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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. I understand. Since I haven't done a swap out it just seems like a whole lot of work to go through for something that may not make much difference or may actually make it worse. If it's as easy as you guys make it seem then maybe it's worth the effort. Did you have the chirp that just appeared at certain frequencies in the RPM range or did you have to chirp/whine that was present all the time?
  2. Wow, you sure are harsh!! Calling your friends names like that. Gee, now I'm glad I couldn't come down to your open house... Not really, would have loved to be there. Been way too long since I saw you guys!! Funny thing is, I thought you two were moving closer... I think you're about as far away now as you were in Mich. Okay, about 260 miles closer.
  3. Thought the "I" basket helped? Would be interesting to see the stats on the different baskets to compare. Be nice to see what tolerances worked best and be able to say "Oh, looks like I need "X" basket" (X being an unknown in this case not an actual basket letter ):
  4. Fingers of Fury... "pudgied the keys"? Don't know if I want to know about that one. Must be some remnant Michigander colloquialism
  5. Keep in mind that quite a few of the 2nd gen. guys on this site have switched to the VMax final drive because they felt that the gearing of 5th was too tall riding 70 on the highway and there wasn't as much power to get up hills and such without down shifting. Ask Freebird about his switch and why he likes it. I don't believe he's noticed much, if any difference in gas mileage either.
  6. Well, I was going to post my email reply but SilvrT stole my thunder. Exactly the same email, word for word, that I got. Wait, I take that back, the first 2 lines are the same but he's in the UK in my email. From:Neil Sanders http://webmail.netzero.net/images/clear.gifhttp://webmail.netzero.net/images/clear.gifhttp://webmail.netzero.net/images/blue.gif To:http://webmail.netzero.net/images/clear.gifhttp://webmail.netzero.net/images/clear.gif Subject:2008 Yamaha Royal Star Venturehttp://webmail.netzero.net/images/clear.gifhttp://webmail.netzero.net/images/clear.gif Date:Mon, May 10, 2010 04:56 PMhttp://webmail.netzero.net/images/clear.gifhttp://webmail.netzero.net/images/clear.gifhttp://webmail.netzero.net/images/blue.gif Hi, Thanks for your email and i inform you that the bike is still available for sale, it's in excellent overall condition, no accidents, no mechanical problems and well kept. The bike is in Toronto, ON, but i am outside of Canada, i am in London, United Kingdom because i moved back home 2 months ago. The distance will not be a problem to close the deal, because i left the bike in the custody of eBay VPP store and we will do the deal through them. The VPP (Vehicle Purchase Protection) protects both buyer and seller. They act as 3rd party in this transaction, so no funds exchange hands until you inspect/drive the bike. You will not pay anything more than the price of the bike, because i will support the transport taxes. If you are still interested to buy my bike, email me back and i'll provide you the steps of transaction. Regards! [/code] If that doesn't convince you it's a scam there ain't much that will.
  7. I wrote him/her using a very unused email. We'll see what he/she says if I get a response before the ad gets yanked.
  8. If it isn't, I'll take it!! But me thinks me smells a rat!!
  9. How close was the saw and how strong a station. There are some stations, around here, that I'll get interference on that aren't the strongest FM stations around.
  10. Were you on AM or FM. Totally normal for AM.
  11. Is this a Freudian slip or did you really mean this? Maybe just a typo.
  12. Clear alternatives sells one: Clear Alternatives Although the one at J&P looks to be the Clear Alternatives for a slightly lower price.
  13. It's gonna need a WAY larger gas tank!! On the other hand, you may want to get off of the thing more often... doesn't look that comfy.
  14. That's because they're not "Politically correct" and are too violent for kids. You probably wouldn't recognize them anymore anyway. Last time I saw any of the old ones they cut them up so much to get rid of the "bad things". I loved them too and I think we turned out fine... well, I did anyway.
  15. Maybe it's so when you lose the bolt for the shifter lever you can use one of those.
  16. Ahhhh, so THAT'S how you did it!!
  17. I know, that ticks me off so bad!! Not that I could afford one but still... Wonder what the reasoning was behind that!!
  18. If is the stock windshield then no Rain-x isn't good for it as it will haze the coating that it has. You can use Rain-x on Clearview and F4 windshields. As for your shield try Plexus and see what results you get. It's good for cleaning the bugs and what not off as well. It won't last as long as Rain-x but my bet is that you'll have to clean your shield again before it wears off anyway. I use this and it does a pretty good job of beading the rain. Some swear by Pledge and some say it smells and acts just like Plexus only cheaper (they also use it to clean the whole bike). They also say don't use the lemon Pledge unless you like bees. I'd give those a try and see what you come up with.
  19. You could always just chop the existing arm behind the bolt hole. That would be the cheapest, easiest route. I was looking on the Star website for the toe only shifter lever but couldn't find anything. According to this post: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=385637&postcount=30 Yamaha has stopped making the shifter.
  20. I just downloaded almost all the songs from the movie Wild Hogs
  21. I looked it up on http://www.partshark.com. Go to the year and model then look at the "drive shaft" section. It's part #31-Breather The part number is 2H7-17590-00-00 Costs $8.05
  22. That would be a vent cap? Does it fit back on tightly? I would think, if it fit back snuggly, that you wouldn't have done any damage.
  23. Ask and Ye shall receive: I hear Stardbog is really close with the pond monster. As a matter of fact, just visit this thread for an old MD and look at the photos to get an idea of what it's all about: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=23442&highlight=pond+monster
  24. MKI is the Venture that was built from 83 through 85. They had the smaller saddle bags and the 1200 engine. In 85 they redesigned and make the saddle bags larger and more square/rectangle and they increased the engine size to 1300. This would be the MKII and it was built from 85 to 93. For a further history of the Venture click the Venture history link on the blue line at the top of the page.
  25. I would kill for the Blue on Blue Canadian Venture. Why the H.E. double hockey sticks didn't they make that available in the US. Idiots!! Guess they figure all Americans want is some color over black. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/gibvel/2010_XVZ1300TF_VPBC5_1.jpg YUM!!!! Is it just me or do they have the antennas on the wrong side?
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