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Everything posted by gibvel

  1. Try this... too many Ls at the end of the link http://denver.craigslist.org/mcy/2409364015.html
  2. Put a B in place of the P and pronounce it... Now put the P back at the beginning and pronounce it the same way only with a P.
  3. You know what. There are enough people right around you who, I'm sure, would be more than happy to give you a hand with that. V7Goose comes to mind. However, if you schedule a maintenance day I'd bet you'd have at least 5 guys there who could help. One may even have just the tool you need! Betcha someone chimes in here pretty quickly.
  4. The FM will work fine with the CB antenna. Receiving isn't the problem. If you transmit on the non-CB antenna the CB will not work and may be damaged. The CB antenna must be tuned so that the great majority of the signal goes out and doesn't get reflected back at the transmitter. If you get most of the signal reflected back at the transmitter you can burn out the transmitter. Follow the cable from the left (sitting on the bike) antenna and it should go to the plastic box under the trunk... That is your CB. You shouldn't have to trace cables very far to see if it goes to the CB.
  5. Wow!! Learning to ride... You go girl!! And be careful out there!! Love ya, kid!! (whip, slap!)
  6. LOVE the airbrush look on the bike. Just out of curiosity, what does the writing on the fuel tank say?
  7. Not so. If you look at the original photo, on killboy, all the numbers on the plate are correct in the photo the way it was posted. The flipped photo is incorrect. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0S1AxYA9hpM/Ta_erw9wn7I/AAAAAAAAm7M/AftRIt0FkUQ/s1600/img_3918.jpg
  8. Maybe he lost his CB antenna going the other way and he turned around to look for it.
  9. Before going with the GW vents you might talk with Squidley. He puts 2 Round vents into the stock shield. I can't remember where he gets the vents but some say that those vents are more affective than the GW vents.
  10. Even a blind pig finds an acorn every once in awhile!!
  11. But all the adjustments are done in other locations. The cruise adjustment is done at the cruise box itself, not the junction box. However, I'd probably do the handlebar and the carb adjustment first then just check the free play at the cruise box.
  12. The Cruise is under the left cowling in front of the shift lever. One thing worth mentioning... While tightening the cables one way to check if you've got it too tight is to turn the handlebars to the right till it hits the lock. Roll the throttle and see if it comes back quickly or sticks and stays revved. If it sticks and stays revved up or comes down slowly then the cables are too tight. This only happens with the bars turned full lock to the right. Just FYI
  13. Some of the biggest lessons in life have been learned after the phrases "I know what I'm doing" or "I've never seen that happen before" were uttered.
  14. So, does she keep your bike shiny?
  15. But why would they want to do that? 2nd Gens. have no socially redeeming value to 1st gen. riders. There's nothing about a 2nd Gen. that 1st Gen. riders could possibly want!!
  16. I think that the 2nd Gen. is way better in crosswinds. They used to blow my 89 all over the road. At least there are some gaps in the 2nd gen that let the wind go through instead of catching it all.
  17. Wow!! That's and extremely good thing to know!!
  18. Think I figured out why the muffler wasn't going on any farther. There's a "step" inside the muffler that is stopping it from going all the way on. The other one, that I wasn't trying, has no such step. This step, when measured with the collar installed, is 2.3" back from the end of the collar. May look into having this ground off, if possible. Sorry the photos are so blurry. It's hard to get a shot of it.
  19. When my battery was going bad it did exactly the same thing. When you go to start the bike it clears the trip meter and sets it back to the total mileage.
  20. Have you synced the carbs? Does it have stock pipes? Also, check the caps on the nipples on the carb boots for cracks. There should be one cap on each side of the engine.
  21. Yeah, saw the G there and knew that's why you posted them. Good idea to bring it up again in this thread so that people know!! Not stealing... borrowing. And I gave you full credit for them so it's not plagiarism either!
  22. Here is the service manual version... the "clutch basket" they're talking about is #18 and is referred to, in the manual as the "Clutch Housing". Also some of SilvrTs photos that I took from another thread. This is the inside view where all the markings are.
  23. Thanks for all the replies!! Squidley even called and we talked about it for awhile. I may have to run them over to a muffler shop and see if they can expand the tips some as He and SilvrT suggested.
  24. I figured that's what was going on when you first made the change. I didn't like that! Now that it has simmered down I'm okay with the change. The only thing I don't care for is that, at present, I would only be interested in the classifieds for "for sale 2nd Gens." but I can just look at the posts I want and not look at the ones I don't want. Thanks Don, you busy little beaver you!!
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