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Everything posted by AmnChode

  1. Yep, have to agree...have a set myself (see below for video I did)....love the sound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
  2. Keith, I have the rings as well and yes it is a complete kit. Pretty simple install, just remove the turn signals to run it through the stems...trust me, lots easier. I ended up wiring them up behind the license plate. Works like a champ... I flash them a little with the Radiantz tail light 1:05 in... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= for the youtube deprived, direct link of mp4 vid: Clicky, clicky Keep in mind, broad daylight (~1300hrs)...I work swing shift and the quite bright when I am riding..... attached are a couple of pics at dusk....
  3. I believe Texas has that same law...at least from what I hear. But am welcome to be corrected...
  4. I downshift thru all the gears, as well....more of a thing I carried over from learning to drive stick. My senior year in high school, my dad gave me his '90 Ford Ranger that had a V6 and a 5 speed when he got his new F250. My mom initially taught me how to drive stick, but it was my dad that drove it home about keeping it in gear at all times...well, more like he jumped down my butt when he saw me throw it into neutral coming to a stop. Being he used to be a truck driver, he "politely explained" how to use engine braking and why I should also have it in gear, just in case. I just kinda figured the same applied when riding as well...
  5. It's one of the reasons my wife's bike was purchased when it was. She has yet to ride it and for that matter, hasn't even taken the class, as she is currently preggers (8 Mos as of now). However, if we would of waited till she could learn and then purchased, price would have probably jumped close to a grand....especially with it being a smaller "starter" bike for most people. If she starts riding and doesn't like it, I can just turn it around probably sell it for more than I bought it for...and give me a nice down payment for a 2nd bike. It was a win-win for us...hehehe:p Let's face it, gas isn't cheap and it isn't looking any better in the long run. People are learning bikes, even the big ones we ride, can get 30-40+ mpg...I know one of the guys I work with hardly had any miles on his sportster untill he started dropping $100 in diesel into his truck....now he rides it to work daily for $11/wk. One one side, it kinda blows because the market prices are goin up, BUT at the same time more riders are getting on the road and hopefully become more aware of those that have been out there for awhile now...of course that doesn't quite include me as I only started riding early this year....but that was because of wife-like circumstances...blessed thee for having a best friend across the street that buys a Valkyrie...She couldn't say no any longer...hehehe
  6. Personally I like Baron's...I have a set of 4-2-4s on mine...here is vid of mine via youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= for the youtube deprived, direct link of mp4 vid: Clicky, clicky I'll be honest...I just wanted to play with my new camera...hehehe:cool10:
  7. naw...that would never be the case...our govt is perfect honest...
  8. If you aren't looking for loud, these are not for you...Me and my best friend live across the street from each other. I with my Venture w/ 4-2-4s and his garage is filled with a nice collage of bikes...He personally has a Honda Valkyrie with Cobra 6-into-6 pipes, his wife has a Honda VT600 with Cobra drag pipes, and his father-in-law has a Honda VTX 1300 with Cobras and a Harley Ultra Classic with some Screaming Eagles...Only the Harley might be louder and it ain't by much.... The 4-2-4s border on being loud and flat out obnoxious when you get on em, which I have no problem with...but others might...especially others with ticket books Beer30 used to have a video up but the link seems dead now...but I think I still have a copy of it. But, your best bet would probably be to find a set of Road King exhaust, and bore em out... Got it up: http://amnchode.net/Downloads/424SB.wmv
  9. For me personally, I have several firearms and they are located on either end of the house. I keep my carry weapon, a glock 30 .45, in the living room in a small gun safe (ie, electronic lock) that I can openly quickly and keep most in the bedroom; .357 magnum loaded with .38s, 9mm, another .45, and Mossberg 500 in the closet. Both me and the wife go out to the range as often as we can and she vsn handle a majority of the firearms (only majority as she hasn't fired the Mossberg, yet)...all are kept loaded with only the shotgun with an empty chamber.... As added measure outside lights stay on at all times and the my dogs tend to make a racket anytime someone, they don't recognize, comes near the interior...sometimes the one the do recognize as well (almost makes it a pain to come home after a swing shift, if you catch my drift)... I hope to never see the day that any of them have to see their use in a defensive situation, but we are prepared if that day arrives...
  10. Oh I whole heartedly agree and you kinda prove my point...the first part was more directed at kansan29's post about a 3rd gen being based on the Stratoliner (I just didn't quote him)...I also prefer the V4 platform. Stratoliners are nice, but I wouldn't want it as the basis for a 3rd gen Venture... and the point of 150hp and 115lb-ft of torque would the "goal" of the detune ...Should be enough to give the 1800 flat 6 a run for it's money...hehehe
  11. They may get a chunk in, but nothing to the degree of what they have now. Think about it, just because they have one of the best environments for it, doesn't mean they will make the most from it. If they made use of a good chunk of the desert to do it, it would flood the market and it wouldn't be profitable.....pure supply and demand...add to the fact that we could do it on our own in NM, NV, West TX, parts of Cali, etc, the US wouldn't need them anyway. If it can just get off the ground, the price of standard crude would plumment (not that it matter at point anyways). And this, might make it worth the US Govt while as it would mean we would no longer be dependent on the middle east for fuel as we could make it ourselves and probably cheaper, too...HOWEVER, this also cuts the funding of Big Oil, which in turn would be the road block...kinda of a catch 22 that the general public has to pay for on all sides... hmmm...too much thinking:detective:
  12. When I hear that something wasn't designed for something, so you shouldn't use it as such....I remember that Viagra was never "designed" to be a treatment of erectile dysfunction, but as a treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension...ie, it was made to treat high blood pressure but it made all the guys get a little stiff in the pants...viola, new purpose...hehehe
  13. Saw an article on this a few months back on cnn.com...see here: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/science/04/01/algae.oil/index.html He is hoping to be able to produce 100k gal of fuel on a single acre....THIS is the bio fuel we need to be focused on...The funny part (not so funny, depending upon your point of view) is that he has only received $5 mil in investments....makes you wonder what he could do with some real investment. If the govt wants to blow money (and we know they do)...this is the guy to blow it on... The sad part is, the govt researched algae as fuel for years. It was started under the Carter Administration in '78 and ended by the Clinton administration in '96. Makes you wonder why the general public knew nothing of it.....hmmmm
  14. Only thing that would do to keep it inline with the Ultra Classic, is make it a V-twin...Which, IMHO, isn't worth it. Fact of the matter is, most people who have Venture, like the V4....it is a stout engine, which has proven itself. And let's face it, to most that don't know better, our V-4 still keeps the appearence of a V-twin. I'm hoping they will keep the cruiser styling and slap the new 1700 in.... And from what I have been reading, it wouldn't take a whole lot to shoe horn the new engine in what we have now...let me explain that a little. I recently picked up a Cycle World because they had had an article on the 2009 Indian Chief that peaked my interest, But the cover bike was the V-max. In it's article they said the engine was only a 1/4 inch taller and actually 1 inch shorter, front-to-back. So to be honest, they could easily, detune it, re-place the engine mounts, and it should technically fit in a Venture, as is. Only thing you would need to do aesthetically, would be slap on the bolt-on-cooling fins and crome it out for looks...besides, crome makes it go faster But here is something the ponder:stirthepot:....What if they put the 1700 in, only slightly detune it to give it just as much, or more, power and torque as say, a Wing (150 hp, 115 lb-ft of torque sounds about right)...left the cruiser styling like we have now, but give us the amenities...like ABS, CD Player, etc. Then to top it off, keep the price lower than the Wing and UC...now there would be one helluva bike...we don't need a Gen 3....just a Gen 2.5. A plush comfortable beast, that does a 12s quarter mile with all the trimmings. Best part is, because all the research was already done for the new V-max engine, cost for R&D to implement this now on a Venture would almost be moot...Snag the ABS from one of the other bikes, slap a slim-line CD player in the dash, and maybe a digital tach/guage cluster where the tape deck door is now... I Don't know about you guys, but I would buy it in a heart beat. Pretty sure they could suck some more in from Big Red and HD, as well, with the engine... but alas, tis only a dream...
  15. AmnChode

