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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Which carb. Is it the left rear (sitting on the bike)? Is there also oil built up on the left rear cylinder on the inside of the V? If this is the case the oil may have been over filled. Oil level should be about 1/2 way up the sight glass when the bike is level.
  2. I'm going to have to say yes. The cone is fixed to the end of the pipe. This is why the pipe will look normal even after you do the mod.
  3. Now wait!! Are you looking at an 07 RSV or an 07 VSTAR 1300 touring?
  4. No, no, he's looking at buying an 07 to replace his 87 That's a darn good price for an 07 with that few miles.
  5. I was going to mention this so, if it's is from a dealer make sure this was taken care of.
  6. Looks like I'm headed for Arizona to look see about a bike. If I decide to get said bike I would be riding out on the 10th to about Albuquerque or maybe Santa Fe. Would like to know if anyone has any good riding tips, maybe construction warnings or heads up, from Phoenix to Albuquerque and on. Also, any recommendations for a cheap but decent hotel not to far off of I40 or I25. Looking at taking the highway all the way cause I just don't have the time to sight see. Thanks for any help you can offer.
  7. I guess I should be glad I have ape arms then. It's heck getting shirts that fit but I never have any shoulder pain when I'm riding. Bought a pair of the LDcomfort underwear and love them to death. They help tremendously!!
  8. According to the service manual axle 56 ftlbs. Pinch bolt 13 ftlbs. So Clymers is pretty close. You can download the full service manual from: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1828
  9. Drive the rear end up on a board that about 1" high. That should let you know what you'd be getting into.
  10. Okay, I want to know how you swung this and what brand you choose.
  11. I think I'd make him buy you dinner and take you to a movie too!!
  12. V7Goose said that the H lasts longer. When I needed the rear replaced on my Venture I called him from the shop to confirm which one lasted longer. Max sidewall is also 50psi as opposed to, I believe, 42 although he recommends 48 in the rear just cause it handles better.
  13. What color? The red/brick colored ones are exactly like you say... Egg Shells. I've got some black reinforced ones from HD that seem to take abuse very well. Surprised me after using the red/brick colored ones.
  14. Did you use the reinforced cutting wheels or the regular ones? I'd think that it wouldn't take 20 if you used the reinforced ones.
  15. Gotta like that!!
  16. Lets add another specificity, shall we? Does he want MC size or Auto size or both?
  17. Didn't really think this through too well, I guess Yeah, now that you mention it I remember all those pics looking out the back of your scoot. Crap I can't win for losing. Guess I'll just have to stay away from events that you'll be at.
  18. Mine has the same noise on first start up, Charlie, especially when it's colder out.
  19. Well, if I'm ever at an event with Bobbie, you can bet I'm gonna strap myself to her back and then I won't have to worry about having my picture taken.
  20. What I was getting at is that we never see you together, in photos, so you could be the same person only in disguise. Like people never saw Clark Kent when Superman was around and visa versa.
  21. Sounds like an over fill to me! Checking the level... Get a little telescoping mirror at an auto parts store and checking it while you're holding the bike level sitting on the seat. I put a brick under the kickstand and that levels the bike pretty well. I get off and, constantly pushing the bike toward the kickstand side, get down and look at the sight glass. But I like the mirror trick the best.
  22. Yeah, I was starting to wonder if Sleeperhawk/Chickenhawk and the mechanic were one in the same... kinda like a Superman/Clark Kent thing. Good thing you dispelled that rumor.
  23. What I'm getting at is was/is it a constant chirp no matter where in the range you are? Mine the chirp will start at a certain RPM/speed in a given gear and then disappear when it gets above a certain RPM/speed. Example. When I'm in 4th the chirp will start at about 45 mph. and then will disappear when I reach 55. Then when I shift to 5th it will reappear around 65 and disappear again at about 71 or 72. Or, if I'm cruising along at 50 in 4th and the chirp is present if I back off the throttle a tad the chirp disappears. Then, if I roll on the throttle a bit it's there again. So mine comes and goes depending on where it is in the RPM range. Saw a video on this site the other day where the chirp sound is there all the time. No matter how fast or slow the engine was turning.
  24. Got the exact same symptoms. I'm pretty good on the highway, going around 70 or 75. But when I'm doing 45 to 55 in 4th the chirp is pretty annoying. I just hesitate to do the swap because I don't want the chirp to end up in the 70 to 75 range on the highway.
  25. I believe the number that's been bandied about is 4XY-16150-09-00
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