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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Just sent mine!
  2. Wasn't impressed either. The only bright spot was Slash and then that wasn't all that great either. How about Will.i.am re-writing the song with a political message for Obama. Whoever scheduled this halftime show was a bigger blockhead than the blockheads that were dancing on stage!
  3. Yeah!! http://www.yzf600r.com/phpBB2/images/smilies/puke.gif And why is it that most of the "celebrities", they have sing the Anthem, have to see how many, dad gum, notes they can cram into 1 stinking measure. To them the Anthem is about them and how they can change it so they can out-do the other "stars" that sing it. These stupid people make the thing totally un-singable for anyone in the crowd. I'm sorry but it's MY anthem too and I'd like to sing the thing. Personally, I'd like to see sporting events just play a canned version of a band or orchestra playing the Anthem and have everyone in the stands sing the thing. Can you imagine how inspiring all those people singing would sound? We've given the Anthem over to a handful of people, of dubious talent, who think they can do it better than everyone else. THAT IS WHY NOBODY KNOWS THE WORDS TO THE THING ANYMORE!!!!! I wish the people in charge at sporting events etc., where the Anthem is done, would get a clue and stop using these idiots and start having the people who should be signing the Anthem sing the Anthem... ALL the American People!!
  4. I ordered some from him the last part of last year so he was still selling them then. Don't know why he hasn't answered. Have you tried a PM to him? I see it's been awhile since he's been on the forum however so I don't know what's up with him. He doesn't have any of the brackets on ebay so maybe he's stopped making them. There are a couple of templates for making your own on this site. I'll post drawings if I can find some. Never mind, Midlife's post has a link to the 3 drawings available.
  5. Congrats to you as well, chabicheka. Although I have no idea why people congratulate me... Heck I had nothing to do with it.
  6. Well, that's what they want. Something about being the first grandboy on that side of the family.
  7. Okay, the kid is only 20 weeks along in these shots. I just thought it's amazing what they're doing with Ultrasound these days. No idea if it's a boy or a girl. The Technician asked my daughter if they wanted to know the sex of the child... she said "no", I said "we do", Technician said "Tough, if mama doesn't want to know, nobody gets to know".
  8. Might have to get Freebird, or someone who has them, to verify that. I don't know as I just searched TCB Brake system because I knew this kind of thing had been discussed on here previously.
  9. Try this Thread from 07: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=16500 Or this one: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=16805&highlight=Brake+system Here's the one about Rick Butler's system: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13098&highlight=Brake+system
  10. Yeah. And the whole thing costs less than $20. So, if the dealer has to replace the trunk bottom it cost lots more than doing it right the first time. I've seen the lack of the kit on several bikes I looked at this summer, all which should have had the kit. That's one of the first things I check when I look at a bike!! Exerpt from a previous post of mine on the topic: It looks like Part Shark is going to be the cheapest. Go into the fiche (I used the 2002 model of the Venture). Pull up the Travel Bag. The parts are numbers 88, 89, 90, 91 and 92 (screws). #88- PLATE 7 4XY-2846P-00-00 - $1.79 #89- PLATE,RUBBER 9 4XY-2849J-00-00 - $0.99 #90- PLATE, 8 4XY-2846R-00-00 - $1.76 #91- PLATE, RUBBER 11 4XY-2847T-00-00 - $0.99 #92- BLT,BTTN HD 92017-06016-00 - $0.99
  11. May seem like a dumb idea but have you tried talking to the people? Finding out what their gripe is and if it, truly, is you they are targeting?
  12. gibvel


    Happy Birthday Cindy... Whip, Slap!!
  13. It does epub so check your library website and see if they have epub books you can download for free. I'm sure you'll need a library card though.
  14. Wish I did my own. I'm not sure if there's anyone, from Colorado, on this forum that does their own. Best bet, to get the best price, is to take the wheels off and go to a shop. I've had Coyote Motorsports in Denver do my rear tire. I usually go to Fort Collins Motorsports but most any shop can do them. Best advice would be to get the wheels off, call around and take it to the ones that can give you the best deal. Another thing to consider is whether ordering the tires on-line and having someone install would be cheaper or not. Sometimes shops will charge you more if you buy the tires than if you buy tires through them and have them do it.
  15. Geeeeze, 6 to 8 inches (I know you were just joshin')? is that all? Holy cow you guys are such whimps!!
  16. LOL!! I was going to ask if, perchance, it was in Kansas.
  17. Check the trunk for cracks. They did an upgrade to the trunk with steel plates and rubber plates in later models to correct this. If the trunk isn't cracked you can purchase the parts for next to nothing from Partshark.com and install them to keep the cracks from happening. I posted numbers etc. in another thread. I'll try to find it an post the link. Here you go: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=363477&postcount=3
  18. Anodizing will eat up steel of any kind. So if you have steel inserts they will be gone!!
  19. My son-in-law just got one of those. He loves it!!
  20. Just wait until you find the Valk Interstate that you want!!
  21. gibvel

    Got one!

    Congrats! Looks like the original owner changed out the engine fins to the black ones or painted them. On the first photo (right side view) there is something silver protruding down below the saddle bag around the location where the rear caliper is. Do you know what that is? At first I thought it might be the wheel spoke but it is in front of the rotor so I don't think it's a spoke.
  22. Mike, Try this on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-1300-KICKSTAND-/190452832853?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2c57df9a55 Not bad considering a new one costs $180/
  23. Yeah, my brass disks were black and most of them were in, at least, 3 pieces. I fashioned some new ones from the heads of some round head screws with a bit of belt sanding and filing. Just went and looked on the Part Shark website and, apparently, you can order just the OEM plug caps. Problem is they're like $25.19 each. Goose posted links to the NGK plug caps, but after looking at the specs. on them I decided that they won't fit on ours. I don't recall why but I think the length was the issue. If someone has changed to the NGK plug caps, that Goose suggested, please let us know if they worked out or if you had some problems with fitment.
  24. I think the parts you want are #s 45 and 46 on the fische below. They are on Part shark (www.partshark.com). Go to Part shark, go to OEM parts Yamaha, go to Yamaha Motorcycle parts, find year and model, go to "Audio Equipment 1" #45 - Clamp - 90464-07002-00 - $1.80 #46 - Holder Connector - 4XY-88195-01-00 - $3.15 If you can't find someone who has one.
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