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Everything posted by AmnChode

  1. I so wish Mustang would make a seat for the RSV, but all I have seen them for is for the original Royal Star & RSTD (and as far as I know they won't work on a RSV)....If I can be corrected on this, please let me know
  2. Add Me...Add Me... PM sent shortly...
  3. Yeah that is what I kinda figured....hence why I'm not hounding him. Just concerned me because I hadn't seen anything happening in a couple of months and I am so far down the list I'm not even listed on the post...hope he doesn't forget me...hehehe Probably toss him a reminder when see that he makes it farther down the list... And as you see from the pics, I have a reminder everyday that I need to get it covered or fixed...
  4. When I got home, I took a couple of better pics: http://amnchode.net/images/venture/Fairing%20Scratch%20Right.jpg http://amnchode.net/images/venture/Fairing%20Scratch%20Left.jpg So yeah....really want to get that covered up...
  5. I too have been looking for a set...I did see the previously mentioned thread and put in for them but haven't seen any progress on them for a couple of months now. Kinda has me concerned. I need to find a set as the previous owner did drop the bike and the fairing is pretty scratched up. Can't afford a re-paint at the moment and been looking for a quick fix till I can get around to re-painting the bike. You can see the marks on the left side in the following pic... http://www.amnchode.net/images/venture/OnBike.jpg It is scratched(more like chipped) down to the silver. Right side isn't as bad, but quite annoying, all the same....Just need a "out-of sight, out-of-mind" fix for the moment....
  6. Yeppers...have to agree with Tartan on this one. Indepedents usually have the best platforms but just get pushed out the way by the bi-party system... The govt is just too corrupt for its own good and no changes will be made to fix it because it would drastically effect the people who make the changes. Basically, we will never have true campaign reform (and/or kickbacks from lobbiest) if the people that make the decisions are the same ones getting the kickbacks...errr, I mean campaign contributions...
  7. Heh...I always cracked up on that on..
  8. Oh I'm sure I wouldn't regret them either....My butt just not unpuckering yet....got too many other things I want/need to get prior...like a new set of tires
  9. Yeah...I have heard nothing but good things about the yama ones....Just haven't been able to bring myself to fork over the money...BUT, if there was another set that were just as good and cheaper, I might cut loose with it...
  10. I would love to do this....But I really don't think I can convince the wife to let me spend $300 to make my already quick bike even quicker hehehe
  11. When did Baron make deflectors?...and how much/where?
  12. AmnChode