    Profile 3

    From the album: My Bike

  16. AmnChode

    Profile 2

    From the album: My Bike

  17. AmnChode

    Profile 1

    From the album: My Bike

  18. Well..I was saying it tongue in cheek...But being you bring it up, if they are too busy on their cell phone, or eating, or reading a book, or putting on make up, or any other item other than driving....YEAH, as far as I am concerned, they did IMHO...
  19. Well..with that being the case, it balances out. The ones with loud pipes annoying cagers....cagers running bikes off the road, and then saying they didn't know they were there, annoying bikers....checks...balances... :D:hihi:
  20. Well, I had the holes facing towards me (checked a couple of time to make sure)...but it was most likely not close enough to my mouth....See Pic Tried to get it close but think I needed to be eating it...of course, probably doesn't help that it was off to the side due to be mounted on a half shell... Just figured I could give a turn pot a quick turn and call it a day...Guess I'll just have to give another try later...thanks, though...
  21. Last weekend, me and my best friend took a 900 mile trip to Texoma and back. Me on my RSV and him on his Valkyrie. Our wives, who weren't too keen on making the trip on the bikes took my Taurus. Anyways, we setup CBs for both his bike ( a little hand-held motorola with a headset) and the Taurus (little cheapo Cobra with a magnet mount antenna). Prior to the trip we tested both of my headsets, a J&M and a Chatterbox. On both headsets we noted that I was coming through real quiet like. Didn't think much of it till we actaully got on the road, in which case the girls could hear and understand me (barely) but he couldn't very well... Now, planning for furture rides, I am curious as to whether their is anyway I can increase the gain on the mic...don't know of one in the settings, but is there a turn pot somewhere I can tweak? As an appeasement to the CB gods, I have included 2 shots of us headed home. One runnin' down US77 and the other runnin' down TX22 about to cross over Whitney Lake Dam...
  22. Have to concur....Just got mine in yesterday and put them on last night. Very good looking, easy to mount (at least when they are warm ), quality product, and affordable. Thanks, Gene...
  23. The method I used was splitting the aux line and running one to the gutted cassette and the other down with the headset line on the tank. I replaced the normal tank tie with one from Hopnel that has a removable tank bag. Set the Zune to shuffle, attach it to the tank aux, and throw it in the bag. Once I get where I am going, pop the cable and remove the bag to lock up or take with....good stuff
  24. Need a nice dark one...kinda like how my profile is. Dark skins have always been easier on my eyes than real bright ones...
  25. hehehe
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