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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. According to the manual max pressure for the rear shock is 57 psi.
  2. I was going to say... In this economy nobody could afford to open a stand alone brand shop and stay in business.
  3. Okay, reeeeeeeeally worried now!!
  4. Hmmmm, 2 scoops? Hmmmmm may have to rethink this! Are you coming to the international rally Tom?
  5. Thanks Tom!!
  6. True, those are some other options!!
  7. No, the whole thing is if you have one you're not using that's lying around, on a shelf somewhere, collecting dust.
  8. Does anyone have a stock black plastic Ignitions switch cover lying around they wouldn't mind getting rid of? Kind of tired of the scratched up chrome one that I've got. Search pinwall and they only had a tan one from a millennium and partshark wants $41 for a new one. Thanks
  9. Oh you manly men and your tasthels!!
  10. First picture and the fourth picture the bikes appear to have their CB antennas on the wrong side.
  11. And you didn't stop by and see me or call me or anything... I've been to A.C.E.S a couple of times I'm just a hop, skip and a jump away. You should have called I would have checked it out for you. Saw that one a week or so ago on Craigslist. Hope you enjoy it. Contact Rick Butler, he makes some seat hold down nuts with thumb screws on there so you don't need a wrench to put them on or take them off. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/member.php?u=183 Oh, and cardinal rule number 1... Where are the pictures.
  12. Yeah, but how much or a chirp does it have? I've pretty much resigned myself to living with mine and narrowing my looking down to a Silver 05 (maybe a Black Cherry 06) somewhere close around Colorado with low miles and no chirp... Don't think I'll be finding one soon. So, can you spill the beans as to whether you're looking for something different?
  13. For those looking for a new helmet or a modular helmet. Motorcycle Gear (New Enough.com) has their HJC Symax IIs on closeout for 129.99 with free shipping. Thought that was a pretty good price. Other models are also low priced. http://www.motorcyclegear.com/street/closeouts/all_types/hjc/ May want to click through the banner at the top of the page so the site gets credit.
  14. If I buy it will you deliver it? Nice looking bike Dennis. How many miles are on it?
  15. Possibly dirty/corroded plug caps. You can take them apart and clean them. When you unscrew them from the wire check the resistance of each cap. The resistance should be right around 10K ohms. If you find them much different there's a thread around here about taking them apart and cleaning them. There are some small parts so do it over something that will keep them in one spot. One thing you DO NOT want to do is clean the little resistor in them though. If you take anything even slightly rough to the ends of the resistor (small white ceramic thing in the cap) then the resistor will be toast. Here's a link for a "how to" by V7Goose: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=389860&postcount=13
  16. fork oil and Tranny fluid is the stuff. I did mine with a double dose and it still groans when it's cold. I agree with Slyvester, mines been groaning since I got the bike and mine hasn't leaked yet either.
  17. gibvel


    Nobody would nail you for no picture if you don't have it yet. We just want to know what you're getting and then post the pics when you get it.
  18. gibvel


    Nope, I'm in the same boat!
  19. I like to think I can play guitar.
  20. And now for a serious post... I think I know that sound you're talking about. Does it go away after it warms up? I think mine sounds a bit like a fan belt rubbing on a pulley but it goes away after it warms up.
  21. Funny you should mention that. This totally reminded me of the movie Wall.E. All the people move around on floating chairs and are all overweight. Yeah, there are...2. Your left hand and right hand.
  22. I sing it every time I'm at a game or a venue where it is done. The thing is, when the person sings it as CA did, nobody BUT her CAN sing it. My point is we've gone from the National Anthem being OUR song... the nation's song... to the National Anthem being the "possession of" whichever Celebrity happens to be singing it. I love to sing bass lines and I love singing the National Anthem when those around you are singing it. I would love to hear a stadium of people sing the Anthem. I'd bet it would raise goosebumps to hear a stadium full of people singing. Just give me a good military band on the PA and let me and all the others sing it like it was meant to be sung!!
  23. I do know what you're saying. To be honest, I didn't even know she'd messed up the words until the next day because I was griping out loud, while she was singing, how crappy it sounded the way she was singing it.
  24. A Question back atcha... Would she have forgotten the words if she'd have sung it straight instead of being obsessed with cramming all the notes into a measure and stylizing the crap out of the thing? Granted, we would probably forget the lyrics but this girl is supposed to be a PROFESSIONAL, we are not. She gets paid for doing it, it's her job! Personally, professional or not, If i were singing for the Superbowl, I think I'd have a teleprompter, just in case.
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