    Baron also makes a set of grip ends that match up with the stock Kury's... http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/771/index.html
  13. Found it on Google when I started researching Ventures....
  14. Sorry, Dray (and any others who feel the same way)...as I know was no help in that cause.
  15. IMHO, yes I think they are gouging. The are selling us a tire that last 1/4 as long for twice the price that hasn't had any sort of innovation in the 20-30 years. They have us where they want us, and they know it. As to asking how much my life is worth is a flawed question. Riding by it's nature is dangerous and if we really wanted to be safer on the road, we drive a SUV or something. Let me point out...I still ride MC tires...and am planning on putting a new set of Avons on here shortly. And am just not naive enough to think that Tire Companies are looking to my best interest more so than their profits. I support the research being done here and am not closed minded about it. Possibly in the future, after I get some more riding time under my belt, I might try a CT...
  16. Again, if that was the case, it should have never mounted...but it did. But this is completly avoiding the point I made that Dunlop mentioned the diameter of the rims (and ONLY the diameter) were different, and they are not... If you can tell me how they aren't and you may gain some ground here, but everything points in the direction that they are. There is nothing too special about a MC tire to justify twice the price for something that last only 1/4 of the milage. Especially with no innovation into them in say, I dunno, last 20-30 years of so....but those prices keep climbing. As was pointed out ealier, there have been leaps and bounds for car tires and racing tires, but NOTHING for a cruiser/touring tire. A simple rubber bi-compound solution would work...harder in the center to last the miles and softer on the sides for the twisties. However, these are not the only reasons. Some of us are looking for ways to, god forbid, increase the safety. As has been reported by damn near anyone who has ever done it, they see/feel no loss of traction in curves but see massive traction increases on the straights, highway driving, wet road conditions, and more importantly to us in particular, braking as it does help prevent the rear wheel from locking up. If that is insane, call me a looney... I'm not trying to discredit you, but by god there are other people in this world that work in the tire business other than you. You tell us to find mechanics and/or people in the business to back us up and when we throw them back at you (or is one themself, as in flb_78's case), we are suddenly trying to discredit you. That shop that took the same exact measurements are tire professionals, too. They do this day in and day out, as well. And they also confirmed that 15" is 15"... Funny...First thing I found doing a search was Daniel Meyer's site. He rides a Valkyrie, written fours books, and has over 100,000 miles of riding experience on car tires. But I didn't start searching until I saw this thread over at the VTXOA site...It covered running CTs on VTX 1300s and refenced another thread on the same site about doing it on VTX 1800s....But doing all that reading I learned that the Wingers and Valks had been doing it for years....I also learned old Harley and chopper riders did it 30 years or so back because they didn't have anything else that would fit what they wanted to do. It wasn't until this thread that I got to read up on YellowWolf's experience on it. I had seen video of him riding his Wing down the Dragon, but never knew he had tried it on a CT (thanks, flb_78 )...This doesn't include the forum dedicated to the subject that can be found in the links of many of the riders in the VTX Darkside threads...This is all being researched as a collective of riders and their experiences. Tire companies aren't going to do it as it would lead to a loss of profit. Bike manufacturers aren't as it would cause a conflict with the tire manufacturers, thus causeing issues with the deals they have. Pretty much leaves riders, doesn't it... Yeah...I remember a case going to court about some woman who ordered coffee and won a lawsuit when she spilled it on her lap while driving away. Never said the court didn't do stupid things...
  17. Tartan....The problem that I tried to bring up earlier is that even with all the info you get, at all the seminars and all the training.....you are still getting the info from the same companies that are screwing us on the tires to begin with. You are implying that you only know what they have told you to know. But here I'll give a fine example of them flat out BSing us. Click here..... 3rd bullet from the bottom and take note of what I have bolded here: Straight from the tire manufacturer... Now if that was the case, the tire flb_78 showed pictures of in the first post of this very thread should have never mounted. But it did...why because the measurements are identical as well as the bead. Anybody with a doubt can go measure themselves...BUT here Dunlop blatantly said they differ in diameter...Click here for a thread that brings up this very issue where a gentleman and a few guys at the tire shop he mounted his CT at took the measurements (i.e., on of those shops full of tire professionals such as yourself)...So, why am I supposed to trust the manufacturers again?
  18. First off, I am a supporter of testing CTs on bikes....I have seen rather nice results across alot of bikes using them, from Valkyries, Wings, VTXs, and others. With that said, my next statement may appear biased, but so be it. I trust the tire engineers about as much as I trust oil companies/car manufacturers. To say they do everything in OUR best interest is to be naive. They are out to make money and as much as possible. If car manufacturers made actual fuel effcient engines, oil companies would be screwed. As such, pay a little kick back here and there and *poof*, 20mpg cars vs 50...The Prius getting 50mpg is not a real achievement considering a 15-20yr old Geo Metro did the same thing (or damn close). Same principle applies in Tires except now it is the companies themselves preventing progress. Tartan asks us to ask them whether it would safe to do it.....hmmm, why would a company that is shafting me for a tire that cost twice as much and lasts a quarter as long ever tell me that another tire that cost half as much and last four times as long is safe. That would be like slitting their own throat. Ask the bike manufacturer? You mean the same ones cutting deals with the tires companies for the tires to begin with. The same ones that also explicitly state pulling a trailer on a bike is extremely dangerous (that seemed to stop alot of you:whistling:). Their opinion is going to be sided on the safe side of liabilty. It is safer to say no, then yes....regardless of actual fact or opinion on the subject. And I keep seeing the MT softer than CT.... click here... nuff said. While the contact patch is less then going straight, the real question is whether the contact patch is actually less that the contact patch on the MT. We have to keep in mind that the contact patch is rather small on MTs to begin with. Now, I have seen where if you lay a CT and a MT on the sides simulating a lean and run them through a puddle of water, then look at the track as they leave it, the CT will have just as big of a contact patch as the MT...if not bigger in some cases. Now, while this is more of a layman's way of testing, it is still effective....
  19. AmnChode

    Car Tire ??

    Just keeps us up to date...I am rather interested in this ever since I heard about Valks, Wings, and VTXs doing it...Curious as to how it rides on a Venture...
  20. AmnChode

    Car Tire ??

    Same problem here...only got one of the pictures...the rest were "moved or deleted".....Maybe just attach them to the post would be better/easier. BTW...have you had a chance to give it a good ride yet?
  21. Being it is a '99...I have my doubts...at least not a factory one.
  22. Beauty of a Bike....I have to agree with everyone, that black cherry really makes that bike shine...enjoy the new ride...
  23. Picked me up a FieldSheer Drifter a few weeks ago, and I'm liking it. I've rode anywhere between 39-93F and have been fairly comfortable. Although, I admit, once I dropped to 30mph in the neighborhood, I got hot, but going down the highway I wasn't to bad. It has vents on both the arms/shoulders and back, and the liner can get you nice and toasty. Plus, it tends to have a nice look that matches my chaps that I wear over my dress pants for work...
  24. One of the bags??? Just a thought..
  25. AmnChode

    Car Tire ??

    F6's guys run them and alot of VTX guys do as well (check VTXOA's forums and do a search for Dark Side). Most of the guys that do run them, love them. They do admit it requires a little more countersteering in a turn, but nothing more than getting used to it. However, they are stating the benefits far outweigh that downfall. More grip on tht straights, better wet road handling, better stopping capabilites, and overall improved traction to name a few, due to the size of the contact patch. And in turns, it has just as much contact as a motorcycle tire. Simple unscienctific test is running each kind of tire through a puddle and look at the trail it leaves afterwords for comparison. Main reason it doesn't effect the lean so much is because most of the lean is provided by the front tire...which, to a degree, is confirmed when the front tire of a RSV is changed to a smaller tire for better handling. And it has been done for decades...older Harley riders used to do it when MC tires weren't worth a damn. However, as far as I know, there aren't any tires to fit our needs. I know for the VTX 1300 that there are only a few tires that fit (metric tires, at that). Basically it is the same tire that fits an old 60's VW bug. I believe ours is just too skinny...would have liked to have seen it done though. Just something about seeing a bike with a Goodyear Triple Tread on the back...hehe BTW...here is site with a guy who has been running a car tire on a Valk for over 100k miles: http://lifeisaroad.com/stories/2004/10/27/theDarkSide.html
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