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Everything posted by OutKast

  1. Thanks LSupina! Will check that out as soon as I get a chance. I have 95, 99 & 03 GM trucks that the cruise sets RIGHT NOW. As soon as I release the set button, I can feel the throttle lock. Waiting 1001, 1002... ...1006 before the throttle locks is just WRROOONNG!
  2. Behind my 2003 duramax dually - with an open 1800# car trailer and a 4000# 71 chevelle for a total weight approaching 6000# she pulls down 16mpg highway. With a 6x12 enclosed trailer filled with plastic pipe fittings with a total weight less than 2500#, 10 mpg tops. The wind load on enclosed trailers are unbelievable. I thought it would not be because the trailer is narrower that the topper on the truck, and only about 6" taller. I have safely pulled it behind my 99 suburban, but would never attempt to pull it behind the 95 blazer if I had to go over 45mph. The wind drag increases exponetially.
  3. Ok, after lurking here for two months, have not found anything on my problem. Scenario - Cuising at 60 on open highway. Left hand clicks the dash switch to ON. The "ON" and "SET" indicators both come on. Right thumb push and release the "set/decel" button. "SET" indicator goes off. I release the throttle. Then the weird thing. The bike slows down 5-6 mph, then accelerates back up to the set speed. Then all is good again. This tends to upset those following me. Anybody else had this? Please confirm this is not normal before I scream like a little girl when the dealer says "that is normal on that madel". sorry, I am a nosmiley
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