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Personal Information

  • Name
    Jerry T Weakland


  • Location
    Brantley, AL, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 Royal star venture midnight

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  1. What would cause speedometer needle to fade and show top and bottom but not middle
  2. What kind of action cam are rsv riders using?
  3. Shalom, I this still available? Thanks
  4. That os so cool, how did you do it?
  5. Shalom and greetings: 06 rsv midnight, installed tachometer ( not baron). Green wire to neg side of coil right side above dog bone. Tach is only reading half of actual rpm. According to forum I shouldn't need the adapter as it is carburetorated It is an equus tach.any suggestions? I've read about a dozen threads and still don't see the answer, thanks.
  6. Sir, how did you wire the equus tach? The green wire , I put on neg side of coil and am only gettitn half rpm reading? Thanks dutch
  7. Shalom gentlemen, 06 rsv midnight venture, 27800 miles. When I pull clutch in and start the bike , I creep forward minutely. Been reading threads and am not sure if it is clutch replacement, just springs or what. There is no slippage going thru the gears. Any wisdom is appreciated.
  8. What is the decible rating of stock horns? Thanks
  9. Shalom, 06 rsv what size amp do these run? Looking at using the 4 speakers with aftermarket fm amplifier and trying to match watts with oem so as not to blow speakers. Thanks
  10. Thanks for the post and vid. It is exactly that kind of whine.
  11. Shalom, 06 rsv sounds like an alternator whine coming from somewhere in front. Doesn't sound like it's coming from motor. Motor sounds healthy with a good base rumble.
  12. Thanks for the response. The back up fuse is below the battery and audio fuse is forward lower cowling with carb heater.
  13. Have a 2006 Royal star venture 1300 midnight . When I bought it the radio and all controls no workie. Trouble shot with wiring schematic. Have power to handlebar controller only in the sense of having lights but no LCD screen function. Does that indicate bad remote controller? Have 11.8volts to grey wire in controller. Thanks
  14. Shalom, what type oil are r iders using I. 06 royal star 1300. Been reading and there appears to be se double talk about synthetic not to used for wet clutches and others say yes. What is proven? Thanks
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