maybe there were thinking that you should use the overflow bottle under the seat unless you were changing the coolant. No wanna be for me. Don't really want a Harley.
  13. Awwww, I can feeeeeel the love!!
  14. The amplifier is in the fairing. Now the questions. I'm thinking that you're trying to use the bikes speaker system. Have you hit the select button to see if it's on the headset (HS) position and not the speaker position (SP). My mistake. Read the body of your first post and didn't re-read the title.
  15. Don't know how you used the Ed Sets but, to be fair, they are made to be used with ear plugs with the volume turned up. Normally I don't use them that way but, I was surprised at how much better they sounded when I did use earplugs and turn them up on my Texas trip last year. Also, I've noticed that they tend to have a sweet spot. If they aren't centered over your ear they don't sound as good either. Distance from the ear also makes a difference and, depending on the helmet (I have an HJC Symax) the speakers are farther from your ear than ideal. My Wifes CLmax holds the speakers much closer to the ear and the sound is quite a bit better. Just some things to take into consideration.
  16. No you don't. The brake rotor sticks way down on that side. But you could have it turned if you want to.
  17. Amen Brother, preach on!! Although mine is probably only 1 1/2 ton canary.
  18. Yeah, I even heard it somewhat on my 89, at times. I also heard it in a "for sale" video of a Virago.
  19. You'd know if you had the chirp. The chirp appears at the same RPM in every gear. If you're lucky, it won't be in a range that you use much. Seriously it sounds like the sound the Jetsons' car made. I find that mine starts right at 50 and starts to go away about 55 when I'm in 4th gear and starts at about 65 when in 5th. Luckily I do most of my highway riding @ a speed that I don't have to listen to the chirp. However, I find that some of my riding has to be in 4th right in the 50 to 55 mph range. Or I shift to 5th and down shift if I need power.
  20. 1 swap to the I basket and back, if I'm not mistaken, should be covered under warranty. If the dealer you take it to knows nothing about it and balks at doing it then go to another. Some people have encountered that scenario. bear in mind that it MAY make it better, and it may not. It may just move the sound to another location in the RPM range. Some have found that it helps initially and then comes back with miles. Just letting you know what some have found to be true, not saying that it won't make your's perfect. As for the heat, you might want to go ride a Harley, I hear that's some real heat. Seriously though you may want to look into investing in some of these wings: http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/products/modelscitemdetail/5/4/83/408/2009/1/4607/0/0/detail.aspx You can probably find them someplace other than Yamaha for less though.
  21. What kind of bike? Venture? 1st gen.? 2nd gen.?
  22. Them aint goggles, them is Doggles
  23. The only "adjustment" at the carb is to loosen the long nut and then turn the smaller nut, under the claw fingers, in or out some. This, will loosen or tighten the cable at the carbs. You don't want it too tight as this will yield the problem you described earlier of the throttle not returning. There is also a point, with the steering head turned fully left, that will bind the cables enough to make the throttle not return. So this might be part of the problem. Other than that, what Don said about the cruise free play.
  24. Read her profile. She's "endured an abusive husband until I had his arrogant butt charged and forced out of the military". Probably has something against all men. Maybe her ex. had a motorcycle so that would be 2 strikes against you.
  25. Looks like you can get it on Amazon for 11.99 a can (ooops only the 7oz can). Or, better yet, the same price for the 13oz can at: http://www.goodspeedmotoring.com. I got a couple cans from them last year and they're good to deal with.
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