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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Wait and see if it gets worse. I'm thinking it might as yours is still young. I've heard people say it got worse as it wore in. Some even say that about theirs after the "I" basket swap as well.
  2. Thanks Brad and Don. These are things I'll check into. I was able to pull the muffler off again just by wiggling. The clamp I had to spread with a screwdriver and twist off. So they both come off again with a little coaxing. I may just have such a chisel and I'll check for the weld, as well. I'll probably just scotch-brite the end. Have a dremel with a wire wheel but I think that's a bit small.
  3. Yeah, I was wondering about cleaning it the receiving end of the exhaust. I was going to put something about that in my original post but forgot to. That was something I was going to try doing with the next go at it. Thanks for that tip! As far as the Cat causing problems, I guess we don't know for sure because nobody has, as far as I know, tried this type of muffler on their Venture. Do you know this for sure or are you just speculating? I thought about the possibility but decided to go ahead and see what they were like and if they did cause problems. The insides are definitely different. I'll try to describe it best as I can. The one with what I believe is the Cat in it is straight through to the bottom where you see a round disk at the bottom with a cross shape on it (almost looks like a screw on cap). The sides have a steel mesh material all the way down. looking at the output side there is a tube that goes up, maybe 4 to 6 inches into the pipe. at the top it appears as though the tube was crimped in from 4 directions to a center point making a puckered "cross" where they meet at the center The sides of this tube have 1/8" or so holes all the way around and up to the crimp. May be able to get a photo of that but the inside from the input is a no go. The other pipe has nothing to drill out at the receiving end. It goes straight down and there is a flap that juts out of the side of the pipe about 10 or so inches down. The opening faces down toward the output end. If you look at the output end you'll see a similar flap on the opposite side facing toward the receiver end. I assume that this has the flow double back into a second chamber and exhaust out the output end from that chamber. Wish I could get photos of the insides of these buggers. I may be able to get shots of the output sides. I would think that the flow has to be the same between the two as I'm sure the flow and back pressure would need to be the same for both cylinders of a Harley. If all else fails I run to the Local Harley place and see if they have any non-cat mufflers hanging around that they don't want.
  4. Okay. Yesterday I tried to install the RK mufflers I got. These are 07s if I remember correctly so they do have a cat. I don't know if that makes any difference on installation. I got a pair of the 31-9920 Chrome clamps. I've spread them out as large as I can make them with a screw driver. I go to put the muffler on and I can only get it on so far. There's about 1/4" of the mating pipe showing still. I've tried using a wood block and a hammer but I don't want to damage any of the upstream exhaust by pounding too hard. I'm thinking of the "Y" weld... don't want to crack that in any way. I used a little anti-seize as someone recommended. The end of the muffler seems to be spreading a bit as I push it on. I'm assuming this is normal. I'm also assuming that the clamp is supposed to go on up to the heat shield and none of the existing exhaust pipe is supposed to show. Let me know if you've experienced a similar situation and what worked for you.
  5. Or it could be something really simple that everyone is overlooking. How about all the air ducting. Has that all been check and is open and free of mice nests etc? P.S. I still like you Squid and I think you have a point as long as all the obvious stuff is good.
  6. They are between the cylinders on the boots that the carbs sit on. They have a scissor clip on them.
  7. Charlie, Maybe it's time to get back on a second Gen.
  8. Unless you have taken the AIS off there are only 2 of the plugs ("rubber cap thingies"). The other 2 have hoses. I believe LR (#1) and RF (#4) cylinders are the plugs and LF (#2) and RR (#3) have the hoses.
  9. Don't know if these two posts can help but I found these in my searches: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=525 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=43898 The second is the Yamaha installation documents for the passing lamps. At the bottom it tells you how to hook it up so that the lights work as on all the time, with the brights and with the lows only
  10. Thanks Steve. I like to err on the side of caution as well. What, exactly, was the plug you're referring to? I'm assuming it in the same section as the relay.
  11. That's about what happened why my battery was dying. The bike also took longer to start and the crank over speed slowed down over time. You may want to make sure that the battery terminals are clean and making good contact. Also check the frame ground at the motor just behind the horn.
  12. What would be the proper relay to wire the passing lamps? I'm assuming that something like this could be purchased from the local auto parts store.
  13. MK= Mark. Venture Royale Mark I... Mark II Nice ride Wally!! Enjoy. I've seen that color combo in person and I like it very much. That would be one of my top 3 colors if I find one in good shape, low miles, no chirp for the right price.
  14. Bar end weight here as well. Sometimes, on slight to moderate hills I have to roll the throttle a tad to keep the speed up. So the end weight is the best place for a quick "help".
  15. Do you have a vent/vents in your windshield? Is it a stock? People have put the round vents in the stock shield, if it is stock. The vents help tremendously.
  16. My money is on the Chrome levers. To me, that's the only thing, you did, that could effect the operation of the Cruise. Did you try pushing out on the brake and clutch levers as you set the cruise? May just be a matter of a millimeter difference in the way the levers are pushing on the switches but it may make a difference. Check the old ones (if you still have them) against the new ones where the lever comes in contact with the switches. Make sure the part that pushes on the switch is the same dimensions as the stock. If all else fails, put the old levers back on and see if the problem goes away.
  17. We don't have enough info.... what is it?
  18. gibvel


    Yeah, I was going to add that. Seems like you're always honking the horn. I made it about half way through the parade and the horn refused to honk anymore.
  19. Heavy winds and a gradual slope have and will shut mine off from time to time. I've gotten to the point that, if there are heavy headwinds, I won't even use the cruise control. I can, pretty much, tell when the wind is strong enough and from the right direction anymore.
  20. gibvel


    That and the battery takes a beating as you usually don't keep the RPMs up enough to keep it charging sufficiently.
  21. Beat ya, beat ya, I'm #23...
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