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Everything posted by Vanantwerp

  1. I have done this twice now. First time was a bear had to drill out safety bolts. Then I replaced with counter sunk bolt. Second time was easy did it in parking lot at the hotel. Just before leaving to go home. A nail file cleans the contacts up great. I just keep it with me know.
  2. I would like to try it on my cell phone.
  3. Tried to turn down my rear rotor at work. To take the edge off , but thought what the heck I will just do it all. Well that wasn't the thing to do. Didn't look bad when done,but it pulses bad. It will wear down again, but real hard to do slow turns. Didn't know if someone triked theirs lately that would still have one. Don't have cash for a new one and on ebay there is only three on there. Which none of them are very cheap. Any help I would be thankful for.
  4. My wife has to keep hers on max too. I have the ic set 8 and main vol. about 12 for radio. These two are not linked together. You can trun down radio and not affect ic vol.
  5. My wife has ridin with me always. I got her to take motorcycle training to get her endorsment. It has helped wirh riding with me because she knows how a motorcycle has to lean now. I even let her steer or lean in sum corners.
  6. Are Grips 7/8" or 1" ? I made a GPS holder for the bars at 1" dia. and that worked fine. But didnt know if they are the same size at the grips.
  7. So if I find something to fit the roadstar. They will work on the venture? It only makes sense that it would.If the bars are the same size. Also tried Pinwall,but theirs all come with the RH control and look like mine already. I will just keep looking. Thanks for the post.
  8. I have not bought them. A friend of mine has them on his bike. I did have the foam grips on a old Honda 750 that I started riding as my frist street bike. They didnt last that long.Maybe the foam is better now that was about 15 years age.
  9. Need to replace my grips. Dont like the ISO grips they feel to large. They want 51.00 for the rh side and 23.00 for the lh side. Didnt know if somebody had some that they had changed and wanted to sell them. If they are not wore out like mine. Have over 53,000 miles and looking to get another 53,000.
  10. Will be leaving Seymour about 7:00 am for 5 or 6 days out. Then we will have to turn around and come home. Friends of mine are going to ride all the way to the coast and back on 66. They plan on taking 5 weeks. Hoping to make it to Pueblo,Co. before we have to turn around. We will be taking I 70 home. Will be taking the laptop with us and would like to maybe meet some of you guys & gals on the way back home. As will be riding back by ourselves.
  11. I did'nt like the handling at all. Felt like the bike was going to slip right out from under you on the stright line. Now because the tires was so soft they cornered great. No slip or even a wiggle in the corners.
  12. Got rid on the tour master 230 . This tire was junk from day one. Put the 404's back on some much better. No more loose feeling like it is on rails. Will not be getting those again. Did only get about 6000 miles out of rear. Front tire has tons left.
  13. My was the same way last week. I let the wife get on first then i get on. I notice a lot of movment in it one nite. Thought that maybe something was bent or the bolt was worn to the breaking point. Took it apart and couldn't even tell it was worn. Bolt was a little loose when I took it apart but not that loose. Just tighten it up more when I put it back together. And all is fine now. Go ahead and grease everything when it's apart.
  14. Just turn the idle up a little. Helped mine from popping.
  15. Was going to Marietta,Ohio with some friends on our annual ice breaker ride. Wasn't going to take my trailer, but my wife changed my mind at the last minute. I had pulled it around Lake Michigan last summer with no problem. Got to about Athens,Ohio and the right wheel fell off. It broke the weld where the axle was welded to the frame. Found Dave 0317 name on the list and was only 10 miles away. By the way, this was at 10 at nite. Dave 0317 came with his truck to pick it up. Asked him if he knew of somebody with a welder so I could fix it. He made a couple calls and an usher at his church had one. So we took off to get it fixed. Got it done even checked other side to make sure it wasn't cracked also. Said our thanks and goodbyes and got back on the road and wouldn't you know we only got 10 miles down the road, on the other side of town, and the other wheel came off, snapped the axle. Called Dave 0317 back, he still hadn't made it home yet from the first time. He came to pick up the trailer to take back to his house so we could finish our trip. I will be going one day next week to pick it up. Just wanted to praise God for Dave 0317 signing up on the website and for coming to my rescue.
  16. Got the Shinko tires monday. Was able to get them Tues nite. Today Finally got the 100 mile breakin on them. Went st rd 135 here in ind. One of the best roads around here to ride. Really liked the way they handle. Could hold any line I wanted. Seem like the more I ride the better they get. for 150.00 If they last only one season. I still am saving a little bit. Do miss the look fo the white wall but wont miss cleaning them.
  17. Out of High School went to Auto school. Worked at a couple of mom and pop trucking. Started at Aisin USA in 1989 on the lines. worked in the fab shop there. Love my job now get to build things all day. But like most here work on very thing from cars to computers. Just because I to Cheap to pay someone else for what i can do. Get a lot of side jobs.
  18. Thanks for the replies. Will give them a try. I can get a set for about 50.00 more than one rear 404.
  19. Looking for a new set of tires. Seen the Shinko Tourmaster 230. Didnt know about them. Been using The Dunlop 404 but go though a rear every summer. I do get about 10,000 to 12,000 out of the rear. Most of the time 2up.
  20. Worked on my nuvi 750. Wish I had this last year. My son is going to try to made a icon pointer for my gps of a venture. If it works I will post it here.
  21. I only use NGK. Tried Champions before fouled them in about 10 miles.
  22. The best bed I have found so far. Has been my air mattress camping. Wake up with no back pain. Can camp usually pretty cheap. No free breakfest but the money u save u can hit the mom and pop places.
  23. Well it was doing fine until yesterday. One of the support braces broke for the fender on the right side. The tubing broke not the weld. We where outside of Balwin,MI. when it broke. We was looking for somebody with welder on a Sunday that was not easy. But I put a bungee around it to get on down the road. Had'nt went 3 mile and my buddies wife that is on trip with seen a place called House of Choppers in Balwin. Turned around and got the guy just leave. He got his welder out to the parking lot and let me weld it up. So I put some extra welds around all the bracing. He said he didnt want anything for the use for the welder but maybe some basic drawing for the trailer i built. I will email he some when we get home. They was thanking about building some kind of trailer this winter to maybe sell. The trailer handles really well does not sway,bounce, or really anything.We have almost 700 miles on it and a lot more to go.
  24. I put carpet all the way around inside and lid. Yes I did use one stock axle and made the other one. Yes they are welded on the top of the a arms. I had to make spacers for the side that had the speedo housing. The way I have the axles setup there is hardly any way they could bend. I tested this by standing in middle of the box and bouncing it I weight around 290. So I hope every thing holds up the trip. Leaving in the morning going north around Lake Mich. No it is Seymour,In. thanks for the replies. When i get back i ti works okay i will post more detailed pics of the trailer.
  25. Last post forgot pics
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