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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Hmmmm you forgot the 5 coffee breaks in there as well.
  2. Yeah! You can by a carb. sync. tool for less than that and do it yourself. AND you'd probably get it closer than they would too.
  3. 8 hours!!! What the heck do they think they have to do to sync. the carbs?
  4. Okay, enough of the cupcake crap... You guys are making me hungry!!
  5. Yup, once you hit 70 or above they start to suck the gas pretty well.
  6. That's not necessarily true. I don't believe that the odometer is as far off as the speedometer. But yes, the actual mileage is less than what the odometer says. The best way to know is to use a GPS to find out what the actual mileage is.
  7. I don't know but isn't there ALWAYS something?
  8. I would love to have the ZUMO of the legendary Freebird (insert Alleluia chorus here ) unfortunately I'm hoarding my funds for something else at the moment!!
  9. My stupid company is blocking the link to the photo, apparently!! If it's the Beach Sand Tan/ Raspberry metallic that is one nice and unique color combo. That was back when Yamaha had some imagination. Wish I were closer to you!
  10. Well, I did the same as you. I plugged the AIS, like you, and, like you, found it didn't solve the problem. So I unplugged and went from there. My problem, I believe, was that the pipes I bought the bike with offered no back pressure what-so-ever. I put the stock pipes back on and problem solved. Not saying that this is your problem. This sounds more like a vacuum or exhaust leak or synching than my problem. And with as new a bike as yours I'd suggest the synch over the others, then vacuum leak at the rubber caps and hoses on the intake boots.
  11. Well, he will now!! I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers!
  12. Hey, where else can you get sarcasm for free!! Most other sites would charge you a hefty price for it. Goose doesn't mean anything by it. I guess you haven't been around long enough to "get" him. He's a staunch supporter of the AIS NOT being removed or blocked. If the bike is running correctly, with no problems, there should be no after fires (back fires). As much as anything you CAN use the AIS as a diagnostic tool, to know when something is "off" with the bike. Better to fix the problem and have the bike run at it's peak than mask the problem by disabling the AIS. And it does help keep the pollution down! As has been mentioned check your vacuum caps for crack or breaks in the seam (why do they make these things in 2 pieces anyway ). Check the 2 other hoses, at the carb boots, for cracks etc. These are the hoses that actually actuate the AIS reed valves. Check for cracks in the welds at the Y joint in the exhaust. Yes, syncing the carbs may help. Hope you get this all worked out.
  13. Very nice!! One of the things I like about Harley is that they have some nice color combos. I like their blue and silver combos as well as the white/pewter that you got. Yamaha is lazy with their color combos. They need to get a bit more imaginative like they were back in the early 2nd Gen. colors. This color/raven, color/raven kick they're on sucks. Then when they bring out a two tone blue they only sell it in Canada... And give America a midnight with flames... What the heck is up with THAT? I don't like the midnights and 85% of what you see for sale now are midnights. Enjoy!!
  14. This is in the Tech section under 2nd Gen. Guides. I believe it is the assembly manual for "16-year old mechanic making $8 bucks an hour to uncrate and assemble these bikes at the dealership". Given the sorry state of school in America I wonder if he can even read it? http://www.venturerider.org/private/rsvassemblymanual.pdf That being said, I was looking at an 07 yesterday and this makes 2 bikes I've looked at, in the last year (an 06 and now and 07) that were missing the reinforcement plates in the rear of the trunk that keep the trunk from cracking. I Looked, the assembly instructions specifically show these parts and where they go. Oh, and it DOES show on which side the CB antenna goes. Maybe you can take this and run through the checklist and see what else your, incompetent, dealer didn't do.
  15. Orthopedic surgeon, eeeeh. Must be trying to drum up business, huh? Sorry to hear about this. Hope he gets it all worked out and doesn't get screwed!
  16. I would carry the tire plug kit as well as the Ride-on. My story. I use Ride-on. Heading down to Denver on I-25 I hear a pop that sounded like the back tire hit a rock with the edge and shot it out. Did a little jig with the handlebars and the bike didn't feel squirely so I just kept on going between 70 and 75 mph. About 10 miles later the bike started feeling squirely so I pulled to the side. You could see where the Ride-on had flung out of the hole onto the swing arm. It's my opinion that, without the Ride-on I may not have been so fortunate. The whole was too large for the ride on to work in sealing it, however it did give me time, that I may not have had without the ride on, to recognize a problem and get safely off of the road. A plug would have helped to get it fixed and move me along to a shop to get it replaced.
  17. Or what's left of it.
  18. Better yet, why not just post the thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=41418&highlight=Exhaust
  19. Brad, Did my suggestion on how to get IE to connect (in my previous post) not work for IE? Up at the top click tools, internet options, connections tab, LAN settings button (at the bottom), then the automatically detect settings button at the top. Honestly though, I think Firefox is better and more secure than is IE so you're probably better off using that.
  20. Former U of Texas Q-Back. Now with the Cleveland Browns.
  21. Excellent!!!! Glad you found the problem!!
  22. +1 on the Dupont Teflon lube (you can get it at Lowe's). Used the stuff on my YZF600R chain. It will not collect dust and dirt like chain lube or oil lubes.
  23. Personally, I wouldn't take anything apart... drive shaft etc. until you figure this out. It has to be do to something that you did while mounting OR the tire. By taking more stuff apart you're adding things into the mix that could, now, be wrong. Like you said, it wasn't doing it before you changed the tire so it has to be something that you did in the process of changing the tire and or something on the wheel. I agree with tx2sturgis that it appears the tire is rubbing something. Good luck!!
  24. I got the Antivir pop-ups this week Brad... Is that what you're talking about? Pop-ups that look like security warnings and you can't do anything on your computer except go to their site and buy the stupid AV software, which is a scam. Then it kept bringing up IE and bringing up tabs for 1 of 3 different sites... Adult.com, porn.com and some site for Viagra!! Wouldn't let me shut any of the browsers or pop-ups down. At one point I had 11 IE browsers open each with many, many tabs open on them. Ended up booting into safe mode and running spybot S&D which caught most of the malware. Then I ran Malwarebytes and it found 2 more. Got rid of all those and rebooted and everything is normal again. Now, when I brought IE and Firefox back up it wouldn't connect to the web until I went into tools, options, advanced, Network tab, settings and told it to auto-detect proxy setting for this network. IE is similar: tools, options, connections, LAN settings, automatically detect settings. I use AVG as well but I think these things sneak in and if they run before you scan then they won't let the AV or spyware software work. I was able to get spybot and AVG to start scans before the malware auto ran (just after booting) and both detected the problems but the malware wouldn't let them take care of it until I did the safe mode thing.
  25. check this link out. It will show you the pins, etc. in the rear wheel and the service bulletin. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13263 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1705
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