Venture Capitalist
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Keith Stout
Sacramento, CA, United States
Home Country
United States
Bike Year and Model
1984 Venture Royale
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in case you guys are wondering what happened. cleaning the starter didn't work, it was shot so I ordered the one from dgelectrics cause there web page always says free same day shipping if ordered by 3:00pm, so I ordered it like around 6:00pm thinking ok it will be same day on tomorrows before 3 list, but it didn't work that way it should finally be here later today or tomorrow. it is at least in Sacramento now, they should add that to their website huh. order before 3pm free same day shipping, order after 3pm free 1 week shipping.
I'm pretty cheap myself I went out to pull the starter and clean it. Thought I had scrounged up enough tools around here to do the job. My tools are all in my van which I just put a piston in, but yes you do have to take the pipe off the starter bolt won't get by the thermostat housing if you don't. My allen wrenches are in my van. I got this stuff called berryman's chem dip to clean the piston I got from pick and pull, that stuff did wonders, it had a lot of carbon on it and was black as could be, but it came out looking like brand new. Do you think I should dip the starter in that stuff? If cleaning everything and doing that ground mod doesn't work I will look around for a 4 brush, but after googling for starters that one at db electric for 86 dollars is going to be pretty tough to beat price wise. I'm cheap by necessity, don't make a lot of money. While I have it out I might as well do that dingy mod (if I can find that post again) and put new cable on it. Thanks for the help. Going to get to googling and see if I can find out what year the 4 brushers started
I still haven't been able to get the bike started to get over there and finish the van. I'm hoping I can get the starter out without having to take off the rad and the pipe, as you know I just recently got that cooling issue fixed hoping not to have to mess with it since it's perfect now. If I can i'll try what larry said or if a xvz1300 starter will fit a xvz1200 buy that
Alright everyone thanks for the help. We got er a step in the right direction. I had the battery on a trickle charge all night and I banged on the relay and it is no longer making a connection. So I put the battery and relay back in and walla I have lights. I tried hitting the start button and nothing. Now like saddlebum was saying should I go out and cross the two with a screwdriver. I put the messed up relay back in hoping it will get me to the parts store to buy a new one. I quess that is a moot point, if I go cross them and nothing happens then the starter would be shot and I will have to try and find another way to the parts store. All in all I guess i'm just looking for some reassurance that it won't screw anything else up if I do that. Like "Go ahead give it a shot just make sure you bring a screwdriver with you to the parts store. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/images/icons/icon6.png
oh ya saddlebum you asked if I had tried to go directly to the starter and no I haven't. Don't think it would but if I went out and did the without the ignition on it wouldn't mess anything else up would it. Should just crank the engine over and not start right? Have a good night thanks for the help guys
I just read the Patch Saddlebum conversation. Sorry if I left you hanging, I hadn't seen the post about you were just going to be watching tv before I left. yes you are right saddlebum the main fuse is right next to the battery and did have an extra one inside the holder. both had continuity. before I disconnected the battery to take the relay out I also checked for power at all the fuses and they were all getting power.
ok I have the relay here in the house. I checked resistance on all different settings and didn't do anything. but before I pulled it I checked the non battery side with the key on and had voltage. then I taped it with screwdriver and no more voltage there so ya seems like it was stuck. now if I were to hook the battery back up without that in it should I have headlight and radio?